The convoy drove slowly on the streets of Los Angeles, not fast, but with an unspeakable depression.

A few rich second-generation cars were driving a few supercars, preparing to go to the back mountain to drag racing. Seeing the team coming over, all of them frowned.

"What's the origin of this team? Why is it so powerful?"

"What brand of this car? Why have you never seen it?"

"Looking at the styling of the car paint, they should be high-end products."

"The license plate is not from Los Angeles."

"Hehe, interesting, is it because Jianglong has been here?"

"Don't be funny, this is Shao Jiang's Luocheng, Guo Jianglong? Who has this qualification?"

"Go! Come and see!"

Several rich second generations laughed weirdly, stepped on the accelerator, deliberately arrogantly surrounding the team, the violent engine roar, attracted passers-by one after another to stop.

In the first car, Zhou Jing frowned slightly and glanced at the back seat without a trace.

It was obviously daytime, but there seemed to be a layer of black mist in the back seat, and only a pair of slightly closed eyes could be seen faintly.

Zhou Jing looked at the driver:

"Let them go!"


The driver made two double flashes quickly.

A group of rich second generations saw this scene and laughed suddenly!

Want them to leave after a double flash, really think of yourself as a dragon?

One of them had a weird smile, hitting the steering wheel violently, and it seemed that he was about to hit Zhou Jing's car!


The sports car swept past Zhou Jing's car dangerously, and a group of rich second generations suddenly screamed in excitement.

But at this moment!


Two deafening car roars suddenly sounded!

The next moment, the two cars behind the leader of the team rushed out at the same time, like a beast, and slammed into the sports car!


The sports car was like falling leaves, constantly tumbling in the air, and finally hit the ground fiercely!


There was another loud noise, and the sports car was completely deformed, and it was madly rowing out dozens of meters on the ground!

The rich second generation inside was covered in blood, moaning desperately!

It's a pity that before he got back to his senses, the sparks that rubbed against the ground ignited the leaking fuel tank!

"Do not!!"

The rich second generation screamed!

next moment!


The entire sports car burst into flames directly!

Everyone was stunned!

Look at this scene dumbfounded!

A group of rich second generations was even more scared and sweaty, shivering!

It's so cruel!

Car crash and kill in the street!

The two cars ran into the sports car and returned to the back of Zhou Jing's car, as if nothing had happened. They drove toward Jiang's house again at an unhurried speed.

Only this time, no one dared to provoke anymore.

Soon, the team has arrived at the gate of Jiangzhai!

At this moment, Long Yan, Yue Jianhan, Lu Bu and others are all standing outside Jiang's house!

The convoy crashed and killed people on the street, and all the way to the Jiang family, everyone knew that something was wrong!

However, the current Jiang family is no longer the original Jiang family, there are only four of the seventeenth level left!

The rest have all been brought to level 15!

With such strength, they have enough confidence to challenge anyone!

"Papa Papa Papa!"

As the convoy stopped, the sound of numerous doors opening sounded!

Under the leadership of the two seventeenth-level masters before, countless Zhou family experts with solemn expressions all slowly walked over!

As soon as they saw these people, Lu Bu and others smiled grimly!

Hehe, two seventeenth-levels and a group of choppy dared to come to Jiang's house, really courageous!

Several people looked at each other, and their faces were grim!

At the same time, all the masters of the Jiang family opened their aura!


A thunderous explosion resounded through the clear sky!

That continuous terrifying aura, even disturbing the wind and clouds, the ground is shaking!

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly!

The two seventeenth-level eyes on the opposite side are unbelievable!

The master behind them was shaking even more!


How could there be so many masters in the Jiang family?


All are masters!

Everyone's eyes twitched, and the steady pace was completely stopped!

at this time!


The sound of the door opening sounded again, and Zhou Jing finally walked down with a smile!

It's just that although he seems to be not surprised, his eyes are all incredible!


Fortunately, we are here today!

One step later, the Jiang family said it would develop into something bad!

"Zhou Jing?!"

Everyone in the Jiang family was taken aback when they saw him!

These people turned out to be from the Zhou family?

How can they come?

How dare to come?

Zhou Jing did not answer, but walked to the position of the rear door and gently opened the door:

"Ancestor, here it is!"


The ancestors of the Zhou family! !

No one can think of it, at this moment, the Zhou family ancestors actually came!

And this is exactly what Zhou Jing has to rely on in the face of Long Yan and others!

As Zhou Jing's voice sounded, a man slowly walked out of the back door!

The man was thin, with long black hair draped over his shoulders. He looked only in his twenties, handsome in appearance, but with a kind of dignity without anger.

His eyes were steady and gloomy, and there seemed to be black and white spirits flowing in his pupils.

Faintly, it actually gives people an infinite oppressive force!

The ancestors of the Zhou family!

Zhou Ling!

"This... is the Jiang family?"

Zhou Ling spoke very slowly, but every word he uttered gave people a mountain-like pressure!

And along with his opening, an unspeakable domineering air has slowly radiated from him!

Long Yan and others' complexions changed drastically!

Even Yue Jianhan clenched his fists, his eyes were full of caution!

too strong!

Although I don't know what level he is, and even the opponent hasn't released his aura, everyone actually feels breathless!

Yue Jianhan waved his hand behind him.

Dashuang, Xiaoshuang and others all withdrew to the yard.


Long Yan spoke softly.

Wang Yi trembled all over, reacted suddenly, and immediately left secretly and turned on the phone.

This kind of character is no longer what they can handle!

The entire Jiang family, even the entire seven giants and four major families, only the top figures in their clan can compete against one or two!

Jiang Fan must be notified of this matter!

Hearing Zhou Ling's question, Zhou Jing nodded immediately.


"Let Jiang Fan, come out and see me!"

Zhou Ling held his hands on his back and spoke coldly.

"Zhou Jing, what do you mean? Don't forget, we have a contract first!"

Long Yan stared at Zhou Jing fiercely!

"Ha ha……"

Zhou Jing smiled:

"Don't be afraid, the ancestor has just left the customs, but I heard that Mr. Jiang is good at him. See Lie Xinxi, come over and learn!"


Long Yan and the others were all taken aback!

And at this moment.

"Master is not here, if you want to learn from each other, how about I accompany you!"

Yue Jian said coldly.

The expressions of Long Yan and others changed abruptly, and they all looked at Yue Jianhan in shock!


Zhou Ling smiled.

His smile was full of ridicule and contempt.

Yue Jianhan had no expression on his face:

"Don't dare?"

Everyone's complexion changed again!

Although Yue Jianhan is aggressive, he is definitely not a fool!

It doesn't make sense to see Zhou Ling's strength!

But now you actually take the initiative to provoke?

"Hehe, crazy enough! Not to mention, I will let you make a move first!"

Zhou Ling smiled softly.

Everyone's hearts trembled, and at this moment.

"Once I take action, everyone immediately flees to find Master!"

Yue Jianhan's voice suddenly rang from everyone's ears! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1720 Zhou Ling) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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