Then Jiang Fan asked for some news about the immortal god.

Li Zailie knows everything, and even more promises, as soon as there is new news, he will tell Jiang Fan immediately!

Until Jiang Fan left, Li Zailie seemed to be immersed in his gratitude to Jiang Fan!

"Master, next, do we really want to listen to Jiang Fan?"

Song Zai-chong tentatively looked at Li Zai-lie.

Li Zailie nodded:

"Otherwise, what can I do? The news is given to him... Damn it! If Dad knew, he wouldn't be able to spare me!"

"Master, don't worry, only you and I know about this matter today!"

Song Zaicong looked loyal!

"Senior Song, thank you!"

Li Zailie's eyes are grateful!

"Master, you are polite, I'll go and arrange my subordinates!"

"Yeah! Go!"

Seeing Song Zaicong leave, Li Zailie's face suddenly showed a sneer!

He is definitely not stupid!

On the contrary, it can be seen from the first appearance that his mental methods are the best choice!

However, after coming to China, he unexpectedly fainted again and again, all of which were acting!

This play was played for Song Zaicong!

Because he can't tell Song Zaicong's identity!

But now, Li Zaiyeol has been able to be completely sure that Song Zaichong seems to be Li Chengquan's confidant, but in fact, he must be the eldest princess of Korea, his sister, Li Suyeon's person!

This can be seen only by looking at who gets the most benefits in the end!

Although Jiang Fan was aggressive before, he was nothing more than asking for money!

Jiang Fan's lion opened his mouth and paid back the money by himself. Tens of billions should be enough!

And this money can be taken out by yourself!

Song Zaicong had no reason not to know, but he actually pretended to be confused and broke the news of the Immortal Sect!

If he was really Li Chengquan's confidant, how could he sell this news!

Obviously, he wanted to use Jiang Fan's hand to break Li Chengquan's dream of immortality!

And Li Chengquan's failure to get immortality is undoubtedly Li Xiuyan's greatest benefit!

In the current situation of the March chaebol, it seems that Li Zailie is the only male who is most hopeful of inheriting the family business, but in fact, Li Xiuyan's hidden strength is much greater than him!

Li Chengquan’s dream of eternal life is broken, even if the inheritance rights are given to Li Zailie, but with Li Xiuyan's means, things can be turned around!

But Li Xiuyan doesn't want Li Chengquan to live forever, so why not?

He knew Jiang Fan's temper very well. Under his own provocation, Yin Jae-jung would be seriously injured if he survived death, and he couldn't have time to negotiate with the immortal god!

It's just that he didn't expect Li Xiuyan to think the same way as himself!

Even Song Zaichong was more powerful than he thought, and at this time he took advantage of the situation to throw out the intelligence of the Eternal God, and wanted to use Jiang Fan or even the Chinese forces to directly kill the Eternal God!

Otherwise, why didn't he even talk about the matter when he was not even shy of the people of abundant years?

"Song Zai-chong, awesome... Li Xiuyan, you really have a few amazing roles! But you too underestimate me! You want me to train Song Zai-chong as a confidant, and stab me at critical moments...huh!"

Li Zailie sneered!

Jiang Fan didn't expect the relationship here to be so complicated, but even if he knew it, he didn't care!

Because the pursuit of him and the Li family are not at the same level!

What's more, those people really think that if he kills the evil god, it's over?

I have helped you so much, so why don't you respect me?

No money? can!

At that time, tell Li Chengquan directly that you let me kill!

Whether it’s Li Zailie, Song Zaichong, or even Li Xiuyan, who hasn't shown up yet, with amazing methods, they are right to calculate Jiang Fan, and even from their point of view, they are right to succeed in the calculation!

But the mistake is that they totally underestimated Jiang Fan's shamelessness and greed!

After leaving Li Zailie's hotel, it was getting late, a group of people returned to the Haitang Hotel, first had a supper, and then rested!

Zhao Xiaochuan and Yu Tan didn't leave, and slept directly in Jiang Fan's suite.

However, in the second half of the night, Jiang Fan was half asleep and half awake, but suddenly heard Zhao Xiaochuan's mobile phone ringing, and then Zhao Xiaochuan seemed to be shocked by the news, and was furious!

Jiang Fan put on the quilt and continued to sleep!

When he woke up the next day, Jiang Fan only felt refreshed!

But when eating breakfast, he found that Zhao Xiaochuan's face was very ugly, and his eyes were bloodshot, obviously he didn't sleep much last night!

"Did you sleep yesterday?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"Well, something happened."

Without waiting for Jiang Fan to ask further, he said to himself:

"Last night, my subordinates discovered that there was someone on the Nanjiao Street arousing the aura, but they didn't find anything after they passed. There were no traces of fighting, only a layer of dust was found on the ground."

"Later, several big families and some forces that haven't left all discovered that there were masters missing. After checking, our people still found nothing except some dust."

"It wasn't until the latter half of the night that I checked the dust and discovered that it was probably not dust, but... ashes!"

When Zhao Xiaochuan said this, his face was gloomy and almost dripping!

The reason for guessing that the dust is ashes is only because the calcium content is slightly higher!

In addition, there is no direct evidence!

The point is that those ashes almost seem to have exhausted all the nutrients, and no clues can be found!

So now, whether the missing people are dead or alive, or whether the ashes are them, no one can be sure!

Now it looks like Huayang is the same as before, but in fact, all the forces in Huayang are going crazy!

Feng Nian even mobilized all hands to track down those missing persons.

After Jiang Fan listened, he subconsciously looked at the dust.

The dust didn't eat anything, just sat there coldly.

Seeing Jiang Fan's eyes glance over, she just spit out a few words coldly:

"not me!"

"I know."

Jiang Fan nodded.

There is still some trust in the dust, and she is now thinking about ways to get rid of the scars, so she is in the mood to cause trouble.

After a few people had breakfast, Zhao Xiaochuan suddenly looked at Jiang Fan:

"Mr. Jiang, are you going to visit Huayang next?"

"No, the auction is over, I have to go home."

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

Zhao Xiaochuan hesitated for a moment, and seemed to have made some determination:

"Mr. Jiang, actually this time, our harvest..."

He didn't finish speaking, but the phone suddenly rang!

Zhao Xiaochuan frowned, picked up the phone, and said in a bad tone:

"what's up?"

Who is not opening his eyes, he was about to talk about business, and actually called him at this time!

However, a word over there made him trapped!

"Little master, something happened to Zhou's family last night!"

"Something happened? Didn't the Zhou family leave last night?"

Zhao Xiaochuan was taken aback!

The voice on the other side is very strange:

"Yes, it was because of leaving Huayang that something went wrong! Their planes were all shot down!" The latest chapter address of the God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: takeaway txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: To facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1821 No one is a fool), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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