The veins on Qi Wei's forehead jumped wildly!

This bastard!

He, he was clearly on purpose!

My own plan, even if I ask Jiang Fan to do something, will definitely not fall to the bottom!

Be sure to let him know that this is cooperation, and even the Qi family is helping him!

Make him grateful!

Waiting to show how powerful is, and then tell him the needs of the Qi family, and then give him benefits, it will inevitably move him even more!

But Jiang Fan, this guy, it's hard to get in!

He must be sure that the Qi family is looking for him. It must be that others can't do it, only he can do it, so he is so arrogant!

He is not afraid of talking about it!

Damn it, in ordinary business, things that can be done by yourself in a few words, how come you get to Jiang Fan and bump into nails everywhere?


Taking a deep breath again, Qi Wei barely showed a smile:

"Mr. Jiang, you should know that the Qi family back then, but the first family of China, we--"

"You said too, it was once the first family, now, tut!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, his expression sighing!


What Qi Wei wanted to say was directly held back in her throat!

She stared at Jiang Fan angrily for a long time, but Jiang Fan looked like a piece of hob meat, without any reaction at all.

The point is, at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Huh? The capital number?"

Jiang Fan looked curious:


Qi Wei almost jumped up!

This is Qi Huaichen's number!

Father is calling!

"The number is so beautiful, it shouldn't be a telecommunications fraud, just pick it up..."

Jiang Fan said to himself, ready to connect!

at this time!


Qi Wei suddenly screamed!

At the restaurant, Long Yan and the others were full of excitement!

"Fuck! Brother Fan is going to make the bow hard for the overlord?"

"No, my medicine is effective in three seconds, shouldn't it?"

"Is this woman's reaction too exaggerated?"

"Yes, she obviously agrees to all the conditions she said, what's up?"

"Could it be that you are preparing to go fishing? Promise Haofan, and then go back and forth to play fairy jump?"

Guessing in a mess here, Qi Wei has already seized Jiang Fan's phone!

"No answer!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because, because, because I have seen this number, a mobile phone scam! Yes! He is a liar!"

"What does that have to do with you? Bring it!"

"No! Jiang Fan, okay, can I take it? Let's talk about it!"

"you sure?"

"OK! I promise, I tell the truth!"

"All right, give you a chance, otherwise..."

A smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth:

"I have to talk to your father slowly!"

Qi Wei became stiff, her face extremely pale!

"You, do you know this is my father's number?"

"I just guessed, now I'm sure."


Qi Wei's eyes widened!

She has always thought that she was very smart, but in front of Jiang Fan, she felt that she had become a clown!

Especially facing Jiang Fan who was smiling now, she suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of powerlessness.

There was a voice in her heart telling her, stop struggling, it's useless, continue to bargain, but it's self-infuriating!

Putting down the phone in frustration, Qi Wei sat on the sofa weakly.

"I'm here this time, but the Qi family has something to ask you."

"That's right, righteous attitude, this is the only way to talk."

Jiang Fan leaned on the sofa:

"Go ahead, what do you ask me to do?"

"We heard that you and Zhou's family have reached some kind of agreement, one of which is that Zhou's family will help you bid for three things for free at the strange object auction, right?"

"There is such a thing."

Jiang Fan nodded.

Qi Wei's eyes lit up, and it was true!

"Mr. Jiang, the Zhou family has an auction item, which the Qi family really wants. We hope that you can get it out of the Zhou family!"


"It's a stone man."

"Stone man?"

Suddenly a thought came up in Jiang Fan's mind.

Could it be...

And Qi Wei had already taken out a photo and put it in front of Jiang Fan's eyes.

In the photo, there is a stone man with one arm around.

Tian Yuan Shi Zhong! !

It's really this thing!

Jiang Fan's expression is weird:

"This thing..."

"This thing is called Tianyuan Shizhong, and its specific function... can increase longevity!"

Qi Wei hesitated for a while, and directly stated the function of Tianyuan Shizhong. She had no room for bargaining, so she could only tell the truth.

"Increase longevity... You guys should have heard of it, can I borrow my longevity?"

"Haha, I've heard of it, and even Yu Xiaoze from Yu's family said that when you go to the capital next time, you will help Yu Xiaodie to borrow his life, but... even if you can borrow life is true, there is always a limit. And we don’t know if there will be any side effects. As long as this Tianyuan Shizhong is enshrined every day, it can extend its life span by at least 50 years!"

Jiang Fan understands, this is so special that he can't believe in himself!

But he was too lazy to explain, it would be better for everyone to think so, so he saves trouble!

And it seems that it is precisely because he knows that he can borrow his birthday, the Qi family can feel relieved to find himself!

After all, in this world, if you really want to find someone who is not greedy for longevity, I am afraid it is only yourself!

This is why the Qi family did not negotiate with the Zhou family alone!

Once the Zhou family knows what the Qi family wants, the Zhou family will definitely inquire about what Tianyuan Shizhong is, and when they find out, the Qi family has no chance to get it!

"Miss Qi San, when I was besieged in Goryeo before, Tianyuan Shizhong was auctioned there once, why didn't your Qi family go?"

"It's not that we didn't go, we didn't pay attention at all at that time! Our Qi family knew from our ancestors that this kind of thing that can increase longevity exists in the world, but for a long time, we thought it was just a legend! In fact, it is precisely because Last time you rioted in Goryeo, we knew that there is such a thing in the world! As for the Tianyuan Shizhong in Goryeo, we also traced it, but that day was too messy and the entire Xijiang Auction House was destroyed. There is no clue yet."

Jiang Fan smiled, not finding the best:

"Okay, but since your Qi family knows the effects of this thing, then the Zhou family..."

"Don't worry, almost no one knows the secret of this thing except for our family! However, there are a few Tianding and Shiji, I am afraid they know!"

Jiang Fan understood, and understood the real reason why the Qi family was looking for him.

The Qi family didn't want to offend Tianding Shiji, so they found themselves and planned to operate in the dark!

And saying this, Qi Wei also relaxed.

I've said everything, now it's up to Jiang Fan to ask for the price!

"What do you all want this for?"

"Give my grandfather his life!"

Qi Wei said honestly:

"The reason why the Qi family was able to dominate the first family for so long is because the martial arts of the Qi family have gone to the sidelines and can quickly generate the number of grandmasters!"

"However, this technique has a drawback, that is, it consumes amazingly long life."

"And once you enter the Grandmaster Realm, it is even more difficult than normal people to continue to break through, and the loss of lifespan is even more exaggerated!"

"My grandfather is only one step away from breaking through to the heaven and human realm, but his life is about to be exhausted. If he can get this Tian Yuan Shizhong, it is very likely that my grandpa can break into the heaven and human realm!

When Qi Wei said this, her eyes were extremely bright.

Heaven and Human Realm!

The truly top-notch people in this world!

Although it is not as good as the Ten Great Heavenly Tripod, but at the very least, it is already at the same height as them!

There is even a chance to hit a higher realm!

Be the first person ever!

Even if it can't, it can also make the whole family get more benefits! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1739 is this stuff again ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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