God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1930: The George's family members

And taking advantage of the opportunity to go shopping, Jiang Fan also began to beat on the side!

Although Naomi has amnesia, she has only forgotten her identity. She still has some vague memories of things at the Toyo Shrine and certain other things!

But in line with Jiang Fan's previous statement, it made her believe that Jiang Fan did not lie to herself!

But in just two or three hours, the wound on Naomi's forehead has actually healed a little bit, and a corner of her forehead has a faint flame-like pattern!

Jiang Fan has a hunch, once this flame pattern appears completely, Naomi will definitely recover!

When I think of calling myself father for so long, I guess she will be mad!

Now the sky is almost the same. First destroy the George family, and then quickly lay out the affairs of Gao Tianyuan, and then ran to the castle of thorns, then everything will be fine!

As for killing Naomi, after all, they yelled at Dad, Odosan, and so on, so I really couldn't help it!

The most important thing is that the only way to kill the twentieth level is that there is only one shaking arrow left, and soon he will go to the Temple of Light, this thing, Jiang Fan still needs to use it to save his life!

After sending a group of text messages casually, Jiang Fan finally looked at Naomi with a smile:

"Xiao Cui, let's go, take revenge for your mother!"

"Yeah! Dad!"

At this moment, the George family, on the huge grassland outside the castle, will be unfolding.

Countless elites of the upper class are holding wine glasses, gathering in twos and threes, full of joy and laughter!

However, the atmosphere at the moment in the castle is unspeakably dull!

All the real high-level members of the George family were all sitting in the huge living room of the old castle, and their faces were more gloomy!

More than a day has passed, and Alves hasn't even heard the least bit of news!

This is abnormal!

Just chasing the sails of the river, with the strength of Alves, it can be done in at most half a day!

However, it has been delayed until now, this may only be an accident!

With Hayes as the leader, although no one said anything else, everyone's hearts were already covered with a haze!

The same goes for the three Arthurs sitting across from them!

This afternoon, not knowing what was going on, Arthur suddenly felt a prying eye, but when he radiated the perception, he didn't notice anything abnormal!

Now that the two have cooperated, if something goes wrong, it will also be troublesome for the Arthur family!

"Elder Hayes, can't wait! We must find a way to contact Alves!"

Arthur said in a deep voice!

Hayes frowned:

"We tried to contact him at noon today, but we didn't get in touch, but the family team has already set off, and has now reached the East Madre Mountains. I believe it will not take long before we can figure out the situation!

"I have to hurry up! I don't know what's going on, I'm always uneasy."

Arthur's face became more gloomy, and his heart became more anxious!

This feeling is inexplicable, but it is like a shadow!

Including Lancelot and Westwood were equally dignified.

"Well, I urge them."

Hayes said, already looking at Andy beside him.

Andy nodded and took out his phone, but he hadn't waited for him to dial the number!

A voice full of violent and ghastly sounded in everyone's eardrums at the same time!

"Everyone in the George family, have been waiting for a long time!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, suddenly looking towards the sky above the castle outside the living room!

I saw there, a man stood proudly like an immortal!

However, after seeing the man's appearance clearly, everyone exclaimed!

"Jiang Fan?!"

Jiang Fan, who was hunted down by Alves, actually appeared in the George family's castle!

Why is he here?

How could he be here?

And Jiang Fan smiled, already raised his right hand and pressed down heavily!


An overwhelming air pressure, driven by Jiang Fan's terrifying innocence, is almost like a million tons of sea water, which is heavily pressed on the George family castle!


A loud noise!

The George family’s two-hundred-year-old castle seemed to have been thrown into a huge compressor, and the foundation suddenly dropped a full meter!

Then, starting from the top of the old castle, countless thick cracks spread rapidly, and in less than a second, the entire top of the old castle was completely shattered!

Countless rocks fell, and smoke was scattered!

And in such a short instant, the crack has spread to the entire castle!


Hayes suddenly roared, and his whole body burst into vindictiveness. He was about to fight against Jiang Fan's air pressure!

However, his grudge has just diverged!


The entire castle has completely collapsed amidst loud noises!

For a time, rubble splashed, and smoke rose into the sky like an explosion!

If it is daytime, I am afraid that even more than a dozen miles away, you can see the smoke and dust that is pervading the George family at this moment!

Outside the castle, everyone who attended the reception was shocked!

They screamed and fled to the distance!

However, they just ran to the edge of the manor, but everyone stopped involuntarily!

One after another toward the high sky, the man who looked like a demon!

Who is this person?

In the past two hundred years, even a person who came to the George family to look for trouble has not appeared!

But this man actually destroyed the George family's castle!

Who is he?

Too overbearing!

Everyone's heart is full of stormy waves!

And at this moment!


The ground trembled suddenly!

The next moment, on the ruins of the George family castle, countless rubble suddenly rose into the sky!

And above the ruins, an inverted bowl-shaped blue shield has appeared!

This blue shield has a very wide range, covering almost half of the foundation of the castle!

And the one who issued this shield was Westwood under Arthur!

At this moment, Westwood is holding a wooden wand inlaid with a blue spar, the powerful nineteenth-level peak magic power, surging like a wave!

Just now, he was the one who protected everyone!

Jiang Fan's sight just swept past him, even ignoring Hayes, who was frightened and angry, and fell directly on Arthur's face!

"Mr. Arthur, what a coincidence!"

Arthur took a deep breath!

He never dreamed that Jiang Fan would appear at this time!

And since Jiang Fan saw that he was in the George family, and Westwood took care of Hayes and others, even if he was a fool, he must know that he had some kind of agreement with the George family!

In other words, it is absolutely impossible for the Avalon map to be obtained peacefully!

"Jiang Fan!"

Arthur spoke coldly, and the whole person had slowly floated towards Jiang Fan!


Anyway, the premise of peacefully obtaining the Avalon map is when Jiang Fan is in China!

Since he appeared outside of Huaxia, everything will speak with strength!

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