But Lin Buhui was so tough, but the other Tianding Shiji would hide far away as soon as they saw him!

Tianding Tenji represents the strongest of China, and it is a kind of compulsion!

But Lin Buhui has been in society since he was a child, and he kept his mouth shut and smashed the society!

Moreover, he himself has no consciousness of being a master at all. If it were not for someone who had met him, no one would have thought that there would be such a **** in Tianding Tenji!

As long as there is him in the place, it will directly lower everyone's grades!

Including the previous generation of the Glory Knight Legion commander of the Illuminating Council, and the same twenty-fourth rank Benedict, the same time he came to China to presumptuously!

At that time, Li Fengling was confronting each other, and he didn't know how Lin Buhui ran over!

As soon as he saw Lin Buhui coming, Li Fengling slapped Bandinek to death without saying a word, then turned and left!

Speaking of the fact that Benedict was slaughtered by the harsh wind, if it weren't for Lin Buhui, no one else would have known it!

Yes, this guy has a notoriously big mouth, and he specializes in delivering all kinds of gossips!

When Jiang Fan asked Uncle Xuan to find Lin Buhui before, Uncle Xuan refused a hundred!

But since the young master insists, come on!

Facing the Huazi that Lin Buhui handed over, the corner of Uncle Xuan's mouth twitched, and he accepted it!

However, the special box belongs to Huazi, but the one drawn out is Hongta Mountain!

The corner of Uncle Xuan's mouth twitched again, and Lin Buhui had already flicked the lighter and lit him directly!

"Brother Xuan, why are you looking for me? Our brothers have not seen each other for a long time. When you talk about it last time when you and Jiufang dominated, it was really awesome! Oh, that fist is really tough!"

"Ahem, Brother Lin, it's all in the past. I'm here this time, my young master is looking for you!"

"Jiang Fan?"

Lin Buhui blinked his eyes:

"What the **** is asking me for?"

"I don't know too much, call you!"

When Lin Buhui answered the call, Jiang Fan's voice sounded directly:

"Mr. Lin, hello!"

"Haha, okay, okay, what's the matter with Brother Jiang? I told Brother Xuan just now that you are the best in the younger generation! Oh, that's just..."

Lin Buhui didn't mention anything about Jiang Fan's **** just now, and his mouth was full of praise!

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth twitched. Good fellow, if it weren't for the phone call, I would really believe it!

"Mr. Lin is polite. Actually, there is nothing else. I just want to ask, you have so many friends in the society, do you know the disappearance of the Huo family?"

Lin Buhui's eyes rolled:

"I haven't been a big brother for many years, so there are no friends, but the Huo family is destroyed, I know."

"Then, do you know who made it?"

"Hehe, I don't know how to go about it, but I'll pay it back sooner or later if I come out! The Huo family is normal today!"

"Huh? You have something to say?"

"Hey! Speaking of it, it has something to do with your family. You Jiang family saved the three of them at the beginning, but no one cares if the Jiang family is gone. I want me to say that this is retribution!"

Jiang Fan's heart moved:

"Do you know what happened thirty years ago?"

Lin Buhui chuckled:

"I heard about it in thirty years and fifty years, what are you looking for?"

A trace of Jiang Fan's mouth evoked. This Lin Bugui deserves to have been walking on the streets since he was a child. He turned off without any trace of the few questions he asked himself!

However, this proved one thing. Sometimes, Lin Bugui's mouth was not that big!

He thought for a while, then suddenly said:

"A few hours ago, someone killed me!"


Lin Bugui was startled.

Jiang Fan continued to speak:

"The opponent's strength is terrifying, and my actions are restricted by air pressure alone. When I point out, my vitality is extinct. This kind of method, even in the ordinary celestial and human realm, absolutely can't do it!"

Telling Lin Bugui about this is actually a temptation!

Since I called him, I had already exposed the fact that I was not dead!

If Lin Buhui is really Tianzun, or the person who asks, then his answer will definitely be flawed!

Lin Buhui was stunned for a long time:

"Then why are you not dead?"

"My fate!"

Lin Buhui thought for a while:

"Aren't you doubting me?"

"I'm a little skeptical. Although I haven't seen you take a shot, I believe that the opponent's strength must be at the top ten of Tianding!"

"Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense! I'm telling you, I've been at home all the time... Huh? Isn't your kid asking me to check people for you?"

"Yes! There is a photo I just posted on the phone. Take a look and see if you recognize it."

When Lin Buhui opened the photo, he immediately saw the drawing of the finger!

Although it's just a sketch, it looks like a real thing!

However, Lin Buhui's pupils shrank when he saw this picture of the finger!

He was silent for a long time before speaking slowly:

"Where did you see this picture of the finger?"

"I painted it myself, and the one who killed me wears this finger!"

"Do you see that person clearly?"

"No, the other party has been hiding his identity from beginning to end, I don't even know if it is a male or female!"

Lin Buhui sighed:

"Something happened!"

"what's happenin?"

"Because of this finger, I have it too!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

And Lin Buhui had already taken out an identical finger from the bag!

He sighed and smiled bitterly:

"In the inner ring of this finger, there is a small tripod pattern. There are ten in the world, and there is one for each of the ten poles! The one who wants to kill you is indeed the ten poles!"

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and his voice was low:

"Will someone deliberately create the same finger to blame you?"


Lin Buhui's tone was unprecedentedly serious:

"These ten fingers are taken from a piece of jade, and they are all made by the same person, and the details of each corner are all the same!"

"And the jade craftsman who made the finger had passed away many years ago. It is impossible to imitate it!"

"The most important thing is that this finger can recognize the owner. Unless the original owner dies, others will definitely not be able to wear it even if they want to wear it!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

It's finally confirmed!

Tianzun is one of the ten poles of Tianding!

And Lin Bugui has slowly spoken:

"Jiang Fan, what I want to know more now is why one of us wants to kill you!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment before speaking:

"I suspect it was yesterday. I offended some of you!"


Lin Buhui directly denied:

"Jiang Fan, if we really want to kill you, we did it yesterday! Since you have met that person, you should know that your arrow may not be able to kill us! And since it didn't kill you yesterday, let alone today meeting!"

His tone is solemn:

"Anyone who can get to the tenth pole of Tianding is careful, or I'm going to be more blunt, to care about your little master, it will damage your reputation, and it will not be worth the loss!"

"And even if we really do it, we can't hide it!"

"Jiang Fan, tell me the truth, do you know something that you shouldn't know?" God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway The latest chapter address of the staff: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlThe full text of the god-level takeaway from the world Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https:/ /m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the "favorite" notebook below Read the record for the second time (Chapter 1889 something big happened), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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