God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1918: That was originally my money


Seeing the eyes of the two, Kazuo Narita was immediately confident:

"Judging from the location of this ancient tomb, it is extremely difficult to find here!"

"The other party must have gotten some clue!"

"And since it is an ancient tomb related to Indians, the Indians must know a little bit!"

"On the one hand, we can first investigate if there are any strangers here recently, and on the other hand, we can inquire about the Indians here!"

After Kazuo Narita finished speaking, Yoko Ikeda laughed straight out!

"Narita! Good! Great! As expected, Ise Shrine, the youngest Shaomiyaji in the history of our Ise Jingu! When you were sent by the Narita family, I still had some doubts, but now it seems that I will leave you behind. , The most correct choice!"

"My lord is absurd!"

Kazuo Narita said gratefully.

There was also a smile on Naomi's face:

"Narita, you did a great job!"

After Naomi's praise, Kazuo Narita's face is full of joy!

It's just that amidst this joy, there is still a hint of greed that is extremely hidden!

This time when he came out, Naomi didn't intend to let him follow. It was he who tried desperately to persuade Yoko Ikeda, and then he followed!

As for the purpose, it is very simple, it is for Naomi!

The priest doesn't have to do it for a lifetime. Once married, he will actively lose his qualifications for the priest!

But even if it is not the priest, Naomi is the emperor's sister!

It is the real, top-notch big man in Dongying!

The Narita family is no better than it used to be, and now it has begun to decline.

And he is a genius who was trained by Narita's family after exhausting all the resources!

A grandmaster in his thirties is also rare in the entire history of Dongying!

But only he knows that because of some external forces, in terms of strength, he will not be able to go further in this life!

The reason why the family paid such a high price is to get close to Naomi!

As long as you have a relationship with Naomi, then the Narita family will be able to make a comeback and create greater glory!

As for him, it was Naomi's beauty that he coveted!

His eyes ran across Naomi's body without a trace, and then he opened his mouth with a smile on his face:

"Thank the priest for the compliment!"

"Okay, then, according to Narita's suggestion, tell the crew to do it right away!"

This time Naomi brought out from Ise Jingu, besides Ikeda Yoko and Narita Kazuo, there are more than a dozen priests in the Jingu!

These priests are the real elites in the temple, and the strength of each one is above the tenth level!

Quickly deal with the various forces of Orizaba, it's easy!

None of these people were in a single team, and they soon spread to the entire city of Orizaba!

And just an hour later, the news from a priest!

In Orizaba, there is a small Indian tribe named Silver Palm, which suddenly made a fortune yesterday!

Not only did he buy more than a dozen cars and contracted a large area of ​​farmland nearby, he also began to renovate the current house!

As for how the money came from, their tribe never revealed it!

But someone has seen it before, yesterday, a stranger with yellow skin came to their tribe!

Almost the moment when he got the news, Kazuo Narita suddenly said:

"Sacrifice! Lord Ikeda! Very likely, this is the person!"

Naomi's expression is indifferent:

"Whether it is or not, go and see first!"


The group has arrived at the Silver Palms tribe on Tricker Street!

Onongana left as early as yesterday!

After the business was negotiated, Seroop's attitude towards him was not as enthusiastic as he had started. Ononga saw the other person's personality clearly, and of course he wouldn't leave it to be boring.

After getting nearly two million dollars, Serop and the entire tribe were all excited to the extreme!

I took the money and started to improve my life!

Seeing the dilapidated small building in front of him was demolished, and a group of clansmen began to build a new building in full swing, Serop was full of accomplishment!

Now they have a car and land, and the money was only spent one-fifth!

With the remaining money, you can do a lot!

But when he thought of the two stacks of banknotes that Jiang Fan smashed yesterday, he felt distressed!

That's a full twenty thousand dollars!

It may not be a big deal in developed areas, but on Tricker Street, it is a huge sum of money!

Damn Huaxia, how can he do it, it should have belonged to me in the first place!

Serop thought angrily, his face gradually becoming gloomy!

But at this moment!

"Chief! How many people want to see you!"

A young man suddenly walked over.

"It's those poor ghosts who want to borrow money again, right? No!"

Serop spoke out of anger.

"It's not the patriarch, the people who came said they wanted to ask us something!"


Serop turned his head, and suddenly saw the three Naomi!

These three people all surpassed the grandmaster who he didn't know how many times, so Serop didn't feel the existence of each other at all!

But seeing the skin of a few people clearly, Serop's eyes brightened!

Yellow skin?

Could it be that they came to give money again?

In Serop's mind, Huaxia people have now become synonymous with the God of Wealth!

He walked quickly, smiling all over his face:

"How many people are looking for me?"

"You are Mr. Serop? We want to ask you a piece of news!"

Kazuo Narita spoke first.

For a mere fourteenth level, Naomi and Yoko Ikeda had no intentions to take care!

This kind of questioning can only be done by him!

But after hearing Kazuo Narita's words, Serop frowned!

The other party's Spanish accent is very weird, obviously different from that of Huaxia!

He frowned:

"You are not Chinese?"

"Huh! How could we be such inferior people!"

Yoko Ikeda snorted directly!

Kazuo Narita smiled and said:

"We are from Dongying!"

Serop's eyes moved slightly, but he reacted immediately!

Anyone who cares about him is a good person as long as he gives money!

"Hehe, hello, don't know what you want to ask?"

Narita Kazuo thought for a moment:

"You just said that we are from Huaxia. Did anyone from Huaxia have met you before?"

"Ha ha……"

Serop smiled without saying a word.

Kazuo Narita also laughed, and took out a card:

"Here is a million dollars, tell me the news of that Chinese man, it is yours!"

Serop's eyes suddenly lit up!

But he immediately chuckled:

"This... the other party gave me five million!"

The smile on Kazuo Narita's face is getting colder!

He looked at a man working in the distance, and suddenly said:

"Is that your tribe?"


Serop was taken aback for a moment and didn't understand why the other party asked this.

But the next moment!

Kazuo Narita suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the man!

A weird dead white light suddenly spurted from his fingers, hitting the man's body!


The man trembled, the flesh and blood all over his body disappeared strangely, leaving only a pair of white skeletons!

It's over! So tired!

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