"Mr. Jiang, Guan has a ruthless please!"

"The general, but said it's okay!"

"Guan wants to bow to you!"

"Puff! Cough cough cough..."

Jiang Fan was slightly confused:

"You, what are you talking about?"

"Mr. Jiang, Guan Moujie Wufu, who has been on the battlefield for many years, has never seen a man of such a high spirit as Mr. Jiang. If Mr. Jiang does not dislike him, Guan would like to be brothers with Mr. Jiang, live and die together, and share the wealth and honor!"

Guan Yu's face was solemn!

"Yes! Brother Xian, I am willing to worship you too!"

Cao Cao also followed!

"Damn! Why don't you join in the fun!"

Jiang Fan waved to him!

If the three of them had bowed to each other, Luo Guanzhong would not be able to write anymore!

"Mr. Jiang! Are you willing?"

Guan Yu spoke again!

In ancient times, worshipping was a major event, symbolizing life and death, wealth and honor, and never changed!

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment, and finally nodded solemnly:

"it is good!"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, Cao Cao simply acted as a favor, and directly ordered people to prepare three sacrifices!


As the offerings were delivered, Jiang Fan and Guan Yu knelt down while holding a bowl of wine!

Jiang Fan spoke first:

"Guan Erye, today..."

Guan Yu was stunned!

"Wait, Mr. Jiang, who is this second master Guan?"


Jiang Fan is in a circle!

Later generations will worship Guan Erye first!

But now, he wants to bow down with Guan Erye!


What do you say about this?

"Ahem, it doesn't matter! Just worship him! I worship him in my hometown!"

"it is good!"

Guan Yu only thinks that he reads little, probably this man, Guan Erye, is really something he hasn't heard of!

But why do you always feel weird?

It's almost like looking in the mirror and knocking your head!

Forget it, anyway, listen to Jiang Fan, that's right!

"Guan Erye come back, Jiang Fan today, Guan Yu bows here!"

"Life and death together! Wealth and wealth together!"


As the two drank each other's blood, the two finally looked at each other full of affection!

"Brother righteous!"

"Second brother!"


The atmosphere was slightly silent.

"Brother righteous, just the two of us, I am the eldest brother!"

"No, I'm thinking about God, your second child, my third child!"

"Ah! That's fine too!"

"Second brother!"

"Brother righteous!"

The two held arms to each other, and they were all very excited!

At this moment!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host and Guan Yu! The system will reward you with a gift package!"

Is there such a good thing?

Jiang Fan was taken aback, but there is no time to watch it now!

"Second brother, since you are cured, then I should leave too!"

"The righteous brother is leaving?"

Guan Yu looked sad!

"Well, goodbye!"

Jiang Fan nodded and was about to leave!

Cao Cao and others are trying to stay!

But at this moment!


A spy ran up quickly, knelt directly on the ground, and said loudly!

"Report! Prime Minister! Yuan Shao divided the troops, and Guo Tu, Chunyuqiong and others led their troops to Yanjin!"

Cao Cao looked overjoyed!

"Where is Yan Liang?"

"Yan Liang's solitary army is heading to White Horse!"

"it is good!"

Cao Cao laughed!

His strategy succeeded, Yuan Shao divided his troops, and Guan Yu had recovered. Now is the best time to attack Yan Liang!

"Point soldiers! Wen Yuan, Yun Chang, lead two thousand elite soldiers, join me in raiding Yan Liang!"

As soon as Cao Cao's voice fell, Guan Yu frowned and covered his stomach!

Then he sat down on the ground with a pale face!

"what happened?"

"General Guan!"

"Chang Yun, what's wrong with you?"

Cao Cao and others panicked directly!

Jiang Fan is about to leave, and Guan Yu obviously has a problem again, this is what a slapstick Yan Liang!

Send the head away?

Guan Yu's complexion was getting worse and worse, and he was sweating profusely!

Jiang Fan stepped forward and directly controlled Guan Yu's veins, sending a ray of true energy in!

However, as soon as he entered the infuriating qi, he looked weird!

His eyes turned to the big bowl where the two had just drunk!

Oh shit!

problem occurs!

He now has the blood of the ancestor tyrant!

The blood contains the ancestor tyrant virus!

Although this thing will not turn Guan Yu into a zombie, it is definitely not something Guan Yu can bear!

"Brother, me, what's wrong with me?"

Guan Yu is really scared now, but don't have muscle weakness just right, and some special illnesses come out!

"Second brother, don't worry, it's okay! Just a few days of training!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had begun to control the ancestor tyrant virus in Guan Yu's body!

Although this virus is terrifying, as long as you give instructions, not only will it not be harmful, but it will slowly transform Guan Yu's physique and make him stronger!

But in a short time, Guan Yu has to cultivate for a while!

Don't even think about playing Yan Liang!

"Damn it! How come this happened again!"

Guan Yu looked painful!

Cao Cao is even more constipated!

After finally waiting for Jiang Fan to cure Guan Yu, he did not expect to have another illness!

God, you are playing with me!

"Brother Xian, look..."

Cao Cao looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, history cannot be changed!

In that case...

"Do you want me to shoot?"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at Cao Cao!

"If the virtuous brother is willing to take action, Yan Liang will undoubtedly die! Please help me with the virtuous brother!"

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard that he had a door!

But Jiang Fan frowned!

"Not enough sincerity!"

Cao Cao was taken aback, and immediately looked at a group of cultural relics and ministers!

A group of people spoke in unison!

"Also ask Mr. Jiang to do it!"

"Ding! Cao Cao has released a side mission to you-Zhan Yanliang! Do you accept it?"

"Detailed explanation of the task of cutting Yanliang: Run with Cao Cao to attack Yan Liang's army and kill Yan Liang!"


Jiang Fan took the task and helped Guan Yu up!

"Second brother, let you use your outfit!"



The sound of horseshoe pedaling kept ringing!

A group of mighty, murderous cavalry went straight to Yan Liang's team!

And Jiang Fan is here!

At this moment, he, wearing Guan Yu's armor, holding a Qinglong Yanyue Knife, and riding under his crotch, is the first horse among the Three Kingdoms, the Chitu!

After this red rabbit horse left Lu Bu, no one was able to surrender until Cao Cao gave it to Guan Yu!

At first Cao Cao thought that Jiang Fan would have to take some time to tame it, but he didn't expect that as soon as Jiang Fan walked over, Chitu jumped up on him!

And the reason Jiang Fan got in this outfit is precisely because--

History cannot be changed, then let yourself become Guan Yu!


A group of people have come to a gentle hillside!

And not far below the mountain, a team of great military capacity is on their way!

On the banner in front, the word "Yan" is embroidered!

"It's Yan Liang!"

Everyone's complexion was shaken!

"Okay! When they pass by the mountain, they will fight with me left and right! Suddenly attacked, Yan Liang's side must be panicked, and then you will take action again..."

Cao Cao is lining up here!

Jiang Fan waved his hand:

"Go straight, **** it!"


The crowd looked dumbfounded!

And Jiang Fan has already shot Chitu:


"Hey Lü Lü~~!!!"

Chitu roared and rushed out suddenly!

The crowd opened their mouths!

Zhang Liao was sluggish for a long time!

"Mr. Jiang deserves to be a peerless general, this, this..."

He had been doing this for a long time, but Cao Cao said:

"This is so fierce! Left and right! Follow Mr. Jiang to rush!"


Accompanied by a deafening roar, countless cavalry soldiers have already carried a murderous aura, like a landslide, and followed Jiang Fan directly to Yan Liang's army! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this time (Chapter 1774) ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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