God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1751: Good dog is not in the way

As soon as the man introduced himself, the people in the hall were excited again!

"The George family?"

"This is Jiang Fan's vengeance!"

"Some time ago, it was said that one of their elders died in Jiang's house!"

"This foreign devil wants revenge?"

"Hehe, don't be funny, don't forget the rules, don't say whether he has this kind of strength at the fourteenth level, who dares to do it during the auction?"

"Rules are dead, people are alive, there are always opportunities to take advantage of it!"

At this moment, Haitang took two steps forward:

"Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Jiang is our guest, please don't disturb."

Gilbert first glanced at Haitang greedily, then his gaze jumped over her, and looked at Jiang Fan again:

"Jiang Fan, we want to talk to you!"

"No time!"

Jiang Fan turned around and left.

"Jiang Fan! This is the invitation of the Great Elder Hayes!"

Gilbert smiled coldly, his face full of arrogance!



"The great elder of the George family, with high authority, second only to the patriarch!"

"He actually came!"

"Didn't it mean that you can't enter Huaxia at level 15?"

"This time is different, there are no restrictions during the strange auction period!"

The crowd was shocked!

Gilbert is even more proud!

Elder Hayes is also the number one person in the world-class family!

Jiang Fan, this kid, has absolutely no guts to refuse!


"Hayes is such a thing! Want to talk to me and let him roll over by himself!"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously, and didn't even stop!


"This kid is really arrogant!"

"Nonsense! Bishop of the George family was killed by him. Does he care about one more Hayes?"

"The George family is also stupid. Jiang Fan is afraid of them in Citigroup, let alone in China!"

The crowd whispered!

Gilbert was stunned!

It's crazy!

"Asshole! Jiang Fan! You are picking us George..."

Gilbert was directly angry!

But he didn't finish talking!

"Good dog, don't get in the way, get out!"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded from behind Gilbert!

"You fucking—"

Gilbert was furious!

It's fine for Jiang Fan to be presumptuous to him, and now another one pops out!

He suddenly turned around!

However, seeing the person behind him clearly, he trembled all over, his face extremely pale!

It was a white and fat man with small eyes, almost only one slit, and he seemed to be smiling all the time.

But at this moment, the aura on the man's body was like a tsunami burst, and the shocking Gilbert bone marrow seemed to freeze!

A group of people who watched the jokes were also stunned!

"This, isn't this Yu Hui?!"

"Huayang Smiling Tiger!"

"why did he come here?"

"This guy is cruel. At the last auction, there was a foreign wealthy boss who went missing after offending him!"

"Does he also come to find Jiang Fan?"

The eyes of the crowd were uncertain.

Yu Hui is different from others, that is a real ruthless character!

Even young children from a wealthy family have to call "Uncle Hui" carefully when they see him!

How come such a big man came here?

Looking at Gilbert with a pale face, Yu Hui smiled unabatedly:

"Don't go away yet?"

Gilbert trembled all over, and finally didn't dare to say something cruel, turned around and left!

He has been to Huayang for a few days, and he has a certain understanding of Huayang's ruthless character. Yu Hui is not something he can offend!

Seeing Gilbert leaving dingyly, Yu Hui smiled and looked at Jiang Fan:

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, my name is Yu Hui, and the Yu family is in charge of Huayang."

Yu family?

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Has Patriarch Yu come?"

"Here is here, the Patriarch heard that you are here, for fear that he might bump into you a little blindly, so he hastened to tell me to come over!"

Gilbert, who hadn't left the hotel, suddenly stopped when he heard the words, his face flushed with anger!

And the face of the crowd changed directly!

The meaning in Yu Hui's words is a bit surprising!

"Master Hui, what are you talking about? Come to my Haitang Hotel, why can my Haitang make Mr. Jiang suffer?"

Haitang smiled and yelled at Yu Hui.

"Haha, it's me who made a mistake, Boss Hai forgive me."

Yu Hui smiled unabated.

"We are about to have lunch, why don't Mr. Yu be together?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

"Ouch! Then I'm not welcome!"

Yu Hui nodded again and again, but as if thinking of something, he suddenly slapped his head and directly took out a red invitation card out of his arms and handed it to Jiang Fan.

"I almost forgot, Mr. Jiang, this is an invitation from Luming Academy. At eight o'clock tonight, if you have time, I would like to invite you to enjoy it."


"Lumingyuan invitation card?!"

"Yu Jia is crazy?"

"This is really going to offend the rhythm of the Zhou family!"

No one is a fool!

The news of Jiang Fan's stay at Haitang Hotel was known long before Jiang Fan came to Los Angeles!

Almost all the forces sent people to stare here!

On this occasion, Yu Jiaran gave Jiang Fan an invitation from Lumingyuan, and he was undoubtedly telling everyone that he Yu Jia must completely stand by Jiang Fan's side!

At this time when the situation is unclear, he is desperate to win against Jiang Fan, Yujia, crazy?

However, immediately afterwards, the spies of all forces changed their expressions!

Yu Zhengming is a good gambler, but he is by no means a fool!

He is so optimistic about Jiang Fan, is he really sure of winning?

if so……

For a while, everyone couldn't sit still, and took out their phones one after another and began to report to their superiors.

And Haitang's face was even more shocked!

His eyes floated to Zhao Xiaochuan's direction!

However, Zhao Xiaochuan was also shocked, looking at Yu Hui incredulously!

The Zhou family can still understand the invitation, it must be unkind!

But Yu Jia...Yu Jia, really made up his mind?

if so……

As for Gilbert, suddenly ran away!

It's a big deal!

Hayes must be notified quickly!

Only Jiang Fan's expression remained as usual, only the smile on his face became more sincere.

It doesn't matter if Lumingyuan goes there by himself, and it doesn't matter at home, either!

The key is the meaning behind sending invitations!

Since Yu Zhengming is willing to place a heavy bet, he will naturally give the Yu family the reward he deserves!

"Patriarch Yu is interested, I must be here! Brother Yu, you have worked hard!"

The shout of "Big Brother Yu" made Yu Hui smile more, and his small eyes almost disappeared!

Too much face!

"Oh, let's stop standing. The food and drink are all ready, Mr. Jiang, Lord Hui, please?"

Haitang also smiled softly.

Several people walked upstairs, but at this time Long Yan suddenly transmitted a voice to Jiang Fan.

"Brother Fan, Zhao Xiaochuan doesn't seem to be an ordinary person."


Jiang Fan agreed.

Since entering the door, Haitang looked at Zhao Xiaochuan twice.

The meaning of these two eyes may not be clear to others, but Jiang Fan is clear.

His eyes were exactly the same as when Long Yan and others asked him for instructions!

It's exactly the look of the subordinate looking at the superior!

In fact, thinking about it is not quite right.

Jiang Fan's identity and status are here. Although many people are disdainful, they have encountered it, and no one dare to neglect it!

In addition to the driver, Fengnian Auctions only sent such a young man to greet him. Either he didn't take Jiang Fan seriously, or he was afraid that he had a good background!

Thinking about it now, it's obviously the latter!

But who is this kid?

Looking at Yu Hui's expression, he obviously didn't recognize it! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 1751 Good dog does not stand in the way ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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