God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1764: Miao crispy corner home

The effect of the magic contract is far more reliable than the transfer of ownership and the like!

The backlash of this thing is no joke!

Hayes never expected that Jiang Fan would come to such a hand!

But this also proves from the side that Jiang Fan really wants to end this grievance with the George family.

Haha, good thing!

As long as the contract is signed, Jiang Fan's defenses will definitely be reduced!

"Mr. Jiang is well prepared."

Hayes glanced at the magic contract.

"For peace talks, of course you must be sincere. Elder Hayes should have been prepared before, right?"

Jiang Fan chuckled.

Hayes could not see a half-hearted look on his face:

"Yes, we are also prepared."

"In this case, why don't we compare it with you?"

"No, we trust Mr. Jiang."

Hayes looked frank.

"Very well, then sign now! I started bleeding!"

Jiang Fan said that he had already pulled out a kitchen knife!

"and many more!"

Hayes hurriedly stopped!

Especially if Jiang Fan is bleeding now, how can he abduct him when the auction is over!

"what's happenin?"

Jiang Fan frowned.

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang, your blood is so precious, we must be prepared, now...this is a bit too casual."

"That said, so what do you want?"

"Well, the blood collection equipment is on our private jet. If you are not busy, you can go to the airport now."

Hayes' heartbeat accelerated, and at the same time he gave Alvisby a quiet gesture.

Once Jiang Fan arrived at the airport and boarded the George family's private jet, he didn't have to worry about anything at that time, he would just do it!

at last!

Finally brought Jiang Fan back!

However, Jiang Fan frowned:

"It's almost three hours to go back and forth to the airport, how can there be so much free time! So let your people send the machine directly!"

What am I--

Hayes almost couldn't hold back the scolding!

Fortunately, Andy spoke at this moment:

"Mr. Jiang, those instruments are not convenient to move. In case they are damaged during transportation, you will have to take blood at that time, I am afraid you will have to go to Citigroup yourself."


That's great!

Hayes slapped his heart directly!

If Jiang Fan really forced them to transport the so-called "machines", let alone something, it would be okay, and something would have to be done!

Now, Jiang Fan will either go to the airport or go back to Citi with them!

Jiang Fan seemed to have thought of this, and suddenly frowned:

"Let's do it, it's too time consuming to go to the airport now. After the auction is over, I will give you the blood before I return to Los Angeles!"

"Okay! But if this is the case, the cruise and the manor you want will have to be postponed. Mr. Jiang should be okay?"

Hayes smiled.

"Yes! But there are a few things at the auction, you have to photograph me first!"

Hayes wanted to refuse, but at this moment!

"Things can be placed with you temporarily and given to me after the blood is drawn! Everything can be written into the contract!"


As soon as Jiang Fan said this, Hayeston nodded and agreed!

The next few people discussed another sentence and finally drafted the contract clause.

After the auction, Jiang Fan went to the airport with the George family to draw blood.

After the blood was drawn, the George family presented the Jellyfish and Cartagena manor.

Prior to this, the three items designated by Jiang Fan at the auction were photographed and preserved by the George family. After the blood collection is completed, they will be handed over to Jiang Fan.

As the two sides dripped blood, the contract suddenly disappeared from Huawei!

"Ha ha!"

Both sides laughed.

The smile was full of the complacency of the other party.

"Elder Hayes, smile and grudge, from now on, we will be friends!"

Jiang Fan took the initiative to stretch out his hand, smiling with sincerity.

"Mr. Jiang, we look forward to more extensive cooperation in the future! At the same time, you are also welcome to visit the George family!"

Hayes also smiled sincerely.

Even Andy smiled and said:

"Mr. Jiang, the George family’s cherry pie is a well-known delicacy in the upper class of Citigroup. If you go, you must not miss it."

"Definitely! Jiang's elbow with sauce is also delicious. Welcome to visit us in the future!"

Even Long Yan patted Duncan on the shoulder with a smile:

"Elder Duncan, how offended you just now, don't be surprised!"

Duncan patted Long Yan's belly, and the teeth of his smile were exposed:

"It's okay, in Chinese words, I like your straightforward temper. Come to Citi, I invite you to drink beer!"

"Gilbert, the attitude was bad before, don't be surprised."

"Where is I, I am too arrogant, and I will have to interact more with each other in the future."


A group of people have their faces written with sincerity, and they are deeply affectionate, as if they are trying to get their hearts out!

Zhao Xiaochuan was dumbfounded!

To be honest, he is really a bit trapped now.

Is Jiang Fan really reconciled with the George family?

Is it so fantasy?

"Elder Hayes, Elder Duncan, then we will leave first."

Jiang Fan took the initiative to speak.

"Don't sit down for a while and have a meal together tonight!"

Hayes was reluctant to leave and tried his best to stay.

"No, I have to go to the Song family to do something. Next time I go to Citigroup, I will definitely be bothering you!"

"Good, good! If you don't contact me, don't blame me being angry."


"Go slow!"

"Good good, don't give it away!"


The gate is closed!

Both sides were silent for three seconds across the door, and then!


Hayes directly beckoned and placed an energy barrier!

On the opposite side, Jiang Fan also raised his hand to cover a few people with infuriating energy!

at the same time!

"Bah! What a special thing!"

Both sides sipped through the door at the same time!

On Hayes' side, Duncan kept tapping the place where Long Yan's hand touched him, his face full of disgust!

Andy and Gilbert brushed their clothes with a bad face!

On Jiang Fan's side, Long Yan kept rubbing his hands on his clothes, and Yue Jianhan fanned the air with his hands, with the word disgusting written all over his face!

Zhao Xiaochuan was stunned!

Sure enough, it's acting!

I almost believed it!


Jiang Fan took the lead, and a group of people soon came downstairs!

"Brother Fan, these grandsons probably want to play the hijacking set!"

Long Yan sneered.

"Unexpectedly, Hayes asked Gilbert to find me in the first place, he should have planned this, and now it just happens to be what he wants!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

When Zhao Xiaochuan heard the conversation between the two, he immediately reacted!

"Mr. Jiang, you know why you still need to sign a contract?"

"Ha ha."

Jiang Fan didn't answer him, just smiled meaningfully.

Why don't you exchange so many things for 500 ml of blood?

The secret of being immortal is that you can travel through time and have nothing to do with blood!

Seeing Jiang Fan didn't mean to answer, Zhao Xiaochuan tentatively asked:

"Then...we're really going to the Song's house next?" The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway :Https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms :Https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway Txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https ://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the \ "Favorites\" records the reading record of this time (Chapter 1764 Miao crisp corner goes home), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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