"Ding Ding Ding!"

The bell rang, and Kazuo Narita quickly answered the call!


"Narita, where are you?"

Naomi's indifferent voice sounded!

"Sacrifice? Great! You're all right!"

Kazuo Narita is overjoyed!

An address was reported immediately!

Soon, in a small town west of Everbright City, Naomi directly knocked on the door of a hotel.

When the door opened, Kazuo Narita was so excited that he wanted to grab Naomi's hand!

In fact, this was also designed by him!

Yesterday, although Naomi managed to escape from the terrifying magician Joshua by relying on Yatayama, one of the three magical weapons, she was seriously injured and she must be extremely weak now!

At this time, I can excuse her excitement and grab her hand!

Even when her steps are unstable, maybe she can still hug her!

A thousand miles begins with a single step!

If you can hold hands today, are you afraid that you won’t be able to do anything else tomorrow?

However, the idea is very good, but when he saw Naomi's indifferent and full of majesty eyes, he directly persuaded him!

I bowed hard to Naomi, and Kazuo Narita respectfully:

"Sacrifice! You are fine, great!"


Naomi agreed, and she walked into the room!

The hotel is not big, but it's clean inside.

On the bed in the bedroom, Hengzheng Ikeda lay there pale.

Looking at his face, it was obvious that he was seriously injured!

Seeing Naomi, he was struggling to get up.

"Don't be polite!"

Naomi waved her hand to stop, then frowned:

"What happened?"

Kazuo Narita spoke honestly:

"Yesterday, after you and Joshua moved to the battlefield, Master Ikeda was planning to take me away, but at this moment, a lord of the Thorns Sword suddenly killed him. Master Ikeda tried to save me. This was seriously injured!"

"Lord Thorns? Which one?"

"I don't know, the other party is a woman, very strong!"

Kazuo Narita spoke cautiously.

In fact, if he hadn't dragged his feet, Ikeda wouldn't be hurt at all!

Naomi nodded:

"Finally, Narita, you go and tell the airport, we return to Dongying!"


Kazuo Narita was startled:

"But Sacrifice, we haven't caught Jiang yet—"

"Don't you understand me?"

Naomi's eyes were cold!

Kazuo Narita trembled all over!

the first time!

It was the first time that he saw Naomi's terrifying eyes!

"Understood! I'll do it right away!"

Kazuo Narita said, and immediately walked out of the hotel!

But Naomi sat down on the chair, her face becoming more and more ugly!

This idiot Kazuo Narita dared to mention Jiang Fan's name!



Naomi stretched out her hand to rub her forehead, but as soon as her fingers touched her forehead, her fingertips trembled!

Before Jiang Fan left, it seemed that, here, he kissed...

The feeling of that kiss actually made her feel relieved for no reason.

Even the corners of her mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

Jiang Fan, see you next time, I must, I want...

Want you to look good!

Wait for me!

Jiang Fan almost ran back to the Castle of Thorns in one breath!

When he reached the gate of the old castle, he looked behind him with a guilty conscience!

so far so good!

Did not chase over!

This time, Naomi was miserable!

Get rid of Alves, she has done half of this pot!

Although it was said that the destruction of the George family was to encourage Arthur's hands, it was because of her force that Arthur was forced to agree!

Later, I took her to the nine big families for a mess, and completely settled the close relationship between the two!

At this time, others can't find themselves, so they have to go to Ise Jingu to talk!

Most importantly, how many times did she call herself father?

When I recalled this, I was absolutely ashamed and angered!

When Naomi wakes up, it is probably good to peel her skin!

Do evil!

Jiang Fan sighed, and finally entered the Castle of Thorns one step at a time!

The time period at this moment is when Naomi wakes up and explodes her strength!

In the old castle, Joshua, who had closed his eyes and calmed down, suddenly opened his eyes, and a sneer was already evoked at the corner of his mouth!

"It actually appeared again, little girl, this time, you don't have that good luck!"

The old man is full of interest and is about to leave!

But just here, his eyes moved!

Jiang Fan?

Jiang Fan's breath unexpectedly appeared in Thorn Castle?

The old man was excited, his figure blurred for a while, and the next moment, he suddenly appeared behind Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan!"


Jiang Fan was thinking about whether Naomi would come here!

He was yelled coldly, and he was taken aback, turned around and punched, and almost sent unsuspecting Joshua back to the west!

Seeing that it was Joshua, Jiang Fan hurriedly closed his fists!

"Master Joshua?"

"Hmm, it's me, it's me!"

The old man looked excited:

"Jiang Fan, where did you go? I heard that the George family was wiped out by you!"

"Well, there is such a thing..."

"Also! I heard that you have a daughter? When will you bring it to me to see, the old man has nothing else, there are so many gems!"

"This one…"

Jiang Fan opened his mouth and sighed again:

"Oh! Do evil!"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Joshua looked blank.

Jiang Fan sighed again and said the matter directly!

Joshua's face was wonderful for a moment!

Good guys!

I hurt Naomi, but Jiang Fan actually picked peaches!


Your kid is really a **** talent!

Seeing Joshua's face full of weirdness, Jiang Fan was curious:

"Master Joshua, what's wrong with you?"

Joshua also sighed:

"Blame me!"

Before Joshua and Naomi had a battle, Joshua's strength was naturally extremely terrifying, and it was originally enough to kill Naomi!

But Naomi actually carried the Yata Mirror of the Toei three artifact in her hand!

The magical effects of this mirror are beyond imagination, especially Naomi is blessed by Amaterasu, and it is even more satisfactory!

But even so, it just makes Naomi feel like she can protect herself!

The two chased and fled all the way, and ran to the south coast for an unknown distance. In the end, Naomi was finally defeated and was seriously injured by Joshua!

However, before she fell into a coma, Naomi used a mirror to hide her real body. Joshua did not find her after looking for it for a long time. Then she returned to the Castle of Thorns angrily!

And Naomi followed the ocean current and just floated to Jiang Fan's side!

He explained that, Jiang Fan finally understood!

Good guys!

Naomi is also down with blood mold, which is regarded as a disaster by Joshua and Jiang Fan's partnership!

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and both laughed awkwardly.

Joshua coughed twice:

"The other party was looking after you. I later caught a priest and searched his memory. I finally understood that the other party believed that you killed the female monarch of Ise Jingu. This is how it pursued you from the country of Mo!"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows and finally understood!

It should be Naomi that sensed the death of the female monarch, and found her own clue in Orizaba, and then chased it all the way!

In that case, the other party already knows his identity?

His eyes sank slightly, but he recovered immediately.

It doesn't matter, see you next time, just speak with your strength!

"By the way, Jiang Fan, what's the matter when you return to the Castle of Thorns this time?"

Joshua asked.

Jiang Fan was about to speak, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"There are as many people in the world as this old man!"

"It's not riding a donkey upside down, look back at everything!"

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