God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1860: The momentum of thunder

The moment Jiang Fan gave his order, there was no sound and no sound, the door of the Zhou family had been directly hit by the murderous intent of Jiang Xuan and others, and it became a fan of the sky!

next moment!

Uncle Xuan had already rushed out first and blasted directly towards Zhou Ling!

And as soon as Uncle Xuan started his hands, Chen Kuang and Yu Lie also moved!

The two rushed towards Chu Chengzhang almost at the same time!

And more masters of the Chen and Yu family, like a tsunami, instantly flooded the Lin Chu family!

Jiang Fan's "killing", not only the Zhou family, but also the Lin Chu family!

The Zhou family is still calm, and they have already had the consciousness to fight Jiang Fan desperately, but the Lin Chu family are all panicked!

"Bastard! Yu Lie! Chen Kuang! You are crazy!"

"Block them!"

Chu Chengzhang roared suddenly!

The masters of the Lin Chu family blocked one after another!

However, it's useless!

The masters of the Yu Chen family are simply overwhelming!

It was just a face-to-face, and the two seventeenth ranks had already been blasted into pieces of meat in the sky!

Lin Chongyun was completely cold, and never expected that these two houses would really dare to make a move!

He suddenly roared!

"Yu Lie! Don't forget! My Lin family has a lot of heaven and earth!"

"If you dare to attack our Lin family, the ancestors will definitely want you to ransack your family and exterminate the clan!"

But Yu Lie is as his name is!

"Hahaha! Lin Chongyun, your Lin family really hasn't grown! Since you dare to come out and cause trouble, you have to be prepared to move your head away from your crotch!"

At the same time, Chen Kuang also punched Chu Chengzhang and laughed wildly:

"Yes! Don't be like a **** girl! Don't forget the marriage contract between you and my family! Your Lin family has found a brother-in-law to be my son-in-law for the Chen family. This matter, even if the old ancestor Lin is here. , I have to give me an explanation to the Chen family!"

With the two people laughing wildly, although they did not kill the Lin family, in a short span of time, the Chu family's three full eighteenth ranks had been blown up by the volley!

Even more exaggerated is the battlefield between the Jiang family and the Zhou family!

The moment Zhou Ling met Uncle Xuan, Zhou Yanze already roared:

"What about the eighteenth level! The difference of the first level is the sky!"

"Ancestor! Block Jiang Xuan! Kill all these eighteenth ranks, and I will help you!"

Zhou Yanze's aura was fully open, and the fierce nineteenth-level primary aura, just like the roar of a river, directly rushed to a group of Jiang family masters!


Zhou Yanze roared and slammed the front of the Jiang family with a punch!

He wants to kill and raise his power!

However, the man in the front laughed wildly, with a big hand, and suddenly greeted him!


There was a burst of air around the two of them, like a tsunami!

And the next moment, Zhou Yanze was directly stunned!

Just because the fist meets, under one blow, the man is not only unscathed, but firmly squeezed his fist!


Zhou Yanze was completely blindfolded!

A mere eighteenth level can actually be pinched, his fist of the 19th level beginner? !

How could there be such a monster in the world? !

"who are you!"

Zhou Yanze exclaimed!

The man grinned:

"Wu Nai... Xiang Yu!"


A blast of thunder light that reached the extreme, suddenly burst out of Xiang Yu's body!

That Lei Guang was really overbearing to the extreme, and blew out the second and the others around him!

Even the few that fought in the distance, everyone's hairs were all erected because of the dense electric charge that suddenly skyrocketed in the air!

At the center of the thunderstorm, Zhou Yanze was blown into a scorched corpse with just a scream!

The scorched corpse hadn't landed yet, and when it was blown by the wind, it was already scattered into black dust!

The magnificent nineteenth level, in Xiang Yu's hands, he didn't even go over it!

"Yan Ze!"

Zhou Yuanhe wailed!

However, before he had any reaction, a harsh cutting sound suddenly sounded in the air!

In the next moment, his head is already flying high!

Behind him, all the Zhou family members who followed him seemed to have touched an invisible sharp blade, and they were all cut into two parts!

This is impressively the power cut of the 13th!

Suddenly, at the gate of Zhou's house, a **** rain appeared!

However, the blood rain has not yet landed, as if being drawn by some kind of force, all of them volleyed and stagnated for an instant!

Immediately afterwards, the countless blood rain turned into the most terrifying hidden weapon, with an extremely harsh scream, blasting all the Zhou family overwhelmingly!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The power of every blood rain is even more terrifying than the heavy sniper!

Some of the Zhou family's children who were bombarded by the rain of blood were beaten into two alive!

It is the water system ability of No. 2 that turns blood into such power!

Everyone was stunned!

But before he didn't react!


The sound of a dragon chanting with a long sword out of its sheath has resounded through the audience!

In the next moment, a sword aura that stretched across the sky, with a force of opening the sky, directly attacked the entire Zhou family!


The sky is shaking!

In the entire Zhou family villa area, a full 500-meter-long section, all the villas along the way were all turned into dust by the sword air!

Those Zhou family disciples who originally hid inside were all dead!

Even more exaggerated, it was the terrifying gully on the ground that was chopped out by sword aura and stretched endlessly, with a width of more than ten meters!

This sword energy actually split the entire Zhou family into two parts!

This is just another sword technique used by Yue Jianhan after splitting the light and hunting shadows, comprehending the detonation of Jiang Fan's accumulated power, the first to focus on power, open the sky!

And the methods of the other Jiang family masters are equally powerful!

Everyone was completely stunned!

Even Lin Chu, Chen Yu and the four who were in the game couldn't help but stop, watching the scene in front of them in disbelief!

so horrible!

Although Jiang Fan's subordinates are only at level eighteen, almost half of them have demonstrated combat effectiveness that has completely surpassed the scope of the eighteenth level!

Even if it is a nineteenth-level elementary, there may not be such a method!

This is a group of eighteenth level, this is clearly a group of 19th level super masters!

Not to mention the Lin Chu family as helpers, not counting a few nineteenth limit, even if it is everyone on the scene, it is not enough for them to kill!

"Do not!"

Zhou Ling's heart is bleeding!

That's it!

Jiang Fan, this little beast!

How could his people be so strong!

This kind of strength, so many masters, not to mention the Zhou family, even any one can't hold it!

Zhou Yandao stared at the terrifying fights around him blankly, his whole person was in a daze!

The momentum of thunder, is this the momentum of Jiang Fan's revenge against the Zhou family?

He thought of Jiang Fan's heart, but he didn't expect this thunderous fury to be so violent!

Like Tianwei, unstoppable!

Zhou family, it's really over!


At this moment, above the sky, there was a sudden explosion!

In the next moment, Zhou Ling was already like a meteorite, whistling, hitting the ground heavily!

At this moment, Zhou Ling's mouth was full of blood, and all of his arms had disappeared!

And above the sky, the same mouth is full of blood, but the grim-faced Uncle Xuan is slowly falling down!

In his hand, there is also a **** arm!

During the battle just now, he actually took Zhou Ling's finger and unscrewed Zhou Ling's arm!

"Hahaha! Cool!"

Uncle Xuan spit out a **** spit, and his face was cheerful!

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