Several people struggled to get up, got together, and all looked at Zhou Ling incredulously.

That finger not only shattered their attack, but also severely injured them.

Except for barely being able to move, the internal power can't be used at all!

Too strong, too strong to despair!

Compared with him, flying centipede is nothing!

This is level nineteen?

Or stronger?

"You guys, why don't you run?"

Yue Jianhan suddenly spoke.

"My head is hot, forget it."

Long Yan reluctantly said.

"Damn! Forget about living for two thousand years, enough money!"

Lu Bu gritted his teeth.

"I want to eat seafood."

Number Two sighed helplessly while smearing blood.

"Hi! I knew I was going to school."

The 13th shook his head, his immature little face was full of vicissitudes.

Several people looked at each other and suddenly they all laughed.

They all got together because of Jiang Fan, and they were all impressed by Jiang Fan's strength, courage and loyalty.

No matter what kind of danger he encountered, Jiang Fan never gave up on them.

Of course they will not give up on each other.

"Retreat slowly, now I can only try the adult's well."

"It may not be able to hold it, Dashuang and Lao Wang should have entered."

"Damn! Then we can't get in. If this old monster finds out the secret of the well, and the well can't hold it, we will all die!"

"How to do?"

"When I die, I knew I would eat more breakfast!"

"Wang Yi owes me a major health care. You talked about the Yin Cao Jifu. Why did he burn this thing to me?"

"Brother, I'll just take you. Even if I go three times a day, I still think about this now, your yang energy is really heavy!"


Several people leaned on a broken wall, watching Zhou Ling slowly raise their hands, talking with each other.

Zhou Ling's gaze crossed them, as if to see inside Jiang's house.

He spoke slowly:

"Kill! Don't keep one!"

As the voice fell, all the masters of the Zhou family rushed to Jiangzhai!

And the black and white on his finger also pointed at the five people, and suddenly rushed out!

"Brothers, see you in the next life!"

Long Yan suddenly stood up, and suddenly blocked the air current!

I am so plump, I should be able to hold a lot of power, maybe others can keep a breath?

Long Yan thought about it, but realized that the others were doing the same thing!

The five looked at each other and all laughed.

"Brothers, see you in the next life!!"

The roar resounded across the sky!

Black and white and two colors suddenly arrived in front of a few people!

But at this moment!


A figure that was too fast to describe, suddenly stood in front of a few people!


Zhou Ling's complexion changed sharply!

The next moment, the man raised his finger, and suddenly faced the black and white two colors, a little harder!


The ear-piercing buzzing reputation resounded like a tsunami throughout the world in an instant!

The air wave raged, and directly blasted all the walls of Jiang's house to fly ash!

All the masters of the Zhou family who originally wanted to rush into the Jiang Mansion were all blasted out by the waves of anger!

The open space between the figure and Zhou Ling seemed to have encountered extremely terrifying acid, which was instantly evaporated!

When the air wave dissipated, everyone looked at the ground in shock!

The ground that is more than ten meters deep has disappeared!

Between the two sides, it seems that there is an additional abyss!

Zhou Ling looked forward coldly, his eyes extremely gloomy!

And Long Yan and the others also looked at the front in surprise, the person who stood in front of them and saved them.

This person is extremely majestic, even if compared to Long Yan, it doesn't seem to be much smaller!

He was wearing a tattered, stained white suit.

His hair is messy, his face is full of beards, and even because it is too thick, his face is shrouded, only a pair of eyes that are like flames, spitting endless anger!

No one knew him.

Zhou Ling's face grew deeper and deeper.

After he left the customs, he was extremely angry about the Zhou family and Jiang Fan's affairs!

Before he retreats, Jiang Jia is obviously dead!

But now, Jiang Fan not only jumped out, but also made Zhou's family a joke!

Even the forced Zhou family is waiting for the decisive battle!

This tone, others can bear, he can't bear it!

So with Zhou Jing and the masters of the Zhou family, he directly killed them!

If that Jiang Fan can really hold his attack, then naturally it is the so-called discussion!

If Jiang Fan doesn't have that ability, then this time, it will be the thunder attack, completely destroying the Jiang family!

But he didn't expect Jiang Fan to be away!

But it doesn't matter, Jiang Fan's absence will destroy his foundation first!

At that time, relying on the power of the Zhou family, hunt down Jiang Fan alone!

But now, this guy who doesn't know where he came from, who is almost like a beggar, has spoiled his good deeds!

Who is this person?

To be able to catch his moves, he must be a master of the same level!

And looking at the other person's appearance, it is obvious that after a long journey, the state is not the best!

This person's true strength is definitely not under him!

Is he the hole card left by Jiang Fan?

Or did it happen by chance?

But when he looked at his eyes, why was he so angry and full of hatred?

"Friends, this is the business of the Zhou family and the Jiang family, you'd better not interfere!"

Zhou Ling slowly opened his mouth, and his aura slowly opened up!

For a moment!

A breath of horror that almost resembles a landslide, crosses the audience!

"Level nineteen!"

"No! Stronger!"

"It is countless times stronger than the flying centipede!"

"This guy is at level nineteen-the limit!!"

Several people in Long Yan clenched their fists tightly!

No wonder it's so fierce!

And this old guy is probably not the ordinary 19th level limit!

Maybe it's only a little bit, you can reach that state!

That is the realm that truly belongs to the world, the strongest!

However, facing such a terrifying Zhou Ling, the majestic man like a beggar chuckled softly.

His laughter is the same as his body, full of violent momentum!

It's like the roar of a tiger!

"Hahaha! Zhou family ancestor! Zhou Ling! You are right! This is our Jiang family and your Zhou family!"

"Your Jiang family?"

Zhou Ling was startled!

And Zhou Jing and others are even more discolored!

Is this majestic man who can take the blow from the ancestors also belong to the Zhou family?

There is such a strong in the Zhou family?

How come I have never heard of it?

"who are you!"

Zhou Ling suddenly took a step forward, and the terrifying aura actually scraped off the gully in front of him again!

"Hahaha! You don't even recognize me anymore?"

The man laughed!

However, amidst the laughter, the anger and hatred seemed like a fierce sea of ​​anger!

"who are you!"

Zhou Ling didn't know why, when he heard the man's increasingly wild laughter, he felt shocked!

And at this moment.

Accompanied by Dashuang, Xiaoshuang and others, Uncle Zhong walked out without knowing when, staring at the man's back in shock!

Even because of the excitement, my whole body was trembling!

"Jiang Xuan, is that you?"

The word Jiang Xuan was heard, and the man trembled!

Turned his head in disbelief!

After that, his eyes turned red, and even tears appeared!

"Xiaozhong! You really are still alive!"

But when he heard Uncle Zhong's words, Zhou Ling was shocked!

"Jiang Xuan? Xuan? Xuan?!"

He suddenly looked at the man in disbelief!

"You are-Xia Houxuan?!"The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https://www. Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot .com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below Read the record for the second time (Chapter 1722 Who Are You?), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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