God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 190: Two hundred yuan of hard work

Hunk, waved impatiently!

Jiang Fan looked at this group of gangsters who were about to be dried up in the sun. For a while, he couldn't bear it!

"Um, buddy, if I leave, don't you guys wait!"

"What? Do you still want to report?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

"You reminded me that you guys, the takeaway guys, seem to be in touch!"


"Don't leave! Come and wait with us! Then you can leave when the kid comes out!"

"This one……"

"What about this and that? Good for you! Come here!"


Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded, and squatted with a group of gangsters!

"Come on, smoke!"

The **** said, handing Jiang Fan a cigarette directly!

Jiang Fan had no choice but to take it. At this moment, with a cigarette in his mouth, he squatted in front of a group of gangsters, looking at the image, he seemed to have become a gang leader!

"Jingle Bell!"

The school bell finally rang!

Soon, a group of students quickly walked out of the school gate!

"Hey? Isn't that Jiang Fan?"

"Yeah! Why did he run with a bunch of gangsters?"

"Still squatting in the front, it seems, it's the boss!"

"Unexpectedly, Teacher Jiang is not only a high-powered martial artist, but he is also a bully!"

"Horrible! But, has anyone offended him lately?"

"He? Who dares to offend him? Didn't you see what the third class is like this afternoon? It's too miserable!"

A group of students looked at Jiang Fan cautiously, avoiding far away!

After a while, the students from Class 3 finally appeared!

I saw, Lu He and others, with a blue nose and a swollen face, gritted their teeth!

Even Murongcui, who is usually the most elegant, has a black and purple face!

In this game, they almost lost their lives!

"Asshole Jiang Fan! It's simply unforgivable!"

"Yes! If you let me see him, I won't fly him away!"

"Huh! Don't worry, my Liang Kai is not for nothing. I will contact a few older brothers in a while!"

"Yes, work together, this time I have to show Jiang Fan a good look!"

The students in Class 3 had a gloomy look, but when they saw Jiang Fan, they were stunned!

Could it be that Teacher Jiang is an unknown prophet, so he led a group of gangsters in advance to come over and teach them?

A group of people, He Jiang Fan stared with big eyes, and collectively remained silent for three seconds!


Hong Lei's loud voice suddenly burst into a scream of horror!

In an instant, the students in Class 3 ran faster than the rabbits one by one! In less than a few seconds, everything was gone!

Soon, half an hour later, the school gates were locked!

A group of gangsters look dumbfounded!

"That's not right! Where are the people?"

"Yeah! Where did the man go? Does he know that we are going to block him, so he ran away early?"

"It's very possible! Next time, I will go to the back door!"


At this moment, a group of gangsters, tired and hungry, got up one after another, ready to leave!


The leader of the gangster suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"Little brother! I'm sorry, let you wait so long with us, here!"

The **** said, actually, handed over two hundred yuan!

Jiang Fan was shocked!

"What are you doing in a daze? Take it! It's hard work! Remember, my name is Pang Tai, and we are also destined. If we encounter trouble on the university road in the future, mention the name of Tai Tai, so no one will dare to mess with it. you!"

Pang Tai, look confident!

"Yes! Boy, you are blessed! Our brother Tai is on Daxue Road, but we can't say two things!"

"I will be my own brother from now on! If you have anything, just speak up!"

"Yes! I have long heard that it is not easy for you to deliver food. If you encounter trouble, just find us!"

"Yes! As long as a phone call, who would dare not give you a five-star praise, my buddy, teach him how to be a man!"

A group of gangsters patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder one by one!

Pang Tai nodded to Jiang Fan, then waved!

"Brothers, withdraw! Come back tomorrow!"

A group of gangsters leave like swarms!

Jiang Fan is almost ready!

After waiting for a while, I actually made two hundred dollars! He also became friends with the gangster who had blocked himself!

What is this called? If Wu Sicheng knew about this, he would vomit blood!

Jiang Fan couldn't laugh or cry, got on the car again, and started delivering meals!

Soon, Jiang Fan came to the road where the food was delivered!

Seeing Jiang Fan appear, a group of fans are simply ecstatic!

Ever since Fan Jigan, Jiang Fan's popularity has risen to a new height!

Especially, many fans who belonged to Fan Jiqian before, with the help of Guan Ying, have switched to Jiang Fan's name! The fighting power of this group of fans, but, is not so strong!

"Takeaway Star! I love you!"

"Takeaway Star! Stop for a while! May I ask what procedures do you need to keep?"

"Little brother, on behalf of the broad masses of male compatriots, thank you for getting rid of the dead ladyboy Fan Jigan!"

"Yes! The takeaway star is the demon hero!"

All sorts of messy calls are literally connected!

Jiang Fan waved his hands enthusiastically to the fans, and it disappeared in a flash!

Only staying behind, there is an admiration behind him!

However, not far from here, there was a discordant sound from a car!

"This is the takeaway star?"

It was a young girl with sunglasses. Although the sunglasses covered most of her face, the exposed chin and cherry lips were already beautiful and thrilling!

If there are fans here, they will definitely scream!

Because she is exactly Su Lingyu!

"Yes, miss! This person is a food delivery person! I don’t know how it became popular. The current traffic is actually bigger than Fan Jigan! Especially the video about him, even if it’s just a back view, just casually. It can sell for seven or eight hundred!"

Yu Rui said with a disdain!

"No, you see him riding a bike, he is indeed fast! I just looked at it roughly!"

"Miss, how can there be such a fast bicycle? I think it was changed by tram!"

"People nowadays, what can't be done to blog traffic? You forgot, two days ago, there was a 300-jin female anchor who kissed her 70-year-old man in the street!

Su Lingyu was silent, and after a long time, he shook his head, his face faintly disappointed!

"It seems that it's just a show!"

"Yes! There are too many brainless fans now, I really don't know what this group of people think!"

Yu Rui smiled contemptuously, and then asked, "Miss, what about now? Do you really want to surrender your status and invite such a guy?"

"Well! Just take it for the script! After all, I haven't seen such a good script for many years!"

Su Lingyu looked right!

"Contact Director Zhang and tell him, I agree!"

"This... okay!"

Takeaway Star! You are really a Jade!

Yu Rui looked unwilling!

And Jiang Fan, who was chanted by her, was delivering food near Los Angeles Central Park at the moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly sneezed, and the bicycle "brushed" to a stop!

At this moment, not far away, an exclamation suddenly sounded!


Jiang Fan was startled, did he hurt someone with a sneeze?

He looked sideways and saw a young man more than ten meters away, with his hands covering his heart, his face turned blue, the corners of his mouth, and a trace of blood dripping down!

not good!

Jiang Fan, walked hurriedly!

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded!

"Don't move! He has an internal injury! He must be treated quickly!"

I saw a tall and thin man suddenly appeared and strode to the young man!

He took out a box of silver needles, pinched one, and prepared to pierce the Shenkuo acupoint on the belly of the young man!


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