Seeing the brawny coming over, Zhang Guolao suddenly panicked, so he raised his neck and drank soup!


The strong man was furious!

This soup is so fragrant!

Such a fragrant soup, only a real big man like yourself deserves to drink it!

What qualifications does this old man have!

He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhang Guolao's neck, wanting to grab the soup!

Jiang Fan frowned and suddenly raised his hand to block!

next moment!


There was an explosion where the two palms intersected!

The brawny man took seven steps back in a row!

But Jiang Fan remained unmoved!

At this time, both of them found something was wrong!

"who are you!"

The drunkenness on the brawny man's face disappeared, and he asked with a gloomy face!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill his donkey?"

By now, Jiang Fan has been completely certain that it is absolutely no coincidence that this man killed Zhang Guolao's donkey!

The strong man sneered:

"This old man was blind, and he dared to hit Lao Tzu. Killing his donkey was just a lesson. Lao Tzu is already a gratitude for not killing him!"

When the burly man spoke, the crowd suddenly babbled!


"That's right, when the donkey saw you coming, he walked aside!"

"Obviously you had to hit it by yourself!"

"Reverse right and wrong!"

Seeing that the crowd was accusing himself, the strong man suddenly yelled:

"Shut up to Lao Tzu! Otherwise, you will look good!"

The crowd was startled and backed away!

And the strong man is taking a few steps forward, and he must continue to grab soup!

Zhang Guo ate too fast, half a bowl of soup was gone in such a while, and if he didn't grab it, he couldn't even lick the bottom of the bowl!

The key is that he has a hunch that after drinking this bowl of soup, it may be nothing right now, but the benefits to the future will definitely be beyond imagination!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan raised his hand again!

"Boy! Get out!"

The brawny man shouted angrily, and banged at Jiang Fan with a punch!

However, in the face of the fist he hit, Jiang Fan flicked, his movements were smooth and elegant!

This hand is actually the Tai Chi Yun hand learned from Chen Ling at the beginning, with the help of strength!

The brawny man only felt that the punch seemed to be hitting cotton, but immediately after that, an indescribable force was involved, causing him to be taken up suddenly!

"what happened!"

The strong man exclaimed and flew out a full tens of meters in the air before he smashed his head on the ground in the distance!


The brawny fell to the ground, and the ground was dusty!

The crowd was stunned!

Everyone has seen the strength of that strong man just now, it's surprisingly big!

However, not only was he pushed out a few steps by this weird little brother before, but now he was thrown away!

This little brother is amazing!

And just for a while, Zhang Guolao had already drunk the donkey broth. Right now, he was licking two pieces of donkey meat, looking at Jiang Fan with satisfaction and gratitude!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Unexpectedly, I can actually recall the time I spent with Brother Li again!"

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

And at this moment!


Seeing Zhang Guolao finished eating the donkey broth, the brawny man was furious!

He climbed up suddenly and roared!

The next moment, the brawny man actually grew three times bigger, and at the same time, he was actually covered with water vapor, vaguely forming a set of red armor on his body!

The momentum is rising steadily!

The crowd was stunned!


"Consume a battle armor out of thin air!"

"Is this brawny being a fairy?"

Zhang Guolao was also stunned!

"What's the matter? What is this brawny man's means?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

Zhang Guolao is an immortal, why does it seem that he has never seen this before?

With a look in his eyes, he suddenly looked at Zhang Guolao:

"Have you seen Tieguai Li?"

Zhang Guolao was at a loss:


Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

It's too early!

Before the Eight Immortals became immortals, each had practiced. Zhang Guolao was a casual cultivator, and had no school. He was invited by Tieguai Li, and he was listed as the Eight Immortals, and finally became Zhengguo!

No wonder I didn't feel too strong aura from Zhang Guolao!

It's not that this old man's strength is beyond imagination, so he can't detect it, but that he is a waste of wood now, so he is not immortal!

The point is, why does this brawny man trouble him?

You know that in this world of cultivating immortals, you are all about immortal fate!

Zhang Guolao and his donkey are considered to be a companion relationship. If the donkey is dead, it's a question of whether he will become an immortal!

In other words, this brawny man is destroying his fairy fate!

What kind of hatred is it?

Let the strong man take such a cruel hand?

While Jiang Fan was still thinking about it, the strong man had already roared, and a big knife suddenly appeared in his right hand, and suddenly he slashed towards Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan! Hurry and hide!"

Zhang Guolao was taken aback!

However, Jiang Fan remained motionless, seeing that the long knife had already hit his head!

The crowd exclaimed!

But at a moment that was not allowed, Jiang Fan seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at the brawny!

"You are the Four Seas!"

The brawny's heart twitched!

Who the **** is this man!

How can you see through my identity!

However, this is even more impossible to keep him!

When he thought of this, the long knife in his hand chopped even harder!


The long knife hit Jiang Fan's head fiercely!

However, beyond everyone's expectations!

The moment the long knife and Jiang Fan's head met, they broke in two directly!

And Jiang Fan had already made a sudden move, and grabbed the brawny man's neck!

Immediately afterwards, before everyone else could react, Jiang Fan had already picked up the strong man, and suddenly smashed him to the ground!


The ground trembled suddenly!

The huge market has almost left the ground for an instant!

And on the ground under the brawny man suddenly appeared more than a dozen terrifying cracks that spread over a hundred meters!


The brawny man directly spewed a big mouthful of blue blood!

However, he didn't care about the injury, just looked at Jiang Fan in horror!


The other party is just a human!

There is no fascination!

How could he be so strong!

The others were also stunned!

They all looked at Jiang Fan with a dull face!

Good guy, this fall caused the whole market to jump up!

Is this still a human?

Zhang Guolao was full of horror!

Although he is not strong, he is finally not an ordinary person, Jiang Fan's strength is simply more powerful than those monsters with physical cultivation!

"Jiang Fan, you, don't beat him to death... beware of lawsuits!"

"It's okay, this guy has thick skin and can't die!"

Jiang Fan chuckled, already stepping on the brawny man, his true energy burst out suddenly!

"Don't show me the true shape yet!"


The brawny man spouted another mouthful of blood, his whole body trembled suddenly, and the next moment he had turned into a three-meter-long swimming crab!



"This strong man turned out to be a monster!"


The crowd was in chaos and ran away one after another!

Zhang Guolao was also stunned!

Never thought that the person who killed his donkey before was actually a crab spirit!

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