God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1737: Qi Huaichen's anger

Qi Wei was completely frightened!

She is the young lady of the Qi family, the daughter of the owner!

Since childhood, almost all the stars have existed like Pengyue!

In the capital, even if other powerful figures in the family meet her, they must respectfully call Miss Qi San!

Even if she abandons her identity, her beauty, her intelligence, and her martial arts talent that is only 23 years old but can reach the twelfth level, and the huge pursuit group behind her make her as bright as a star!

But today...

Her beauty was completely ignored!

There is no room for her wisdom!

Not only was she scolded, but her hand was broken!

The cousin who was traveling with her was even more severely broken in front of her eyes by Jiang Fan!

The moment Jiang Fan went crazy, she only felt that the bone marrow was almost frozen!

The brain is completely a mess!

She is really scared!

Completely lost square inch!

Even stupid enough to use Qi family to suppress Jiang Fan!

Unfortunately, in front of Jiang Fan, a tyrant, nothing is useful!

Qi Wei only felt infinite anger and shame, but more, it was fear!

This fear made her whole thinking confused!

madman! madman!

He actually dared to kill the Qi family!

Even if you don't run away, I am afraid that now you have to become a corpse like Qi Yan in the back seat!

Jiang Fan!

Does he not know how many enemies he has?

He didn't know how serious the consequences would be if the Qi family also had an affair with him?

He, how dare he!


Qi Wei fractured one of his hands and could only dial with the other hand.

But she was trembling too much, the phone was pressed in the wrong place several times!

at last!

She found a "father" number in the call log and finally dialed it!


The other side rang a few times, and the call was finally connected, and then a thick and steady voice rang:

"Xiao Wei, Jiang Fan agreed?"


Hearing the male voice on the opposite side, Qi Wei couldn't control it anymore and suddenly burst into tears:

"Father! Uuuuuu..."

"What's wrong? What happened?"

On the opposite side, Qi Huaichen, the head of the Qi family, suddenly changed his face.

"Father, Qi, Qi Yan is dead..."

"Qi Yan is dead?! Isn't he in the capital? Who did it?"

"Yes, it's Jiang Fan!"


Qi Huaichen's tone suddenly rose!

"Jiang Fan! He killed Qi Yan, and Qi Yan's neck was broken...uuuuu..."

Qi Wei cried louder and louder.

Qi Huaichen was silent.

After a long time!

"Xiao Wei, before you leave, I said very clearly, only let you go! Qi Yan, why would I follow you!"

Qi Huaichen's tone suddenly became harsher than ever before!

This time looking for Jiang Fan, it's a big deal!

The young disciples of the Qi family may think that the rumors about Jiang Fan from the outside world are false, but only they know that some of those rumors are lighter!

Jiang Fan is a madman, a madman! And he is also a madman and a lunatic who is both intellectually inexhaustible!

That guy never doesn't care how big your background is, how strong you are, if you kill him, you kill him!

He had so many cards, and every time they thought that Jiang Fan was bound to die, but Jiang Fan just turned against the wind!

For this kind of person, the purpose of the Qi family is only three words: Don't get involved!

But this time, it won't work if it's not involved!

The strange object auction will begin immediately, and the one thing they desperately need is in the Zhou family's lot!

The key is that once something like that emerges, the competitors must be very important people, and maybe even people in the top ten are all interested!

The Qi family is not afraid of spending money, but even if they spend money, they may not be able to win that thing!

And if there is really a Tianding ten-pole bidding, when the Qi family competes with the other party, it will undoubtedly be evil!

The Qi family at this moment is no longer the Qi family of the past, and cannot afford to offend Tianding Shiji!

But, no matter what, you have to fight, give it a try!

Even Qi family is ready to pay a great price!

However, the Qi family is the first family in the past, and there are also two dark children in the Zhou family. Although the level is not high, they are enough to inquire about some news!

Just as the Qi family was preparing, Anzi suddenly sent back news!

Zhou's family and Jiang Fan reached a settlement, and they wanted to bid for three things for Jiang Fan at the strange auction for free!

Hearing this news, Qi Huaichen and others immediately lifted their spirits!

Can Jiang Fan spend an opportunity to secretly help them exchange something like Zhou's family?

The senior leaders of the Qi family just discussed it and agreed to give it a try!

No matter how high the price is!

For the Qi family, anything that can be done with money is nothing!

After re-studying Jiang Fan, the Qi family had a new understanding of Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan is a little crazy, but it's not difficult to talk, provided that he doesn't offend him.

After discussing it with the Qi family, they began to study who to send.

First of all, the strength should not be too strong, and Jiang Fan must not be allowed to misunderstand that the Qi family is under pressure.

Secondly, there shouldn't be too many people, and there should be many people, if there is a conflict with the Jiang family, this cooperation will be abolished.

In the end, you have to be clear-headed and smart enough.

After discussing for a long time, a powerful figure suddenly thought that Jiang Fan seems to have no girlfriend yet, why should we send a woman?

If the two fell in love at first sight, wouldn't it be worth the money?

Although this idea is whimsical, it also opens up new ideas!

After all, Jiang Fan is still a young man, with a strong spirit, and sending a woman over, maybe it will work!

At this moment, Qi Wei suddenly offered to go.

As a result, Qi Wei, the most beautiful Qi family, was arranged.

According to the plans of the Qi family, Qi Wei alone is enough, and if necessary, she can even use some beauty tricks at the expense of hue!

I believe that with Qi Wei's beauty and wisdom, this cooperation should not be difficult to complete!

Even just now, Qi Huaichen was still thinking about whether he should really get in-laws with the Jiang family!

But who could have imagined that the reality but mercilessly "Papa" gave him two big mouths!

"Forget what I said at the beginning! What did the family say! Why did Qi Yan go! Say!"

Qi Huaichen suppressed his anger and spoke slowly!

Qi Wei trembled all over:

"Father, me, I met Qi Yan when I went out, he, he insisted on following..."

"Fool! What kind of stuff Qi Yan is? You don't know what the **** is that! If it wasn't for the face of his dead father, I would have killed him!"

Qi Huaichen roared suddenly!


"Shut up! How many times have I told you before I go out! Don't you know how important this cooperation with Jiang Fan is? Qi Wei, you disappointed me too much!"

Qi Wei's face instantly became paler than paper!

"Father, me, I will remedy..."

"No need! Get out of here right away! I'll call Jiang Fan myself in a moment. As for you, Qi Wei, you consider Xelo's marriage proposal!"


Hang up the phone!

Qi Wei was stunned!

Father had never said such a heavy word to himself!

Although he was harsh before, he never lost his temper!

This time, it was obviously really angry!

He even talked about the proposal of Lu's family!

This is obviously a disappointment to her, and to treat her as a **** in the marriage!

How could this be?

Is Jiang Fan actually so important?

Let the family abandon her at all?

At this moment, Qi Wei's silly mind suddenly became sober!

She remembered the family meeting again!

Yes, if Jiang Fan is really not important, how could the Qi family gather all the big figures to discuss together!

All the stars have always held the moon, making her self-righteous!

At this moment, she suddenly hated Qi Yan, and hated the person who named Qi Yan even more!

Qi Yan, arrogant, arrogant!

It's hard for such a person to die!

Even if I was a little proud, I wouldn't make things like this!

But now, is there still a chance to remedy it?

"No! I must not give up like this!"

Qi Wei bit her lip suddenly, and suddenly started the car! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1737 Qi Huaichen’s Anger) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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