God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1916: Come over to talk about business in the middle of the night


Ansair always had a smile on his face:

"Although I don't know the reason, the various actions of the George family mean that they will never let Jiang Fan go."

"And Jiang Fan, who is truly revengeful, must be avenged. You have been to Huaxia, and you should know better than me."

"Now Alves is dead, and the entire George family is toothless tigers. It is the best time for him to do it!"

"And even if he doesn't do it, what do we have to lose?"

"I'm just a little confused now, he really killed Alves?"

Ilok also showed a look of suspicion, but Helena looked at the two with a serious face!

"If Jarvis is not dead, he will not come to us, and if Jarvis is dead, it must be his hand!"


Ansair was taken aback:

"He is so strong?"

Helena's eyes were solemn:

"He will only be stronger than we thought!"

From the first sight of Jiang Fan, there was a faint tingling sensation in her skin, which is a feeling that can only be experienced when facing a truly strong person!

And this kind of feeling seldom appears even when facing other strong family members!

The last person who gave her this feeling was Alves, but the degree was far less intense than this time!

Ansair obviously trusts Helena's strength very much.

He was silent for a moment and nodded:

"Well then, let the family members be prepared. Once the news of hands-on comes from Jiang Fan, we will start together!"



In addition to being the home base of the William family, Everbright City also belongs to the Morgan family!

In fact, there are four families in Citi, who regard Evernight City as their base camp!

William, Morgan, DuPont, Rockefeller!

After leaving the William family, Jiang Fan ran directly to a manor along the coast!

And there, it is the base camp of the Morgan family!

Unlike the brightly lit William family, the Morgan family shows a low-key and quiet everywhere!

However, with Jiang Fan's arrival, the silence was finally broken!

In the manor, on the second floor of the coastal villa, just as Jiang Fan entered silently, an old man stood in front of him.

The old man wore a well-cut tuxedo, his gray hair was combed meticulously, and the two moustaches on his lips showed his gentlemanly demeanor.

However, facing Jiang Fan, the old man's eyes were full of unspeakable solemnity!

"who are you?"

"You should be Greg of the Morgan family? Introduce yourself, my name is Jiang Fan!"

"Jiang Fan?"

Greg was startled slightly, then his eyes widened suddenly!

"Are you Jiang Fan?!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"it's me!"

Greg took a deep breath:

"Mr. Jiang, what's the point for visiting late at night?"

Jiang Fan's name, even if it is on the other side of the ocean, is equally thunderous!

After all, not everyone can kill the three elders of the George family, and then pit them hundreds of billions of funds!

The most important thing is that this guy was in Citi, but he robbed the underground forces of Everbright City!

Among them, many are affiliated forces of the Morgan family!

In Greg's view, Jiang Fan = Robber!

This kind of guy ran to the Morgan family in the middle of the night, what else could he do?

It's just that although Jiang Fan's aura is only eighteenth level, the pressure on him is greater than that of the same level, so he didn't directly do it!

Jiang Fan didn't change his smile:

"I want to meet the Darnell chief of the Morgan family."

"See the patriarch?"

Greg was startled!

Suddenly I remembered the scene of Jiang Fan kidnapping Li Zaiyeol in Goryeo. Good fellow, is this especially about kidnapping the patriarch?

Brother, how short of money you are!

"How much do you want... No, what do you want to see the patriarch?"

Greg almost said what was in his head!

"Relax, I'm not malicious, I just want to tell you that Alves is dead!"


Greg exclaimed suddenly!

next moment!

"what's happenin?"

"What happened?"

"Who is there!"

Almost for an instant, seven or eight tyrannical auras suddenly rose from the villa!

However, these few voices also made Greg's downtime mind sober, and he just stopped drinking:

"It's okay! Go rest!"

Those breaths calmed down instantly, and Greg had already glanced at Jiang Fan with a complicated expression, and finally spoke slowly:

"follow me!"

In the reception room, Jiang Fan finally saw the patriarch of the Morgan family, Darnell Morgan!

"Mr. Jiang, hello."

Darnell was slightly fat, but like Ansair, he looked forward to life.

But now, facing Jiang Fan, he is acting a little cautiously!

After all, the Huaxia guy on the opposite side was famously asking for money but not his life!

Coming over in the middle of the night, he said it was for business, but he might turn himself into a bargain in a while!

"Patriarch Darnell, Mr. Greg should have told you just now, Alves, I killed him!"

"Hehe, indeed, but Mr. Jiang, I know that Alves was chasing you before, but you killed him, hehe..."

Darnell's expression is obviously unbelievable!

Jiang Fan didn't explain either, just glanced at Greg lightly!

"Alves' half-dragon breath, attached to the burning time, is 21 seconds and 64!"

Darnell was inexplicable when he said this sentence, but Greg's pupils shrank!

Even he, facing the half-dragon Alves, must go all out!

There is no time to calculate how long the dragon's breath will burn!

Since Jiang Fan can tell the exact number of dragon's breath burning, it proves that when facing Alves, he didn't give his best!

Facing Alves in a half-dragon state, he is actually at ease?

An eighteenth level, how did he do it?

Greg was shocked!

However, after counting Jiang Fan's past record and killing Alves, Greg suddenly felt that this seemed normal again!

"The patriarch, what he said, is true!"

Darnell's complexion changed!

If it is true, doesn't it mean that the George family is now extremely empty?

This seems to be an opportunity!

Soon, the profit-seeking nature of the businessman took the upper hand, and Darnell and Jiang Fan discussed it for a long time and finally finalized the contract!

The George family property acquired by the Morgan family is divided between four and six with Jiang Fan!

In addition, the Morgan family will never recognize the cooperative relationship with Jiang Fan!

Finally, the Morgan family must not harm Jiang Fan in any form!

This is exactly the same as the contract signed by the William family!

With the signing of the contract, Darnell finally couldn't help asking:

"Mr. Jiang, why did you choose us?"

"It's easy! Because I want to make friends with the Morgan family!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"There is an old saying in China, many friends, many roads!"

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