God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1731: The strongest swordsmith in history

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Artifact level draw!

There is an artifact-level lottery!

I desperately sent no less than hundreds of orders, and the highest reward I got was epic!

The point is, it's still a trash without Mao's introduction!

But now, the chance for an artifact-level lottery draw is just around the corner!

And what I have to do is just keep adding the blood of the true god!

Jiang Fan completely ignored the huge amount required for the artifact-level lottery!

Anyway, even if the ancestral graves of those true gods were digged out, they would have to gather them together!

Jiang Fan looked at Suzhan Mingzun's blood in his hand.

I don't lack cause and effect now, besides upgrading Xiaobu and Sadako, I still have three million left!

"Number two, you all come here!"

Except for Long Yan and Yue Jianhan who practice zhenqi, the rest of the magicians and Curtis and other mages, including Yuguangzi, Jiang Fan divided them a little bit of Suzhan Mingzun's blood.

This is the blood of the true god, which is different from the blood of the false god. For the ability person, this thing is a panacea. Although the ability may not be the right way, as long as it is absorbed, the benefits are huge!

The most obvious is that the energy horizon can be expanded!

If the person who absorbs the blood of the true gods is compared to a wooden barrel, then the diameter is expanded under the condition of the same height, which increases more energy reserves!

As for the remaining blood, Jiang Fan has all added to the lottery interface!

With the filling of about 100ml of blood, the lottery ranks directly topped the beginning of the silver level!

It seems that if you want to reach the gold rank, the amount required is also amazing.

But as long as there is hope!

Jiang Fan's eyes flickered, and he was already wondering where to dig the grave!

The God of Huaxia doesn't want it anymore, the rabbits still don't eat the grass at the nest!

However, you can find monsters and evil gods, such as snake repair and other famous ones, such as Gonggong, Xiangliu, Qiongqi, Guiche, Qinyuan...

Of course, it is best to go abroad to start, just like Guojinshen, to kill them without any psychological burden!

"Speaking of which, there seem to be a lot of gods on Ah San's side!"

The Three Kingdoms is the birthplace of Buddhism. Let's not mention those for the time being. Even in the native mythology, there are many gods!

Starting from the creation **** Brahma, there are many descendants and grandchildren, as well as Shiva, Asura, Garuda, Indra, Varuna, Varuna, and so on!

The point is, these guys should be more valuable than Dongying's!

And Eastern European, Greek, Celtic, Mesopotamia... there are many!

Do you want to use the power of the Sword of Thorns to check?

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously pulled up a gloomy smile.

This time Jiang Xuan didn't ask. As long as Jiang Fan showed such a smile in the past two years, his opponents are generally unlucky!

I don't know which hapless guy was stared at by the young master.

Jiang Fan pondered for a long time, and finally decided to put it down for the time being, and wait until Zhou's family was killed to find out the person behind the incident, and then go out to collect blood from all over the world!

After making up his mind, Jiang Fan suddenly said:

"Go, not drunk tonight..."

He didn't finish talking--

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

The order is coming!

"Swordman, the leader of a hundred soldiers!"

The world of martial arts?

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

And then!

"Throughout history, those who use swords are like the sands of the Ganges!"

"There are only a handful of masters who can forge swords!"

"During the Spring and Autumn Period, Huaxia Land gave birth to the most powerful swordsmith in history!"

"He has forged countless famous swords, only eight handles, the name will last forever!"

Damn it! !

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide!

No way!

The customer of this order, could it be that--

"Ding! Please give Ou Yezi a diuretic and heat-removing watermelon rib soup!"

Ou Yezi!

It really is him!

The strongest swordsmith in China!

And he is not only tough, but he gave birth to a daughter named Moxie and his son-in-law named Ganjiang!

Yes, that is the couple who made two magic soldiers, Moxie!

And in official history, he was the first person in the world to get rid of bronze and create the first iron sword!

As for the eight peerless magic weapons that were created by themselves, no one knows it!

Longyuan, Tai'a, Gongbu, Zhanlu, Chunjun, Shengxie, Yuchang, Juque!

Long Yuanjian was still there until the Tang Dynasty, but because he had committed the taboo of the great ancestor Li Yuan, the name was changed, that is--

Longquan sword!

It is a pleasant surprise to be able to deliver meals to such a legend!

The key is that Xiaoyue's sword has fallen off this time!

"You eat first, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Jiang Fan directly took out the bicycle, stepped on his feet, and went straight to the hotel two blocks away!

Seeing Jiang Fan just take out a bicycle out of thin air, Jiang Xuan opened his mouth again!

"Space magic? Cultivation artifacts? Does the young master also specialize in magic and martial arts?!"

Today's shock is really more than he has experienced in his lifetime!

"It's okay, Uncle Xuan, just get used to it!"

"Yes, yes, we came here too!"

"No wonder, there must be more amazing in the future!"

"Yes, after following the adults for so long, the heart is definitely trained!"

A group of people gathered around Jiang Xuan who was dumbfounded, and went straight into the restaurant!

And Jiang Fan just came to the door of the hotel!

"Ding! System reminder! Your "Fortunate Bike" has reached the promotion standard! Please return to the system space to proceed with the promotion operation!"

Let's talk after the meal is delivered!

Jiang Fan took away his bicycle and strode into the hotel!

This hotel is called Shanshui Yise, and it is also the property of the Xue family and one of the top hotels in Los Angeles.

Jiang Fan is afraid that Ou Yezi will help build the sword this time, so of course he has to increase the specifications a bit!

As soon as I entered, the eyes of the welcome ladies at the door suddenly lit up!

The lobby manager Liu Hong walked over quickly and looked at Jiang Fan with a sweet smile!

"Young Master Jiang, why are you free to come to us? I heard that you just asked Baxianlou to deliver food!"

High-end hotels do not need to remind everyone to know Jiang Fan, especially now that he is covered with famous brands and is back in condition!

For nothing else, when the Jiang family was still there, Jiang Fan went in and out with a group of friends, friends, and friends, too familiar!

"Hehehe, that's not Xiao Honghong who missed me..."

As soon as the words were spoken, Jiang Fan was immediately embarrassed!

by! The feeling of the past is here again!

Liu Hong didn't have the slightest discomfort, on the contrary, he rolled his eyes directly:

"Jiang Shao is really bad! He still likes to molest others so much!"

"Cough cough cough! Well, give me a watermelon ribs soup and take it away."

"Nothing else? The back chef just bought a wild rhubarb flower, keep the fish bladder for you?"

"Huh? Okay, just do it for me!"

Jiang Fan hasn't eaten it for a long time, and he just brought it home with dinner after a while!

But at this moment!

"Manager, if I remember correctly, I have already asked for that fish?"

A low voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan looked sideways, and saw a man at a dining table in the hall looking at him coldly.

The man is about twenty-five years old, his hair is half long, and his face is handsome. Although he wears ordinary clothes, he will find that every bit fits very closely. It is obviously handmade!

Opposite him, there was a woman with her back to Jiang Fan, who couldn't see her face clearly.

It's just that the temperament is beyond ordinary people!

These two people seem to have a lot of background! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1731, the strongest sword in history Teacher) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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