God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 181: The best in class three

Jiang Fan is looking at a dozen reviews at this moment!


"Come in!"

The door opened, and Zeng Liang walked in with excitement!

"Classmate Zeng Liang? Anything?"

"Teacher, I, I want you to help me!"

"Oh? Sit down and say, has something happened to you?"

"Teacher, I, I..."

Zeng Liang looked at Yang Jianye and Hu Guang hesitantly!

"Teacher Jiang, you guys talk, I'm going to smoke a cigarette with Lao Hu!"

Yang Jianye said, pulling Hu Guang out of the office!

"Well, it's the two of us now, let's talk about anything!"

Zeng Liang hesitated, and finally said, "Teacher, I borrowed the money, but I can't pay it back. Can you help me?"

"Yes, let's talk, how much?"

There are quite a few second-generation classes in the three classes, but not all of them. There are also those with average family conditions!

Zeng Liang is one of them!

Hearing Jiang Fan's call, Zeng Liang immediately stretched out five fingers!

"five hundred?"

"No, yes, fifty thousand!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

In the past, Jiang Fan just drank a bottle of wine more than this number, but now, fifty thousand yuan is enough for him and Uncle Zhong to comfortably live a year!

"How do you borrow so much?"

"I, I borrowed a campus loan!"

Jiang Fan's face suddenly sank!

Everyone knows what campus loan is. To put it bluntly, it is loan shark!

"Many classmates in Class 3 have money, why don't you borrow it from them?"

"I, I'm afraid of being looked down upon!"

Jiang Fan motioned to Zeng Liang and continued!

"I, I watched the live broadcast before and liked a female anchor Tingting very much. The pocket money given by the family was used by me as a reward!"

"Tingting, too, like me too! She wants to see me too! But, she said, all the money she made was taken away by the company!"

"So, I went to borrow a campus loan! Let her buy a plane ticket!"

"But, Tingting has been too busy lately to come, but the campus loan holders have already started dunning money!"

"I have asked my family for money several times in the name of paying tuition, and I also sold my mother's jewelry secretly, but it's still not enough!"

"Teacher, you must help me! As long as you take action and teach the people who collect loans, they will definitely not dare to ask me for money!"

"Also, Tingting will come over when she is not sure! If you have money, lend me a little bit more, I can't let her know that I am a Diaosi!"

Jiang Fan's face was gloomy, and he looked at Zeng Liang with contempt!

"Diaosi? You deserve it too? You're a **** rubbish!"

"Teacher, you, what did you say?"

"I said you are rubbish! Waste! Idiot! Two hundred and five! Stupid stupid!"

Zeng Liang was dumbfounded!

"You, how do you curse?"

"Swearing? Are you a **** human? Get out of here!"

Jiang Fan was not polite and kicked out!

Zeng Liang screamed and was kicked by Jiang Fan directly!

This time, Zeng Liang was dumbfounded!

"You, you helped He Duoduo, helped Lu He and them, helped me, what can you do?"

"I helped them because the mistake was not caused by them, but you, just like you, as your teacher, I feel embarrassed! Get out!"

Zeng Liang opened his mouth, suddenly, howling!

"Teacher, teacher, I beg you! You can help me this time! Those people, those people want to pick my kidney!"

When Jiang Fan heard this, his heart moved slightly, but, the next moment, Zeng Liang's words completely angered Jiang Fan!

"Without a kidney, how can I see Tingting!"

"Fuck Nima! Go to **** you!"

Jiang Fan was furious and stretched out his right hand, holding the folding stool in his hand!

Facing Zeng Liang, he gave a violent beating!

I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless people! Compared with him, Lu He is simply a saint!

Jiang Fan was merciless, and the folding stool couldn't kill anyone anyway. For a while, the screams and beatings from the office spread throughout the corridor!

"No teacher! Don't fight!"

"I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"Please! Don't fight! I'm not borrowing, I'm not borrowing!"


Zeng Liang was beaten by crying father and mother, with blood all over his face!


"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zeng Liang barely got up and ran away!

Jiang Fan angrily slapped it on the table!

He really didn't expect that his class would actually have such a top quality!

It doesn't matter if you use your pocket money to give a reward, you actually sold your mother's jewelry to give a reward! Even do not hesitate to borrow a campus loan for this!

The point is that if you are being collected by a campus loan, you don't think about how to pay the money or call the police, but you want to drive away people!

It's not that the kidney is really removed, but that there is no way to date the female anchor!

No wonder this kind of students with three wrong views can enter Class Three as poor and white!

"Jingle Bell!"

The sound of school soon sounded!

Jiang Fan didn't leave in a hurry this time, but saw Zeng Liang out of the campus, and immediately followed him!

After all, it is his own student, who beats and scolds and scolds, and can't really see him in an accident!

Zeng showed the school gate, and immediately ran away with his head dull!

It's just that I just arrived at a fork in the road not far ahead, and was stopped by a few gangsters!

"Hey! Classmate Zeng Liang, where are you going?"

Zeng Liang's complexion changed, and he smiled reluctantly: "Go home!"

"Go home? Why not take us back together!"

"Here, Long Brother, don't be kidding!"


Brother Long went up and gave Zeng Liang a slap in the face!

"Just kidding? Does I seem to be joking? Pay the money quickly!"

"I, I don't have any money now, Long Brother, wait for me for two more days, I will definitely pay it back!"

"No money? I think you owe you a beating!"

Brother Long said, waving his hand directly!

Several gangsters rushed up immediately, punching and kicking at Zeng Liang!

However, these people are obviously very well-measured and only pick places with a lot of flesh to start!

Zeng Liang screamed in terror, tears and nose running all over the place!

Brother Long grabbed Zeng Liang by the collar!

"Boy, tell you, no matter what method you use, I must pay back the money today! Otherwise, I will go directly to your parents!"

"No, don't! They know that they will kill me!"

"I care if you die! Get in the car!"

Several **** said, they dragged Zeng Liang onto the van not far away!

"No! No! Please! Oh, who will help me!"

Zeng Liang trembled and struggled desperately!

He regrets it very much now, but it's too late for anything!


Jiang Fan, finally came out!


Zeng Liang, for a moment, only felt that the whole world was lit up!

"Boy, who are you?"

"I am his teacher!"


Brother Long was stunned, and then he was overjoyed!

Lan Ying's teacher treatment is notoriously good! Since it is Lan Ying's teacher, then, there must be money!

"You are here just right! Boy, your student owes me money. Since you are a teacher, why don't you help him pay back first?"

"how much is it?"

"Not much, even with capital and profit, a total of 60,000!"

"Nonsense! I said fifty thousand before!"

Zeng Liang suddenly screamed!

Brother Long punched Zeng Liang in the face!

Zeng Liang suddenly screamed, and his nosebleeds!

"Rubbish! Do you have a voice for you?"

Brother Long smiled contemptuously, and then looked at Jiang Fan!

"This teacher, give me money!"

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