McKinsey looked for the source of the sound, but found that it actually came from next door!

Box No. 17!

The glass curtains in the boxes are all arc-shaped, and you can see the left and right. McKinsey looks to the next door, but finds that the color of the other party's glass is also fading!

When the glass was completely transparent, a familiar man had appeared before his eyes!

The moment he saw this man, McKinsey's teeth almost broke!

Dragon group, Lin Guodong! !

The relationship between the Dragon Group and the Supernatural Institute is worse than the Sword of Thorns and the Key of Solomon!

Although it hasn't reached the point between the light and dark councils, it is also a true enemy!

Don't say apologize for McKinsey this time, it's useless to kneel down!

The crowd was immediately excited!

"Dragon Group!"

"It's Old Lin!"

"Haha, McKinsey is out of luck this time!"

"Who said no, your honest bidding is over, you have to pretend to be forced!"

"Not only did Jiang Fan put one on it, now the dragon group has come out!"

"This is to kill his rhythm!"

The faces of the crowd are full of malice!

Jiang Fan also showed a slight smile.

The reason why he jumped out just now was not because McKinsey pretended to be forced, but to let everyone know where he was!

Once this is confirmed, he can better observe the attitudes of all parties!

As for having just been done by himself and met Dragon Team again, he can only show his sympathy to McKinsey!


McKinsey squeezed these two words from his teeth, and then his eyes were fierce!

"1.5 billion!"

The old **** Lin Guodong is here:

"1.6 billion!"

"Two billion!"

"Two and one billion!"

"2.5 billion!"

"Two and six billion!"

"five billion!!!"

McKinsey was trembling all over, and suddenly roared!

Everyone was taken aback as soon as the five billion quotation came out!

Five billion yuan!

More than two thousand four hundred cool!

What is this concept?

The weight of a one-hundred-yuan bill is about 1.1 grams, and five billion is 50 million pieces of one-hundred yuan*1.1 grams!

That is a full 55 tons!

And if stacked one by one, the height is a full five kilometers!

Although this number is exaggerated, almost everyone here can afford it!

And Lin Guodong seems to be okay:

"5.1 billion!"

McKinsey's eyes are red!

"Ten billion!!"


This time, the crowd was really stunned!

This is not real estate, but a full ten billion in cash!

These people present, even the last ones, will have assets of no less than tens of billions!

However, if the liquidity is dead, it will be able to spend billions, or even billions!

Ten billions of working capital is enough to revitalize a large chaebol who is dying!

But then the crowd was relieved that this is no longer a game between forces, but country-to-country!

This is totally two concepts!

No matter how strong your side is, it is absolutely impossible to overpower a superpower!

Citigroup is just the military budget for 19 years, which has reached more than 700 billion US dollars. It is not an exaggeration to use tens of billions of yuan to photograph this drawing that must not be flowed out!

It can even be said that the real bidding has just begun now!

However, in the face of this astronomical figure, Lin Guodong still speaks indifferently:

"One hundred and one billion!"

McKinsey gritted his teeth, and his forehead was full of blue veins!

Lin Guodong can bid without hesitation, but he can't!

Ten billion, this was the limit of funds given to him by the deputy director before he came out!

Because according to the assessment, this is enough!

And they have to leave enough funds to shoot another thing!

Looking at Lin Guodong unwillingly, McKinsey has already planned to give up!

Even after they are ready to report, use political games to get this blueprint back!

But at this moment, the phone in his box suddenly rang!

One of the men walked over to pick up the phone and listened for a while, then suddenly came to McKinsey's ear and said something.

McKinsey seemed to have been beaten in blood for a moment!

Suddenly speak:

"15 billion!"

The practical instructions have been sent from above just now, no matter how much you spend, you must take pictures!

However, Lin Guodong smiled and gave up the bid directly!

McKinsey was stunned, almost not a bit of old blood spurted out!

He finally realized that the Dragon Group hadn't even thought about asking for this thing at all!

It's a pity that his brain was so hot that he shouted so much!

The only good news is that everyone completely gave up the fight!

After spending 15 billion, McKinsey's heart is bleeding!

He has made up his mind to make Dragon Group look good next!

Do not!

And that Jiang Fan! !

At the venue, the sky-high price of 15 billion yuan completely aroused everyone's enthusiasm!

The next lots continue to explode with high prices!

Soon, two hours have passed since the auction started!

Seeing the audience's enthusiasm faded, Wan Dian smiled suddenly.

"Everyone, before the next lot comes out, I want to ask a question first. I don't know how many people there are believers of the God of Light?"

When Wan Dian spoke, everyone was taken aback!

But Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Good goods are finally here!

Many people off the court shrugged their shoulders.

Wan Dian smiled:

"In this case, I'm relieved. Next, please list our twenty-third lot..."

Following Wandian's opening, the display stand suddenly rises!

At the next moment, a golden wine glass with golden light appeared directly in front of everyone!

"The name of this lot is called Saint John's Holy Grail!"

As soon as Wandian's voice fell, the scene suddenly exclaimed!

"Holy Grail?!"

"One of the twelve holy grails of the Council of Light!"

"It is said that there are only three Bright Councils now!"

"This holy grail that was lost hundreds of years ago has actually appeared here!"

"Sure enough, the strange auctions are getting more and more amazing!"

"If you can take this photo and transfer it to the Illumination Council, it would be tantamount to getting the favor of a Illumination Council!"

Everyone’s heartbeat is speeding up!

And Wan Dian smiled and said:

"A few guests just said it was right. This holy grail is not of much value to people who do not have the power of light outside the Council of Light, but if it is photographed and given to the Council of Light, then..."

Wan Dian did not continue to speak, but spoke slowly:

"St. John's Holy Grail, the starting price is 90 million yuan, and the price increase shall not be less than one million yuan each time! The bidding...start!"

"One hundred million!"

"One hundred and twenty million!"

"One hundred and fifty million!"

"Two hundred million!"

"Two hundred thirty million!"


Almost in an instant, countless buyers competed to bid, and in just one minute, the Holy Grail was fired to 500 million!

And with the 500 million out, there was a sudden silence on the field, just at this moment!

"Six hundred million!"

A man wearing a black cloak and his whole person wrapped up suddenly raised a sign!

He sat in the crowd, and almost no one paid attention to him, but with the raising of the cards, everyone's eyes fell on him!

However, this person had just spoken, and in a seat opposite him, another voice followed:

"Seven billion!"

It was a man with a wide-brimmed hat, covering his entire face, but unlike the man in the cloak, this man was wearing a pure white suit!

The two were separated by hundreds of meters, but the temperament exuded was like a demon and an angel!

Many of the people present have some background. Seeing the two vying for each other, they almost think of the identity of the two in an instant!

For a while, no one continued to bid!

This is no longer a normal bidding, but a game between the two parliaments. At this time, asking prices is like dancing with the tip of a knife. No one takes that risk!

But at this moment!

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