God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1793: Dionysus' silver flagon

It's already six o'clock in the afternoon, but now that the auction is underway, everyone is becoming more and more enthusiastic!

Because according to the experience of previous auctions, at this time, the truly top good things will show up!

Even many big forces that have never taken a shot before have taken a few small things at will and started to warm up!


Suddenly, Wan Dian knocked twice on the auction stage with a small hammer.

All of them were instantly refreshed!

"Everyone, the next thing like this, the legend is a divine weapon."

The first sentence of Wandian made everyone excited!

And as he spoke, a silver, unusually simple small hip flask appeared on the booth.

"This item is said to come from Dionysus, the **** of wine in Greek mythology. It is his own hip flask, which can continuously produce fine wine!"

"Tested by the auction house, it did pour out 20 liters of fine wine in one go! And after the pouring, just one night later, it automatically generated a new fine wine!"

"This baby depends on your opinions!"

"The starting price is 100 million yuan! Each bidding price must be no less than 10 million yuan!"

As Wan Dian spoke, the atmosphere of each box suddenly began to become weird!

It was full of unspeakable heaviness!

The following group of buyers are unknown, so they all looked around curiously!

It's weird, why is no one bidding for such a good thing?

In Box No. 5, Zhou Yuanwang took a deep breath and looked at Zhou Ling:

"Ancestor! That one, it should be for such a thing!"

Zhou Jing also followed up:

"Ancestor, if you can use this thing in exchange for that person's help, this time, we will win!"

Zhou Ling stared coldly at the small hip flask on the booth, and finally nodded:

"Take it!"

There are definitely not a few people who think the same way as Zhou's family!

Everyone knows that among the ten extremes of Tianding, there is an existence who is addicted to alcohol like life!

With this thing, you can definitely exchange the favor of the other party!

And there is a heavenly tripod and ten poles behind it, that is tantamount to being invincible by nature!

Jiang Fan stared at this hip flask, and sent a message to Hayes:

"Take it down!"

Seeing the news from Jiang Fan, Hayeston never hesitated!

"Two hundred million!"

When Hayes spoke, it not only broke the silence of the scene, but also detonated the venue in an instant!

"Five hundred million!"


"Two billion!"

In a short moment, this silver flask of Dionysus was fired to a terrifying tens of billions!

Even boxes No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, which had been silent, were shot directly!

Although the people in these boxes did not show up, there was Zhao Xiaochuan, but Jiang Fan knew that those three were the Qin family, the Chu family, and the Qi family!

However, the most dazzling offer is Hayes!

This time, his bid was extremely decisive, full of aspirations to win!

Several wealthy families were silent for a short while.

For them, even if this jug can't be photographed by themselves, it must not fall into the hands of other families. Now that the George family wants it, letting him take it is the best choice!

Even the Zhou family continued to be silent!

They really want to cheat the George family, but in the current situation, if they continue to make prices, it is very easy to bring out the families that had been calmed down again!

But they don't make a move, but someone makes a move!

Seeing that the George family made a ruthlessness, Ilok from the William family came up!

The next two you came and I met, all the way up to 18 billion fried!

In the end, Elok estimated that it was about the same, and pulled away in time to let the George family take such a thing!

With the auction for this item completed, another item has appeared on the booth!

Contrary to everyone's expectations, it turned out to be a thick horn!

It's just different from a normal ram's horn. This horn is not only pitch black, but also full of circles of sharp and unmatched threads!

The most important thing is that this corner exudes a strong and extremely dark aura, and as it just appeared, everyone actually smelled a pungent sulphur smell at the same time!

"What a strong dark atmosphere!"

"This is the devil's horn?"

"It's amazing. This horn was definitely not just cut off. I'm afraid it has a history of hundreds of years!"

"But the dark atmosphere above is so strong!"

Many magicians are surprised to speak below!

And in Box Fourteen, the Grand Magister Erinda's eyes widened suddenly:

"This is... the Horn of the Demon God?!"

In an instant, a strong color of greed appeared in her eyes uncontrollably!

And seeing all parties staring at that horn with piercing eyes, Wan Dian finally smiled and said:

"Everyone, hundreds of years ago, there was a great war that almost swept across Europe!"

"The cause of the battle was a weird book whose name was called—"

"Solomon's Key!"

As soon as Wandian's voice fell, everyone suddenly looked at Box 13!

In the box, Pampas turned a blind eye to everyone's eyes, just staring at the devil's horn!

What he wants is such a thing!

"Everyone, the fierceness of that battle, I must be heard by everyone here, and even because of that battle, it gave birth to a huge organization like the Sword of Thorns!"

"In that battle, the Bloody Archduke used the "Solomon's Key" to summon the seventy-two pillar demon gods to assist in the battle, and this horn belongs to one of those demon gods!"

"His name is Asmodeus!"

As soon as Wan Dian's voice fell, the scene suddenly burst into an exclamation!


"The supreme four-pillar demon god, the king of the north!"

"This is actually its horn!"

"It's amazing!"

"How many good things are there at the strange auction?!"

Among the seventy-two pillars of demon gods, except for the first Baal, almost all of the other demon gods are not ranked by strength!

Although Asmod is ranked 32nd, it is one of the four most expensive demon gods!

He is one of the only four monarchs among the seventy-two demon gods. He has 72 legions under his banner and rules the north of the alien world!

He has three heads, a bull's head, a human's head, a ram's head, and a snake tail. He holds a dragon from **** in his hand and a spear with a flag in his other hand. His strength is unfathomable!

If you can get his horn, understand the mystery, or sacrifice it directly to Asmodeus, the benefits you will get are simply unimaginable!

Everyone’s eyes are hot!

However, no one knows that the owner of this horn is now Jiang Fan!

This horn was discovered by a small family doing mineral business in Europe. This small family is extremely excited to get such a thing!

Even by offering sacrifices to living people, he got the favor of Asmodeus!

It's a pity that the wind leaked out, and this incident was actually known to the Illuminati Council!

This small family was eventually uprooted by the Illuminati Council!

However, the heirs of the small family survived. In order to avoid being chased by the Bright Council, they even took this Demon God's horn and ran to China, where the Bright Council and other forces dared not get involved!

However, this heir is not a good bird, he has no ambitions to say, and he is used to living a life of time and wine. In order to continue his extravagant life, he simply shot this thing.

For this kind of person, Zhao Xiaochuan even coaxed and deceived, and it took less than five minutes to take down the horn!

Jiang Fan did not grind, and directly opened the video:

"Hayes, I want this thing!" The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m. wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" record below The reading record of this time (Chapter 1793 Dionysus's Silver Flask), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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