Tian Yuan Shi Zhong!

By now, Jiang Fan has been able to determine that this thing is just a cover to increase lifespan!

The purpose is to prevent people from discovering the bronze key hidden in it!

Think about it carefully, since this thing can increase lifespan, no matter who gets it, it is regarded as a treasure, be careful!

Don't dare to let it be damaged at all!

What else is safer than hiding here?

If you didn't happen to use the system authentication at that time, I'm afraid you can't find the key, right?

The reason for hiding the keys in Tianyuan Shizhong is probably because one day, that person still wants to use these keys to make it easy to find!

Of course, no matter who that person is, after thousands of years, he himself has turned into loess, and it is even more impossible to get these keys.

However, if Tianyuan Shizhong is used as the outer shell, then the value of this key is definitely more amazing than Tianyuan Shizhong itself!

What is the key for?

Jiang Fan's face was thoughtful, and a group of people under him had quickly moved things into the yard.

These five things, in addition to the Sumerian scepter and Tianyuan Shizhong, there are three antiques.

There are two handicrafts from the ancient Roman period, Jiang Fan casually sold a thousand causal points.

As for the last one, it is a snake-mouthed clay pot.

When Jiang Fan saw this thing (for more than four hundred years in the Han Dynasty, the name of the weight was also written as Marfa, I didn’t have time to stroke it again yesterday, sorry, sorry) when he sent it over, he felt like he had known each other. These things are all to serve as a foil for Tianyuan Shizhong, so it's easy.

However, seeing the entity now, the feeling of deja vu has grown stronger.

But at this moment, Wang Yi gave a surprised "Huh":

"Master, this thing looks like that olecranon pot!"

"The olecranon?"

Jiang Fan was startled.

"Yes, it's the city of the seven hills that I cared about before, the one we saw in the Nicholas family!"

As Wang Yi said, he ran towards his bedroom.

After a while, he brought a clay pot with an olecranon mouth.

When he saw this thing, Jiang Fan suddenly remembered.

At the time in the Nicholas family, Coppola wanted him to help deal with the great elders and opened the treasure room specially.

Jiang Fan took Wang Yi to search. At that time, Wang Yi found this thing, but before he had time to look at it, Nicholas' young master Foo came over to ask for trouble.

After he bullied the child bear, he forgot about it, but he didn't expect this thing to be brought back by Wang Yi!

This olecranon and snake-billed clay jar all seem to be full of the style of the Mesopotamia. On that list, the introduction of the snake-billed clay jar is also a bit vague. It is only ancient Assyrian snake jar.

Both jars were sealed, Jiang Fan shook, "Dangdang" rang twice inside, and he didn't know what was in it.

After giving both things to Wang Yi, Jiang Fan finally picked up the Tianyuan Shizhong.

Compared with the few obtained before, this Tianyuan Shizhong was worn out, and even the appearance of a stone man was lost. I think a group of foreign devils didn't know its effects and didn't care much.

Just when Jiang Fan was looking at Tian Yuan Shi Zhong—

"Ding Ding Ding!"

His cell phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Fan picked it up, and the voice of the weight immediately rang from the other side:

"Mr. Jiang, did you receive the gift?"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows:

"Received, thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what you deserve, oh, by the way, I will tell you that the preparations for the transformation of the blood of the gods can be completed in a few days. When are you going to come over?"

"Anytime! Once you are ready, I will go!"

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang is very happy, then contact me later."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan looked around Jiang's house without a trace.

The meaning of this call by weight is of course not a simple chat, but a kind of vague warning.

He was telling himself that the Throne of Thorns knew everything he did!

A smile appeared at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth.


Combined with the express mailing address from Los Angeles itself, it seems that the Throne of Thorns is here in Los Angeles!

Wang Yi obviously thought of this too:

"Master, do you want me..."

"There is no need, there is surveillance on the corner of the street. Now that the technology is so advanced, the Throne of Thorns itself is engaged in scientific research. Unless all the cameras in Los Angeles are removed, it will be meaningless!"

Jiang Fan smiled and waved his hand:

"They just watch it if they want, and let them rest assured."


Wang Yi nodded.

At this moment, a taxi suddenly steadily stopped at the gate of Jiangzhai.

The car door opened, and a dusty Long Yan walked into the yard with a face full of comfort.

Seeing Long Yan's expression, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled:

"It's done?"

"That's it!"

Long Yan smiled, and already passed a black backpack on his hand to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan opened the corner of his backpack and glanced at it. Inside, it was the Holy Grail of St. John!

The smile on Jiang Fan's face is even brighter:

"What about the corpse?"

"Throw it on the highway between Huayang and Lingwu City, the news should have been sent back to the Guangming Council at this moment."

Long Yan said, returning the obsidian ring back.

Jiang Fan threw two things into his backpack and took out his cell phone to take a look.

On that, there is a text message that just came in.

"The George family's private jet has been repaired and has already set off, and Arthur is right behind."

The sender, Zhao Xiaochuan.

Jiang Fan sighed comfortably:

"Hehe, next, we will wait for the show!"

The distant city of seven hills, in the west of this city, there is a city within a city!

Unlike modern cities, this city within a city still retains its appearance hundreds of years ago.

The city covering an area of ​​more than one square kilometer is all surrounded by a brick wall that is five meters high and more than half a meter thick. People passing by can only vaguely see a huge church behind the high wall.

This city is called the Holy City.

And that church whose majestic appearance can't even be covered by a wall is the holy place in the hearts of all the believers of the Light—


But behind the temple, there is a magnificent palace, this is the residence of the pope, and it is also a forbidden place that ordinary people can't enter!

At this moment, outside the palace, Archbishop Clarence is waiting for the pope's call.

Clarence was more than sixty years old, but he was bathed in the glory of the **** of light all the year round, making him look less than forty, and his whole body was full of the unique essence of a mature man.

His face is soft, his blond hair is neatly combed, and with his always hanging on the corner of his mouth, that kind smile, even if it is an angel, can't reap the favor of believers more than him.

Only now, the kind smile on his face has disappeared without a trace, and it is replaced by a gloomy thundercloud!

The reason for all this is because of the news he got earlier this morning.

One of his most important subordinates, the future successor, one of the seven bishops of the Temple of the Council of Light, John Thurmond, was honored to be in the embrace of the God of Light last night! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1833), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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