God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1840: The number of days has changed

"Don't froze, continue patrolling!"

The captain spoke.


A group of guards agreed and walked toward the palace wall again.

As they continued to move forward, a mountain-like wall finally appeared slowly!

As the line of sight continues to rise, over this wall that is a hundred meters high and wide as a river, the entire imperial city can finally be seen!


This imperial city is simply incredible!

Not to mention inside the palace, outside the walls, there are thousands of hectares of houses and thousands of roads. This Chang'an city here is actually huge and endless!

The population density of the hesitation is more than tens of millions!

And all the way to the west, spanning hundreds of thousands of miles away, it is a majestic, majestic, huge mountain of unknown height!

That mountain has five peaks, shaped like a palm, straight into the sky!

This mountain is called the Five Finger Mountain by the locals!

A few hundred miles east of Wuzhi Mountain, two monks were sitting on the ground beside a gurgling stream.

One of them was tall, with a solemn face, dressed as a tutu and full of domineering gestures.

But the other one is kind-eyed, his eyes half-squinted, and occasionally a few light flashes in his eyes, and there is a scene of reincarnation disillusionment!

These two people are the changed Huian Xingzhe Muzha and his master Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.

"Master, are the words of the monkey head believable?"

As Mu Zan said, he was already looking in the direction of Wuzhi Mountain, his face was heavy, there was dry sweat stains on his forehead, and his eyes seemed to be a little apprehensive.

Guanyin was silent for a long time before speaking slowly, but his voice was very hoarse:


"But Master, this monkey has been suppressed for five hundred years, and he has never obeyed it. The Buddha sent Wufang Jiezhu to let him swallow copper and drink iron every day. It seems that his cultivation level has not been damaged. This kind of murderer, once release……"

"No problem!"

Guanyin spoke again.

There was silence between the two.

After a long time.


Guanyin slowly exhaled a breath of mist, but in the mist, there seemed to be a hint of redness.

And with this glowing red spit, the color of disillusionment in his eyes has disappeared, but instead is full of mortals and muddy turbidity.

Mu Zha's heart loosened.

Master is healed.

They were ordered by the Buddha to subdue the demon monkey to accompany the learner.

But who would have thought that this monkey head sneered three times, it was actually a strong seal, temporarily pinning the primordial spirit on a vellus hair, and the shot would hurt Guanyin!

Now thinking of that demon monkey's shot, he couldn't help but be frightened!

too frightening!

When that stick fell, it stirred the world and the world, shattered the universe, and even faced that stick, he was a dignified arhat who didn't even dare to resist, so he could only stand by and watch himself die. !

This demon monkey has been crushed for five hundred years!

In five hundred years, there is no half of aura to enter the body!

For five hundred years, swallowing copper and drinking iron every day destroyed the body!

For five hundred years, I have been under immense pressure all the time!

In five hundred years...

What's more, before he was crushed here, he was seriously injured!

This demon monkey is really terrifying!

"Mu Zha!"

Guanyin suddenly let out a low cry.

Mu Zha trembled, and his trance complexion finally returned to normal, only then did he realize that he was already wet with sweat.


Mu Zha hurriedly announced the Buddha's name.

Guanyin looked at him for a while, then suddenly said:

"This demon monkey can still be fierce and mighty because of the Five Finger Mountain."

"Master, what's the answer? Wuzhishan is here to suppress him!"

"Wuzhishan is both a cage and a barrier."

Guanyin slowly said:

"He is still fierce and mighty, because Wuzhishan not only suppressed his cultivation, but also suppressed his injuries."

"Once he gets out of trouble, the injuries he has suppressed over the years and the ecstasy he has suffered will all explode."

"At that time, not only will his soul be damaged, but his own strength will also be lost!"

"Unless you enter my Buddhism and reshape your golden body, you don't want to return to the top in this life!"

Mu Zha's heart trembled, and finally showed a relaxed smile:

"My Buddha is merciful! It seems that the demon monkey also understands this, so he agreed."

He thought for a while, then spoke again:

"Master, since the demon monkey is not a concern, then people who learn from it..."

"Don't worry, he is the tenth reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, and the Buddha's heart is firm. This time, I will be successful in my Buddhist teaching!"


Mu Zha's face was full of excitement.

Once Jin Chanzi succeeds in traveling westward, he will also have merits and virtues to achieve the bodhisattva status, which is just around the corner!

However, at this moment, Guanyin's expression changed, and he looked to the east abruptly!

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

Muzha looked surprised.

"Amitabha, the number of days has changed!"


Muzha exclaimed!

Guanyin looked serious:

"The last time there was a change in the number of days was eighteen years ago. At that time, I, the Buddha, tried to pull the variables. However, the other party didn't know what to do, and unexpectedly jumped out of the Three Realms. The Buddha performed all his secrets, but he didn't get anything! Thinking of today, this variable has appeared again!"

"Master said, but when Jin Chanzi was reincarnated and died?"

"Yes, that's it!"

According to the script of Buddhism, Jin Chanzi should be taken back to the monastery by the Buddhist monk, but who would have thought that something happened!

But just when the Buddha was blinded, the number of days changed, and a certain existence appeared out of thin air, which actually saved the golden cicada!

The Buddha wanted to see who it was, but he never thought that the other party's abilities were so exaggerated that he didn't get anything!

Muzha was silent for a while, and then tentatively spoke for a long time:

"Master, if it is really that person, what shall we do?"

Even the Buddha can't be regarded as the opponent's footsteps, and even more causally implicated by the opponent's show. Such a big man is definitely more cruel than that demon monkey!

He doesn't want to provoke!

Guanyin was obviously also a little bit awkward. After pondering for a long time, he said:

"The one who came here last time was to help Jin Chanzi. It is very likely that he also wanted to share a little merit. Since this is the case, it won't be difficult for me to wait. Let's go and take a look!"


Mu Zha was right when he thought about it, and nodded suddenly.

The two monks didn't talk nonsense, and immediately rose into the air and headed straight for Chang'an!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has come to Li Shimin's bedroom under the leadership of that guard!

The size of this palace is still second, but with three steps, one sentry, five steps and one post, it is almost like a crowd, covering the entire palace!

The key is the strength of these guards!

Before passing by, Jiang Fan had discovered that those Ouchi guards who were even above the guards had reached the tenth level of toughness!

However, these guards appearing now, almost all of them are above the tenth level!

The number has reached hundreds of people!

There are even a few leaders who have reached level 15!

And in that palace, Jiang Fan vaguely felt a stronger presence!

Good guys!

Li Shimin in this world is indeed very prestigious!

But with so many masters around him, why does he even order takeaway?

The guard came here with Jiang Fan, unable to go any further, and immediately retired!

Jiang Fan walked towards the palace!

However, just ascending the first step, the two guards had already blocked Jiang Fan politely and indifferently:

"Guogong forgive sins, and without the will of your majesty, you are not allowed to let it go!" The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https ://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https: //m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \" below Favorites\"Record the reading record of this time (the number of days in Chapter 1840 has changed), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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