God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1892: The Secret of the Deep Sea Bottle

In the organization of thorns, the root of thorns has always been in a neutral state.

They are only responsible for absorbing fresh blood, and then transporting it to the other two parties.

The Sword of Thorns wants to make the Throne of Thorns once again become a logistics base!

But the Throne of Thorns wants to turn the Sword of Thorns into a simple weapon again!

Therefore, the contradiction between the two parties can never be reconciled!

Jiang Fan had already heard about this point before.

Jiang Fan nodded:

"I heard Mr. Weight said."

"Then I won't repeat it. This time, as long as you can retrieve the Deep Sea Demon Bottle, you will be a great accomplishment!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"That's okay, but what the **** is that deep-sea magic bottle?"

Libra groaned for a moment, and then slowly spoke:

"That is what the ancient Atlanteans left behind. In that bottle, there is a ray of remnant soul sealed!"

"Remnant soul?"

Jiang Fan was startled, then his face sank:

"The people of the dragon group in the ruins have analyzed before, it is indeed a bit similar to the legendary Atlantis!"

"But if it is really them, then from the sinking of the No. 3 Ruins to the present, the time is probably tens of thousands of years!"

"For such a long time, even if there is any remnant soul in the bottle, I am afraid it will be gone!"

"Master Libra, if you don't tell me the truth, the question of cooperation may be open to discussion!"

"Bastard! Jiang Fan! Pay attention to your attitude!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, the weight suddenly shouted angrily!

But Libra waved his hand:

"It's okay!"

He looked at Jiang Fan seriously:

"Mr. Jiang, since Liander died in your hands, he must have revealed my information to you before he died... It’s okay, don’t deny it! What I want to say is, no matter how terrifying he describes me, one thing is that I It can be guaranteed, that is, I never lie!"

Jiang Fan's heart shuddered!

Of these old guys, none of them is simple stuff!

He frowned:

"If you haven't lied, then you don't even need the Deep Sea Bottle, which has been sealed for ten thousand years, let alone a ray of remnant soul, even the Pope, I'm afraid it will all be rotten!"

"Do not!"

Libra shook his head:

"Although the Pope is powerful, he may be the most powerful person in the world, but he, after all, is only at the domain level!"

Is it only field level?

Jiang Fan was startled, and suddenly thought of a possibility!

He twitched his mouth, and asked with a weird expression:

"Do you mean..."

"Yes it is!"

Libra nodded and spoke slowly in a very solemn tone:

"The level of that strand of remnant soul exceeds the twenty-fifth level! He is the remnant soul of the sanctuary in the legend!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath directly!

Sanctuary, Wen Dao, this is the name of the twenty-fifth level in the East and the West!

However, to this day, this world has never existed at this level!

It's as if in the dark, this realm is intolerable to heaven and earth!

But now, Libra said, in the Deep Sea Demon Bottle, there is actually a strand of 25th-level remnant soul!

No wonder the system just asked for fifty thousand causal points when it was going to identify the Deep Sea Magic Bottle!


This world is getting more and more interesting!

Seeing Jiang Fan's expression only slightly changed, the weight suddenly showed an incredible look!

Even Libra frowned slightly!

This kid, what a strong concentration!

Even when I first learned of the news, I lost my attitude!

But Jiang Fan didn't have much reaction!

Not to mention anything else, just this kind of state of mind, this kid will have a boundless future in the future!

That guy Isaac, really has a foresight!

At this moment, Libra actually had plans to cultivate Jiang Fan!

"Now, you know why I can't let Isaac get the Devil Bottle of the Deep Sea, right?"

Jiang Fan nodded, he finally understood!

No wonder Libra wanted to instruct Liander to kill himself!

Once Isaac figured out how to advance to the 25th level, the Throne of Thorns would become vulnerable!

Even the pattern of the entire world will change as a result!

Jiang Fan thought for a while:

"But it's been so long, how do you know Isaac didn't release that remnant soul?"

Libra smiled:

"It's not that simple. You brought the Deep Sea Demon Bottle back. It looks like it is made of clay, but do you think the material of the clay can really be stored for that long?"

Jiang Fan's eyes moved!

When I got the Demon Bottle of the Deep Sea, it was just after the Night Demon was killed and the Heavenly Selection was established!

At that time, I was relaxed and I didn't pay too much attention to this thing at all. Now when I think about it, it is true!

And Libra continued to speak:

"The origin of the Deep Sea Bottle is unverifiable, but it is not difficult to see from some records that the Atlanteans paid a great price in order to seal him!"

"Even the decline of its entire civilization disappears, I am afraid it is inseparable from this matter!"

"And in order to prevent someone from opening this bottle in the future, they hid this thing deep in that ruin."

"However, although the Deep Sea Devil Bottle itself seals the remnant soul, it is equivalent to protecting him in disguise, which allowed him to survive ten thousand years!"

"But once the bottle is opened, it is equivalent to breaking the balance. Ten thousand years of backlash will directly let this remnant soul fly away!"

"So there is no absolute certainty, Isaac will never open this bottle rashly!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked:

"How did you know these news?"

Libra smiled:

"In the Throne of Thorns, you have the knowledge and inheritance of the entire Thorns, and you have countless classical books!"

"Moreover, because of our cooperation with the Illumination Council, we even gathered many small religious scriptures that the Illumination Council has eliminated over the years!"

"Through generations of deciphering and research, hypothesis and establishment of evidence, it is normal to accidentally discover some clues that have been passed down in ancient times."

Jiang Fan followed with a dry laugh. Libra's words may not be a lie, but they must not be true!

"Master Libra, so do you want to get this bottle and enter the sanctuary?"

"No, no, no!"

Libra smiled and shook his head:

"Originally, I hoped that the Demon Bottle of the Deep Sea would be buried forever, but now that it has appeared, I want the knowledge of the remnant soul even more! As for the higher realm, hehe, I don't want to die!"

Jiang Fan looked surprised:

"Dead? Entering a higher realm will only live longer, right?"

"Do not!"

Libra smiled, and then suddenly looked at Jiang Fan seriously:

"Jiang Fan, remember, in this world, the appearance of the 25th level will only bring disaster! Isaac wants to break through the shackles, and is completely looking for death!"

Hearing dumbfounded!

A lot of news, he only knows now!

The point is, the adults actually said so much today, isn't it just that you just want to use Jiang Fan as a chess piece?

Jiang Fan became more confused, and Libra waved his hand:

"It should be ready over there, weight, take Mr. Jiang with you!"


The weight agreed and compared to the door:

"Mr. Jiang, please follow me!" The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Worlds Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/book/113664.htmlThe full text of the god-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms read address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/ 113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1892 The Secret of the Deep Sea Magic Bottle) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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