Hayes landed on the sea, and his trembling heart finally barely calmed down halfway. He looked up into the sky, but barely saw that there was already surrounded by a cloud of golden light and shadow!

You can't see the battle inside at all!

However, even the breath radiating from above made him involuntarily shocked!

"Elder, we..."

Andy asked with a pale face.

Hayes's face was pale:


In front of the master of the nineteenth limit, it is useless to escape!

Even a severely injured 19th level limit can easily wipe them out!

Now their only hope is that Yalves can win!

As the strongest animal capable of turning into a half-dragon, Alves possesses far more powerful combat power and resilience than his peers!

And this half-dragon form is not just like a giant dragon, it can also emit a dragon's breath!

That kind of power is almost no less inferior to the twentieth level!

The high-altitude battle was extremely fierce, and the burst of wind and aura even blown away the surrounding clouds!

Even the sea below a kilometer is affected, the waves are surging, one wave is higher than one wave!

With a deafening noise, the two figures finally separated!

One of them rushed to the north, while the other quickly fell!

Hayes could even recognize that it was Alves who had gradually withdrawn from the animalized state who fell!


After falling quickly for a full 700 meters, Alves stabilized his figure!

At this moment, he was completely covered with wounds, and the biggest one appeared on his chest and abdomen, almost splitting him in half!


Hayes hurried up.

However, Alves waved his hand, and the wounds all over his body were recovering quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

He fell slowly, looking at the north coldly, where Arthur's figure had almost turned into a black spot.

"Sword in the Stone……"

Alves stroked the wound between his chest and abdomen and murmured to himself.

"It's Jiang Fan! It must be that little beast!"

Andy didn't know where his strength was, and suddenly roared!

This time, the plane was destroyed and they were almost killed by Arthur. The point is that Jiang Fan's blood also disappeared in the explosion!

Counting the few things that Jiang Fan photographed, the loss is so big that it's almost endless!

Hayes' face was even more gloomy, but he didn't say much:

"Alves, how is Arthur's injury?"

Alves' complexion suddenly became strange:

"He was not injured."


Hayes were shocked!

Arthur, is he so strong?

However, they immediately realized that Alves' injuries looked terrifying, but in fact, the breath was as usual, and the injuries seemed to be only the surface!

It seems that both of them know that each other is not easy to deal with and don't want to hurt both sides, so they didn't give their best!

Hayes frowned and finally spoke:

"Go to Athens first, let's go!"


Time to go back to when the George family just left Huayang.

Standing alone on the streets of Huayang, McKinsey suddenly felt unaccompanied.

By now, all foreign forces have retreated, and only him is still here.

Although he is a member of the Supernatural Institute, he still bears the title of the director of a certain national research institute in Citi, and he also uses the name of scientific research when entering the country, so even the precepts of Kyushu have no restraint on him.

Of course, he stayed, not for fun, but for another task given to him by Aldrich, the vice president of the Supernatural Research Institute, to find out the details of the "day" as soon as possible!

Previously, based on the information they had, it could only be determined that Bai Tian was a Chinese, and it was undoubtedly a needle in a haystack to find it!

Even McKinsey himself knew that Aldrich asked himself to check the day. To put it bluntly, he had already exiled himself!

Staying away from the Supernatural Institute is equivalent to staying away from the Center of Rights. This can be regarded as the last time I lost five reform fighters unclearly, plus several billions of punishment.

But the turnaround came faster than McKinsey imagined!

When the bottle of beauty lotion was auctioned at yesterday's auction, McKinsey unexpectedly found dust!

At first he didn't dare to recognize it. After all, the world wearing a clown mask is not only dusty, but with his constant observation, he finally determined that that person is dust!

At this moment, he was excited!

In their information, the dust has an enmity with the sword of thorns!

Nearly killed Field, one of the Lords of Thorns!

If Shidai learns this news, will he find trouble with the dust?

Then if you follow the dust, wouldn't it be possible to wait until the day is reversed?

Moreover, the strength of the dust is amazing, if he cooperates, he should agree!

When he thought of this, his mind suddenly became active, and when the auction ended, he simply left a person staring at the dust!

Unexpectedly, the news from his subordinates turned out to be that the dust had mixed with Jiang Fan!

McKinsey became very curious, and then simply bought a few small forces and stared at Jiang Fan and his party!

This must be unstoppable. This morning, Jiang Fan and those people suddenly disappeared!

But it doesn't matter, as long as you check Jiang Fan, you can definitely find the dust!

McKinsey is full of pride, as long as he finds the dust, he can cooperate with him and bring out the day!

It doesn't matter even if it is to give some benefits to the dust!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Standing on the edge of the green belt, facing the big sun, McKinsey, who looked like a mentally retarded, finally rang the phone!

He answered the phone, and a lazy voice immediately rang across from him:

"Mr. Mai..."

"My last name is not Mai, my last name is McKinsey!"

McKinsey frowned and opened his mouth in dissatisfaction.

Opposite was a leader of a small force that he paid a lot of money to buy, who helped him find Jiang Fan.

But when he heard what he said, the opposite immediately murmured:

"...Fuck, why is the foreign devil's last name so long?"

McKinsey's hand trembled, and the other party had cleared his throat:

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if your surname is shit, Mr. McKinsey, the information you asked us to inquire has been clarified."

McKinsey suppressed his anger:


"Jiang Fan is from Los Angeles."

"carry on!"

"Hehehe, Mr. McKinsey, you only paid half of it!"

The corner of McKinsey's eyes jumped, and the **** Huaxia, really got the money!

"I'll call the final payment right away."

He hung up the phone and contacted one of his men directly.

Soon, the subordinates have already hit the final payment.

And three minutes later, a car wiped McKinsey and drove over, the window opened, and a file bag was thrown out.

McKinsey took it, opened it, and it was all Jiang Fan's information!

However, looking at it for a while, McKinsey found that it was all nonsense, and the really useful news was less than 50 words!

Jiang Fan is in Los Angeles, greedy for money, lustful, grumpy, and useless!

McKinsey's face was sullen, so why did these news cost him a full million?

This is so much money grabbing!

But in China, especially since the twenty-four hours stipulated in the harvest year had not passed, he really didn't dare to be presumptuous!

Swearing bitterly, he went directly to the airport!

Since Jiang Fan is in Los Angeles, the dust must be there!

Go to Los Angeles and find them!

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