Take out the ancient winter coffin again, this time, this piece of equipment is finally honest.

Jiang Fan looked at it for a long time, and finally looked at its attributes!

[Ancient Winter Coffin]: An artifact of the Frost Giant clan!

Grade: Epic!


It's another epic!

Made it!


Jiang Fan laughed!

However, seeing the introduction below, he was directly angry!

[Ancient Winter Coffin]: An artifact of the Frost Giant clan!

Grade: Epic!

Attributes:? ? ?

Tip: Use this item to have the blood of the Frost Giant! Or have more than 20 levels of frost powers and spells!

Remarks: Are you surprised? Was it unexpected? See if I can kill you next time! -Loki!

"Your uncle!!"

Jiang Fan angrily threw this thing to the ground!

I knew that Loki had a lot of tricks for a long time, but I didn't expect this guy to really have a hand!

But Jiang Fan immediately cleared up his mood!

"Okay! See who kills who next time!"

After putting a few things away, Jiang Fan changed his clothes and finally left the system space!

Just stepping out of the bathroom, Yan Chengjun had already spoken with annoyance!

"Jiang Fan! Where's you—my lamb?"

"Why, do you still want to eat?"


I'm all in the toilet, can I still eat that special?

Yan Chengjun suppressed his anger:

"What the **** are you doing here?"

"Say, let me borrow a pot of lamb! Young Master Yan, we are friends now! Friends! You are not so stingy, are you?"

"Ha ha, ha ha!"

Yan Chengjun laughed dryly.

"Okay, I'm leaving, Yan Er Shao, eat slowly, and report my name if you have trouble!"

Give your name?

Am I dying fast enough?

Yan Chengjun hurriedly waved his hand:

"Shao Jiang! Don't give it away! When you have time-don't come when you have time!"

Seeing Jiang Fan leaving, Yan Chengjun looked at the bathroom again, and suddenly lost his mood.

The accommodation arranged by Haitang Hotel for Jiang Fan is on the 27th floor. It is a huge presidential suite, and the external balcony overlooks several blocks nearby.

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction:

"Not bad! Bother!"

"It's fine if you are satisfied, then you have a nap?"

Zhao Xiaochuan smiled.

However, Jiang Fan didn't speak, but looked at him carefully from top to bottom.

Zhao Xiaochuan's smile remained the same, but his face was obviously a little stiff.

Before, Jiang Fan seemed to be an ordinary person, with gentle eyes and not a bit aggressive.

But now, he seems to be a different person!

If Yue Jianhan's eyes were swords, then Jiang Fan's eyes were heaven!

Like Tianwei!

Zhao Xiaochuan never dreamed that such a look would appear in a young man in his twenties.

Compared with him, Yan Chengjun is almost like a gangster on the street!

Until this moment, Zhao Xiaochuan really understood Jiang Fan's horror!

I finally know why even Yan Chengjun is so proud to be scared of that virtue after hearing Jiang Fan's name!

Jiang Fan is completely crushing and suppressing them!

For a long time, until Zhao Xiaochuan saw sweat on his forehead and even his legs were shaking, Jiang Fan finally smiled!

"Zhao Xiaochuan, are you interested in doing things with Jiang's house?"


Zhao Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly widened!

Looking at Jiang Fan with an incredible face!

Jiang Fan is... digging the foot of the wall?

Just kidding!

Such a legend actually wants to dig himself?

Even if Zhao Xiaochuan thinks highly of himself, he can't help but feel dreaming!

Haitang has an incredible expression on his face!

Jiang Fan really did not follow common sense in doing things!

Jiang Fan patted Zhao Xiaochuan on the shoulder:

"It's okay, don't worry, think about it."


Xipu International Hotel.

Twenty-sixth floor.

presidential suite.

Hayes sat on the sofa, quietly looking at the bustling scenery outside the window.

The last time I came to China was 20 years ago.

In his impression, China is synonymous with backwardness.

But I didn't expect that in twenty years, the entire Huaxia would have been turned upside down, completely changed!

I was downstairs before, and when they booked the hotel, they even had an oolong!

Everyone uses their mobile phones casually, only them, like a dumpling, holding a wad of cash to check out!

As a result, the waiter searched for change for a long time!

Even now, he can still remember the weird eyes of those around him!

He was so familiar with that look!

It has always been the eyes of their Citi nationals looking at backward countries!

"These bastards!"

Hayes' eyes are gloomy!

Blame the Fengnian Auction House!

Before, if someone from the George family came to participate in the auction, there had always been people in the harvest to arrange board and lodging!

But this time I don’t know what’s going on, so no one cares about them!

Everything must be done by yourself!

Hayes wanted to leave in a rage, but he lost his courage again when he thought of the rare treasures that were about to appear at the auction!

Most importantly, Jiang Fan will also participate in this auction!

So anyway, the George family has to come!

Hayes calmed down.


There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hayes spoke in a deep voice.

The door opened, and Gilbert, with an ugly face, strode in.

In this room, in addition to Hayes, there are actually two George family elders, and Andy is actually there.

Gilbert greeted several elders first, and then hesitated to speak:

"Elder, I met Jiang Fan."

"How to say?"

"He, he... he doesn't seem to have the will to talk."


Hayes frowned:

"Explain the details."


Gilbert told it again quickly, including Yu Hui's appearance afterwards.


After listening to Gilbert's account, Duncan, one of the elders, sneered coldly:

"This kid is really arrogant! He doesn't even give the great elder the face!"

Hayes looked gloomy:

"Unexpectedly, although Eugene and Bishop died before, it is not certain whether they will tell us our grievance with Jiang Fan before they die!"

"This time it was mainly for testing."

"If Jiang Fan knew our purpose of looking for him, in order to prevent us from spreading the news of his immortality, he would definitely not refuse us!"

"Since we refuse now, it should be that he still doesn't know why we are bothering him."

"Great Elder!"

Andy on one side suddenly spoke:

"Could it be that Jiang Fan also wanted to talk to us, but Yu Hui suddenly appeared, making him unable to do that?"

Hayes shook his head:

"After dealing with Jiang Fan so many times, I know his temperament. This person has never cared about other people's opinions. The possibility of what you say is very slim!"

"And it's very likely that he doesn't care about us threatening him with the secret of immortality!"

Duncan nodded:

"What the Great Elder said is that if this is the case, then according to our previous plan, next..."

Duncan stretched his voice, and everyone immediately looked at the last elder. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1760 Surprise) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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