Arthur didn't know any grudges between the George family and Jiang Fan.

But just to see that even Alves was dispatched in order to catch Jiang Fan, one could imagine that the George family attached great importance to Jiang Fan!

So this time, he not only brought Lancelot, the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, but also Westwood, who had never participated in the Citigroup dispute.

Three nineteenth levels arrived, it shouldn't be difficult to ask for the Avalon map back!

"Let's go! Alves should have captured Jiang Fan by now!"


Just as Arthur rushed to the George family, Jiang Fan also came to the door of a huge manor.

The manor was built on a lush mountainside. Although it was night, it was still brightly lit, and the mountains and forests in the distance were covered with brilliance.

Here, it is the home base of the William family!

As Jiang Fan stepped into the gate, almost instantly, a dozen auras locked Jiang Fan's movement!

These people are all masters of the William family!

The manor seems to be unguarded, but only the slightest ill-intentioned person appears. If you can't get out even three steps, you will have to splash on the spot!

However, at the moment when all of them thought they had locked Jiang Fan, all of them were shocked to discover that the aura that they emitted had actually "slid" from Jiang Fan weirdly!

Mingming Jiang Fan is here, but there is no one person's aura that can really come into contact with Jiang Fan!

Even including the aura of a master-level master, the same is true!

Jiang Fan had already looked around, suddenly raised his hand with a smile on his face and shook it at them!


The shame of Chi Guoguo!

"This kid..."

The grandmaster of the William family was angry and was about to show up, but at this moment, a voice suddenly rang in his ears:

"Don't waste your energy, you can't stop him."

The grandmaster looked surprised!

Because of this voice, it belongs to the third heir to the William family, Elok William!

Ilok is not only the third heir to the William family, but also one of the strongest in the family, with a full eighteenth level!

And as this voice fell, Ilok had already appeared at the gate of the manor castle!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in the distance, Elok said with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Jiang, hello."

"Mr. Ilok, your manor is pretty good!"

Jiang Fan also smiled.

As the two sides walked in, Elok stretched out his hand first:

"Mr. Jiang, come here with great success!"


"Come, come in!"

Soon, the two have entered the castle.

Jiang Fan has never caught a cold with such buildings. In his opinion, those who still live in such places are all pretenders!

After all, compared to villas, this kind of building is far worse than just lighting!

Under the leadership of Ilok, the two soon came to a huge reception room.

"Mr. Jiang, what would you like to drink?"

"Lemon from Michelle Ice City...cough cough, come to the wine bar!"

Forget it, isn't it difficult to order Michelle Ice City here?

"it is good!"

Ilok opened the wine cabinet, pulled out a red wine with yellow and broken labels from it, opened the cork, and was about to pour Jiang Fan.

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke:

"By the way, Alves is dead!"

Ilok's hand trembled. That bottle was 30 years old. It was produced by a winery in Moldova that has a history of several hundred years. There are only one hundred wines produced every year, and the priceless red wine in the market fell directly to the ground!

The red wine was spilled on the carpet, but Ilok didn't care at all. He turned around abruptly and stared at Jiang Fan:

"You, who did you say died?"

"George family, Alves!"

"Alves... unexpectedly, dead..."

Ilok's face was dull.

After a long time, he seemed to react!

"Dead! Alves is dead!"

Ilok was full of hypocritical grief, but the corners of his eyes throbbed, and his eyebrows were almost happy!

The top ten families of Citigroup, regardless of wealth or strength, have always been evenly matched!

However, in the past few months, the George family, who was originally in the upper reaches of the strength, has continued to spread the news of the loss of soldiers and soldiers!

Even the family elders died three!

The only reason why the rest of the families have not started on the George family, except for the mysteriously missing Patriarch of the George family, is Alves!

Beastization abilities are extremely rare, and they are powerful, and they have exceptionally strong resilience!

In addition, the ultimate form of Alves' beastization is a half-dragon. Once the half-dragon's breath is ejected, even a master of the same level will turn into flying ash!

So to this day, although the various families are eyeing each other, they are all exercising restraint!

But now, Jiang Fan said, Alves actually died!

This is simply great news!

Without Alves, the current George family is just a piece of fat!

Whoever does it first will eat the most!

"Jiang Fan, when did this happen?"

Ilok looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

"About seven hours ago, in a small canyon in the East Madre Mountains!"

Ilok was startled:

"How do you know so clearly?"

Jiang Fan shrugged:

"Because... I killed it!"


Ilok's face changed drastically in an instant!

He looked at Jiang Fan incredulously:

"You killed it?"

"Well, don't you believe it?"

"Hehe, it's not, it's just..."

Although Ilok explained on his mouth, the six words "Don't be so nonsense" were written all over his face!

But at this moment!

"He didn't lie!"

A cold and proud female voice suddenly sounded from outside the door!

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and a woman with an unusually graceful figure in a big red evening dress had slowly walked in.

This woman has blond hair high up, her skin glowing with a soft light, she looks only thirty years old, full of the unique charm of mature women, but her eyes are extremely deep, it is only after years Grind, you can have the wisdom and calmness.

"Aunt Helena? Why are you here?"

When I saw the woman, Elok was taken aback!

However, when the word Aunt was spoken, the woman gave him a fierce look!

Ilok shook all over, and immediately hurriedly covered his mouth!

What Helena hates most is any act that reveals her age!

Helena warned Ilok with a fierce look in her eyes, and then she looked at Jiang Fan with a plain expression:

"Mr. Jiang, introduce yourself, I am Helena William!"

"It turns out that you are Miss Helena! As expected, your beauty is enough to light up the whole city that never sleeps!"

Helena was startled slightly, the next moment!

"Oh ha ha ha~~~"

Helena covered her small mouth with Qianqiansu's hand, and the laughter almost spread throughout the castle!

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