Jiang Fan understood in an instant.

No wonder the other party is not cold about the Fengnian auction house's asking price, it turns out that it is not bad for money!

On the surface, cultivators don’t ask about world affairs, but in fact, every sect has many outside disciples who are responsible for worldly business.

They continuously provided large sums of funds for the sect to expand the sect, and the sect used their own power to **** them, forming a huge circle of interests.

The backing behind this ink-and-wash tea house must be the sect behind this man!

Today's business may not be successful!

Jiang Fan never did useless work, and had already planned to give up.

However, Zhao Xiaochuan was more deeply involved in the play, and he had completely brought himself into the role of a dog-legged person. When he saw the man pretending to be forceful, his brows suddenly wrinkled!

"Hey! Young **** mystery! Listen well, our young master is here today, there is a big deal for you to do!"

As soon as he spoke, the whole face of the calm cultivator froze!

He is a supreme cultivator!

The other party dared to be so rude in front of him!

His eyes suddenly cold!


As the man spoke, an overwhelming vitality suddenly pressed down towards Zhao Xiaochuan!

Zhao Xiaochuan seems to have a very deep background, but his strength is so good that he can't even reach the fifth level!

Under this heaven and earth atmospheric pressure, he will definitely make him kneel down!

But, seeing that the vitality just covered Zhao Xiaochuan's head that day, Jiang Fan snapped his fingers casually!


A crisp sound!

The vitality of the world that the men communicated with has disappeared!

The man's eyes widened suddenly!

The eyes are full of incredible!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"Sir, don't blame him for being rude."

The man took a deep breath and looked at Jiang Fan carefully before speaking solemnly:

"What do you call this gentleman?"

"Jiang Fan!"

"Are you Jiang Fan?!"

The man was startled!

"it's me."

"Haha, hahaha!"

The man suddenly laughed.

Zhao Xiaochuan looked upset:

"What a shit!"

The man didn't pay attention to Zhao Xiaochuan this time, but looked at Jiang Fan with a playful expression on his face:

"Jiang Fan, you are so courageous, you have already been targeted, and you dare to come to Huayang!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"The wealthy family has been staring at me for a day or two, so I dare not do anything."

"No, no, I said, but not them!"

The man smiled strangely:

"I'm talking about another group of people!"

Everyone frowned!

Another group of people?


Jiang Fan is still calm:

"What do you call your sir?"

"Biyunzong, Qianyunzi!"


Zhao Xiaochuan gasped suddenly!

Damn it!

It's a big game!

Like aristocratic families, there are several super sects in the cultivation world, and the Biyun Sect is one of them!

Thinking of how arrogant I was just now, I can't wait to slap myself twice now!

Zhao Xiaochuan looked at Jiang Fan and the others with a toothache, only to find that they all had a calm expression, just like a okay person!

"Big Brother Long, Bi, Biyunzong!"

Zhao Xiaochuan tentatively spoke in a low voice.


Long Yan agreed without salty or indifferent words.

"You, haven't you heard of it?"

"Have heard it."

"Then, then I..."

"Fear of a Mao, they are Biyun, and they are not contraceptives! How can they still cut off your children and grandchildren?"

Long Yan looked impatient.


Zhao Xiaochuan opened his mouth wide, and simply shrank behind Long Yan honestly!

He is not like the lunatics of the Jiang family, his head is not so hard!

On the contrary, Qian Yunzi stared at Long Yan with bad eyes, but didn't say much!

These people have offended over there and will not live long!

He has always been too lazy to care about people who are about to die!

Jiang Fan nodded:

"It turns out to be the elder Qianyun of the Biyun Sect... I am here this time to buy the lot in your hand."

Qian Yunzi was taken aback:

"You are about to die, still thinking about doing business with me?"

"There are too many people who want to kill me, and nothing can be done yet. Elder Qian Yunzi, I am very sincere. Why not make a price?"

Qian Yunzi gave Jiang Fan a fixed look, then suddenly shook his head:

"If it weren't for killing you over there, I might really talk to you, but now... hehe!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Understood, the Biyun Sect is not willing to provoke easily, it seems that the other party is not small! Hmm...The cultivation world has always been out of the business, and has basically no ties to the secular powers, and there is no need to be afraid of the other party. Is it the super sect of the cultivation world?"

Qian Yunzi was dumbfounded:

"You lied to me?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"What did I lie to you?"


Qian Yunzi's complexion changed!

Indeed, I said it all!

If Jiang Fan asked himself what the origins of those who wanted to kill him came from, he would definitely not say!

But now, a single sentence he accidentally made Jiang Fan analyze so many things!

"Qian Yunzi, how about making a bet?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.



Jiang Fan nodded.

"What do you want to bet on?"

"Bet that the other party can't kill me!"

Qian Yunzi was startled, and suddenly laughed:

"Jiang Fan, you know that the other party's power is amazing, so you dare to bet with me, it is crazy enough! But why should I bet with you?"

"because this!"

Jiang Fan raised his hand and waved, suddenly a piece of cloth shining with endless stars appeared in the air!

When she saw this thing, Qian Yunzi was shocked!

He could feel that the material of this cloth is definitely the only treasure in the world!

Once refined into a magic weapon, below the realm of heaven and human, I am afraid that the magic will be hard to hurt!

Jiang Fan actually has such a good thing!

"This, what is this?"

When she said this, Qian Yunzi's whole body was trembling!

"Tianhe weaving!"

This is what Jiang Fan got from the Cowherd and Weaver Girl World, Tianhe Weaving!

[Tianhe Weaving]: Legendary material!

Forging direction: apparel

Remarks: This is the cloth weaving by the Weaver Girl picking the essence of Tianhe, which contains incredible magical power!

Tip: The host can choose to learn sewing skills and forge it on his own, or he can hire the other party to sew for you in a world with a sewing master!

This legendary material, once encountered a suitable world, is enough to create a legendary defensive prop for Jiang Fan!

"Tianhe weaving?"

Qian Yunzi obviously hadn't heard of this thing, but it was enough to know that it was a treasure!

His eyes were full of greed, and he tremblingly stretched out his hand to Tianhe Weaving:

"Okay! I bet!"


Jiang Fan backhanded the Tianhe weaving cloth, and at the same time raised the corner of his mouth:

"What do you use to bet with me?"


Qian Yunzi was taken aback!

Although he is the elder of the Blue Cloud Sect, and even the powerhouse of the Golden Core Realm, he has nothing comparable to Tianhe Weaving!

But since Jiang Fan wants to bet, he must have taken a fancy to himself!

He took a deep breath:

"What do you want me to bet on?"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled softly:

"After a while, I will open an auction in the realm of cultivation. You, Biyun Sect, will be responsible for helping me maintain order!" The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1782 is a bet), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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