"On the bottom of the South China Sea, there is a submarine mountain range!"

"The canyon is deep enough to fill the Himalayas!"

"Shen has never arrived with humans or machines!"

"For centuries, countless large and small ships and huge ships have disappeared here, leaving no traces!"

"How they disappeared is still a mystery..."


Jiang Fan was startled!

What world is this?

"Ding! Please give the giant Otwa-like creature a piece of old duck soup that can satisfy its appetite!"

Damn it?

Giant Otwa-like creatures?

Is the eldest brother Ultraman or Ultrava!

Why never heard of it?

But it doesn't matter!

For the takeaways, take care of what you are, and let's talk about it when you deliver it!

He took out his mobile phone and found a Chinese restaurant on the map. Jiang Fan suddenly killed him all the way!

The meal was over now, and there was no one in the restaurant, but it was convenient for Jiang Fan!

"Boss! An old duck soup!"

"Okay! But brother, this soup has to be simmered a little longer!"

The boss smiled.

"It's okay, I'll come!"

Jiang Fan walked into the kitchen quickly, the ingredients were finished, and he directly used Chunyang Zhenqi to start cooking!

In less than five minutes, a pot of crispy meat and rich Lao Duck soup was hot out of the oven!

Holding this pot of old duck soup, Jiang Fan is going again—that's right! Still that old place! ——One drill!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! Reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! About to enter-"Extreme Cold"!"

Damn it? !

It's actually this world!

The movie "Extremely Deep Sea" is about the dark sea, and ships are driving in the South China Sea.

Captain Finnegan and the crew didn't know the mission of their trip until the mechanic Joey accidentally found a nuclear warhead in the cabin, and everyone realized that the passengers on the ship were all pirates!

At the same time, the "Argo", the world's largest luxury passenger ship, is on its maiden voyage, and the ship is full of ladies and rich men!

When the ship and the passenger ship met, the pirates immediately sneaked into the cabin and planned to looting the passenger ship!

But at this moment, the ship seemed to have hit something. When Finnegan and others arrived, the Argonaut was in blood, and only a few survivors were left on the ship.

And the reason why this happened was that this passenger ship was being spotted by an unusually terrifying creature!

At this moment, Jiang Fan finally understood what that giant Otwa creature was!

That was the terrifying octopus-shaped monster in the extreme cold!

Good guys!

Own customers are becoming more and more abstract!


Along with a white light, Jiang Fan has appeared on a huge cruise ship!

This huge ship is much bigger than the one that saw the Titanic during the previous crossing!

Even several times bigger!

The entire huge ship is moored on the dark sea, just like an island!

However, at this moment, there was darkness and silence on the noisy cruise ship that was supposed to be brightly lit!

And the air is full of pungent blood!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, and it seemed that the time when he arrived, it should have been time for all the guys on the cruise ship to be eaten up!

at this time!

"Boom boom!"


A large sound of deafening gunfire suddenly sounded!

There were several screams that followed!

With a movement of Jiang Fan's body, he rushed to the direction of the sound!

At this moment, in the cabin, a group of people were screaming and shooting!

These people are the heroes and heroines, a group of pirates, and the original boss of this huge ship!

Opposite them, there are two weird tentacles that are thicker than gasoline cans and are covered with fangs!

"Boom boom!"

Unlike in the movie, the bullets of the firearm hit these tentacles, they couldn't get in at all, instead they were all bounced off!

Even one of the bounced stray bullets bounced back several times in the cabin, and finally hit a pirate's thigh with a "slap"!


The pirate screamed!

But the tentacles suddenly moved, and lightning rushed in front of him. The fangs in front opened and swallowed him directly!


"This **** monster!!"

"Shoot! Don't stop! Keep shooting!"

"It's useless! The bullet can't even penetrate its skin!"

"Woohoo, we are going to die! We are dead!"

The crowd subconsciously pulled the trigger while crying!

Especially a few pirates, they are almost falling apart!

This time, they cooperated with Simon, the owner of this huge ship, and everything went well!

According to the agreement with Simon, all the looted property belonged to them!

And because Simon couldn't maintain the cost of the cruise, he also needed them to blow up the cruise, and then go to the insurance company to make a claim!

The cooperation between the two parties is simply a win-win situation!

But who knows, after boarding this cruise, everyone was stunned!

On the cruise ship, there was not a single person alive!

Moreover, this monster that can eat people with only its tentacles has appeared!

By now, apart from meeting their employer Simon and others, they not only got nothing, but also lost four people!

It's a blood loss!

And the actor Finnegan is even more aggrieved!

What's more, he is a ship driver, and he usually gives away people or something. He thought he had taken the big job today, but who knew that the guests were all the **** pirates!

Forget it if it is a pirate, but he was threatened to board this cruise ship and encountered such a monster!

The heroine Cui Li'an was also aggrieved. She was a thief. The purpose of getting on the boat was to make some profit, but who knew that she was caught just after stealing a few people!

Originally, she thought she was put in jail at most, but who knows that a monster came out halfway, good guy, can still live in jail, but this monster will talk to you about the law?

Of course, the most embarrassed is the ship owner Simon!

What a perfect plan!

Quante was ruined by this monster!

Money or money is the second place, now all fate is gone!

Your uncle!


The gunfire continues!

Although it couldn't break this monster, it still seemed to make it feel painful, and it didn't even attack it for a while!

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this!"

The pirate leader Hannover roared suddenly!

Simon's face was full of cold sweat:

"It, it should be the prehistoric Otwa ethnic group!"

"What? What is that?"

Everyone asked!

"Prehistoric Otwa! That is the most terrifying monster in the deep sea!"

"A thousand meters deep under the sea, as long as a pencil, and the size of a golf ball!"

"But at a depth of six kilometers, they will be big enough to eat whales!"

"As for the 10,000-meter deep Otva, think about it yourself!"

Simon was desperate!


Everyone was stunned!

Cui Lian screamed in horror:

"So, we will all be eaten?"

"Eat it? No!"

Simon was full of fear:

"This kind of monster does not eat people, but uses this kind of thorny tentacles to arrest the target prey. Then, it will **** all the bodily fluids in your body, and then **** the bone marrow dry, and finally spit it out. Your bones!"

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