However, is this demon **** now alive or dead?

If he is still alive, wouldn't he be able to figure out the address of Trabalan where the Quetzalcoatl finally returned?

There, it is estimated that there is no need for Avalon!

"Ding! The blood of the demon **** Trakhupan is 300 causal points per milliliter! But the blood tested this time is impure and there are too many impurities. The recovery price is 100 causal points per milliliter! Is it for sale?


Jiang Fan was stunned. Normally, the three evil gods should be at the same level, but Disco Triboca is only a low-level pseudo-god, and the demon **** Trakhupan is a middle-level pseudo-god, and the two sides are two levels different!

In that case, after Trakhupan forced the Quetzalcoatl away, what happened that caused his level to rise?

But now is not the time to think about it!

"System! As long as the blood of God enters my body, all will be sold!"

"Ding! O got a K!"

next moment!

Accompanied by the sound of the system, the news obtained by the causal point in front of Jiang Fan's eyes lit up as if he was swiping the screen!

"Ding! The sale was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 100 Karma Points!"

"Ding! The sale was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 100 Karma Points!"

"Ding! The sale is successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining..."

As the prompts kept ringing, the number of causal points in Jiang Fan's backpack was soaring as if riding on a rocket!

A full 100,000 won in just two minutes!

The key is that the magical poison in the body began to combine with the magical blood. While selling the magical blood, the system actually cleaned up the magical poison at the same time!

A group of workers didn't notice it, but looked at the machine in surprise!

"This kid is so capable?"

"I still remember, the last one just peeed his pants just a minute after entering!"

"Yes, no one knows the pain of divine blood transformation better than us!"

"It's been a long time since I saw such a strong person!"

"But the more painful he goes back, I don't know how long he can last!"

A group of people are discussing, only the supervisor's face is gloomy!

This kid actually really had to hold on!

At this moment!

"Director Morrison, the data is not normal!"

A staff member responsible for monitoring data suddenly spoke up.

"what's happenin?"

Supervisor Morrison frowned and asked.

"That's it. Except for the data fluctuating a bit at the beginning, now there is no change at all?"


Morrison was startled.

The staff member looked at him:

"Director Morrison, do you want to report to Lord Libra?"

"No need, first observe!"


Soon, ten minutes passed!

Among the machines, Jiang Fan still gritted his teeth, with a painful expression on his face, but he was already happy!

Up to now, a full 600,000 causal points have been credited!


The staff outside were stunned.

"It's too exaggerated! More than ten minutes have passed!"

"I can actually hold it!"

"This guy has a perverted endurance!"

"Huaxia people have always endured hardships and stand hard work better than us, and it is true!"

"But the longer you persist, the greater the benefits!"

Only Morrison's face grew gloomy!

Damn yellow monkey!

It's so capable!

The staff responsible for monitoring the data frowned!

Damn it!

It's been so long, why is the data getting more and more dull?

He handed the tablet to Morrison:

"Director Mo, this data doesn't seem to be normal!"

But Morrison didn't even look at it, but sneered:

"Increase the injection dose!"


A group of staff were stunned!

"Supervisor, he has persisted for three times longer than the longest one!"

"It should have reached the limit!"

"Increase the dose, can he bear it?"

Morrison waved his hand:

"Don't talk nonsense! Increase it! Increase the delivery intensity by 50%!"

A group of people were all taken aback!

Morrison frowned:

"Don't do it yet? I will be responsible for something wrong!"


Jiang Fan is enjoying the happiness of karma falling from the sky, and the next moment!

"Ding! The sale was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 150 causal points!"

"Ding! The sale was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 150 causal points!"

"Ding! The sale was successful..."


Actually it went up again?

Jiang Fan couldn't hold back a single one, and chuckled happily!

Morrison was stunned!

Damn it?

I'm 50% stronger, and you can still laugh!


You are mocking me Chi Guoguo!

You **** bastard!

He suddenly looked at several staff members!

"Increase! Increase the input amount to 200%!"


"Ah what! Do it!"


And as the input volume increases again—

"Ding! The sale is successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 200 Karma Points!"

"Ding! The sale is successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining..."

Jiang Fan couldn't control it anymore and just laughed out loud!

Nima is so cool!

Compared to fighting for life and death by yourself before, there are now a large amount of causal points sent by sitting, which is simply not necessary!

In just such a moment, the causality point has exceeded the million mark!

This supervisor is really a good person!

Morrison was stunned!

Laugh out loud!

This **** actually laughed out loud!

This is no longer a mockery, this is simply an insult!



The angry Morrison didn't give orders to a group of men this time, so he took his own hands and directly maximized the input!

Five hundred percent!

Five times the limit input!

Almost every second, Jiang Fan has thousands of causal points into the account!

Such an amazing speed of making money, unprecedented!


Jiang Fan laughed loudly!


That's so cool!

I really didn't come here in vain!

The return of the Throne of Thorns is simply beyond imagination!

Just now, the causal point has surpassed two million!

And still continue to use an unusually terrifying speed increase!

Morrison looked sluggish!

He looked at Jiang Fan blankly, and after a long time, he suddenly knelt on the ground feebly, unable to cry!

His mentality has collapsed!

Was completely shocked by Jiang Fan!

"Yes, I'm sorry!"

"I'm wrong!"

"I am too arrogant!"

"I always thought that white people are the most outstanding race, because my knowledge is too shallow!"

"Huaxia people are truly outstanding races!"

"Such a tough nation deserves the admiration of everyone in the world!"

"Mr. Jiang! Please forgive me!"

Morrison said, he must reduce the input!

When Jiang Fan saw this scene from the machine, he was immediately anxious!

"Stop! Don't move! I'm so cool!"

The crowd was stunned!

Morrison opened his mouth even more!


In the face of pain, people feel comfortable!

This is the real strong mentality!

Own, too despicable!

"Mr. Jiang! Please don't punish yourself with my mistakes!"

Morrison said, going to move the controller again!

Jiang Fan was anxious:

"Fuck you uncle! I punish myself for **** my fart! Don't force it, go away!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Morrison is now admiring Jiang Fan's five-body cast, Jiang Fan is what Jiang Fan said!

It was the first time that the staff on one side saw Morrison like this, and they were all shocked!

It's amazing!

This Mr. Jiang actually relied on his own strength to change a deep-rooted racist!

It's amazing!

However, this is not the time to think about this!

The blood bank of the blood of the gods is almost bottoming out, and if you don't report, something will happen! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: Takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms txt download address: takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading record (Chapter 1894 I am so happy), and you can read it next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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