God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 194: Yijian Wushuang crew

"Holy Light Ruling?"

Yang Zhen and Yang Qi were stunned! This name is so domineering!

"The Holy Light Ruling is the third-ranked killer organization in Europe. It is extremely powerful! The reason I know is because I have cured someone in this organization!"

"Ranked third?"

Yang Qi's eyes lit up and his expression was excited!

"Yes! But their asking price is not low!"

"It doesn't matter! As long as you can kill Jiang Fan, it doesn't matter how much money!"

Father and son Yang Zhen have a hideous look!

At eight o'clock the next day, Jiang Fan came to the intersection agreed with Su Lingyu on time!

After getting in the car, I went straight to the crew in the suburbs!

In the car, Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan curiously!

"Takeaway Star, your mask is so weird! Is it metal? Also, there is not even a strap. How did you buckle it on your face?"

"This thing is forged from alien metal. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. It is automatically adsorbed. It is a high-tech product. I don't know the principle!"

Too, too ridiculous, right?

Su Lingyu looked sluggish!

Yu Rui even sneered!


Jiang Fan didn't bother to care about her and looked at Su Lingyu!

"How far is it?"

"The crew is in Qiyun Mountain on the outskirts of the city. All the location scenes need to be taken there. It will be there soon!"

As I was talking, ahead, already, a majestic mountain appeared!

Moving on, and soon, I saw some staff constantly appearing at the foot of the mountain!


Su Lingyu took out his sunglasses and put it on, and got out of the car first!

As soon as Jiang Fan got out of the car, Zhang Wentao and Ding Xuan greeted them with enthusiasm!

"Brother Jiang, I was wrong before. It's because of the child's face. Give me a chance!"

Ding Xuan, directly used his son to play the emotional card!

"Mr. Jiang, don't blame Ding, it's all my fault, I apologize to you, you must..."


Jiang Fan directly compared with a gesture of silence!

"Forget it, let's not take it as an example!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

"Brother Jiang, I will set another table at Qingyuzhai tonight, and I will apologize for you!"

"Let's talk about it, others are here, remember, never reveal my true identity!"


The two deliberately stepped back slightly!

And the group of staff, seeing Jiang Fan, have already, can't wait to rush forward!

"Oh my God! It's really a takeaway star!"

"As expected of Miss Su! Actually invited the takeaway star!"

"It seems that even the takeaway star can hardly stop Miss Su's charm!"

"It's so happy to be able to see the takeaway star himself!"

"Takeaway Star, sign me!"

Seeing the excitement of a group of crew members, Su Lingyu was stunned!

What kind of celebrities can't see these workers? When I first met myself, I was not so enthusiastic!

Not far away, a handsome man stared at Jiang Fan resentfully!

His name is Li Tianlin. He was originally the second male in the crew. At that time, when Fan Jigan stepped down, he had a good celebration! I thought I could, and became the male number one! As a result, I didn't expect the takeaway star to actually kill it!

damn it!

Li Tianlin whispered angrily!

However, he then sneered!

Acting, not everyone can do it! Not only need training, but also talent!

It's just an internet celebrity. When the time comes to record his ugly attitude, the public opinion on the Internet is enough to get him out!

"Okay! Be quiet! The crew asked Miss Su to invite Takeaway Star this time, but I didn't sign it for you!"

Zhang Wentao frowned and scolded at a group of staff!

A group of staff had no choice but to disperse reluctantly!

"Mr. Takeaway Star..."

"Call me Mr. Water!"

Jiang Fan smiled at Zhang Wentao!

Zhang Wentao was startled, but he reacted immediately!

"Okay, Mr. Shui, on behalf of the crew of "Yi Jian Wu Shuang", thank you for your help..."

Zhang Wentao was still complimenting the act, but Su Lingyu's eyes lit up on one side!

His last name is Shui?

"Okay, don't gossip, don't you want to try it out? Let's start!"

"Well, good! Director Liu! Get ready for seventeen scenes!"

As Zhang Wentao said, he took Jiang Fan directly to a temporary thatched cottage!

"Mr. Water, in this scene, the main story is that the heroine played by Su Lingyu comes and invites you to come out. You have no lines, but just sit here and play the piano! It's a good performance!


"Scenarios! Scenarios! Director Liu, what are you doing? What about Qin?"

A fat man ran over with a cold sweat on his face!

"Director Zhang, well, for these two days, the crew hasn't started work, and Qin was returned!"


Zhang Wentao is so annoyed that he can't wait to slap Director Liu!

"Forget it, then change to the next one!"

"No! I have a piano!"

As Jiang Fan said, walking slowly to the front of the Maverick, he actually took out a piano from the back seat!

Zhang Wentao breathed a sigh of relief, but Su Lingyu looked incredible!

She remembered clearly that when Jiang Fan got into the car, she was empty-handed! Where did this piano come from?

Is it, myself, remembered wrong?

Soon, the preparatory work has been completed, Jiang Fan's hands, even, have been placed on the Jiaoweiqin!

At this moment, a mocking voice suddenly sounded!

"Hehe, filming with a mask, this is the first time I have heard of it!"

Everyone was taken aback!

I saw Li Tianlin, sitting on a chair not far away, looking at Jiang Fan with disdain!

Zhang Wentao frowned, but didn't say much!

"Okay, pay attention to all departments, ready to start!"

"Seventeen games once, start!"

After Zhang Wentao shouted, he immediately looked forward with piercing eyes!


Su Lingyu fell from the sky, like a fairy!

"Grandmaster! The dynasty is in danger! Except you, no one can save China now! Please, come out!"

In Su Lingyu's eyes, the complex expression, anxiety, anxiety, and anticipation show up to the fullest, and he is indeed worthy of the name of the queen!



Jiang Fan couldn't hold back, he laughed!

"Hahaha! Grandmaster! Hahaha!"

A group of staff are dumbfounded!

Su Lingyu's face is green!

What's so funny about this?

Let you act casually, you also act too casually! No wonder it is called Mr. Water, this acting is too watery!

"Sorry, sorry, let's start over!"

Jiang Fan blinked at Su Lingyu! Anyway, there is no camera at all now, and there is no need to worry about wasting resources!

Su Lingyu had no choice but to smile!

At this time, the discordant voice sounded again!

"Huh! He is an internet celebrity after all, without any professionalism! Rubbish!"

Li Tianlin's face was even more disdainful, looking at Jiang Fan contemptuously!

Jiang Fan looked at him and said nothing!

Anyway, I was just here for a cutscene, and I just left when I got the signature and gift promised by Su Lingyu!

"Seventeen games, two times, start!"

"Grandmaster! The dynasty is in danger! Except you, no one can save China now! Please, come out!"

Jiang Fan didn't laugh this time, and started playing the piano pretendingly! It's a pity that he was so soft and collapsed, he didn't have the slightest mastery, he looked like a rascal!

"Card! Stop!"

Zhang Wentao had no choice but to stop, and trot to Jiang Fan's side!

"Mr. Shui, you are acting as a master now, can you sit more aggressively?"

"Let me try!"

"Seventeen games, three times, start!"

"Grandmaster! Dynasty..."

Su Lingyu couldn't say it anymore!

I saw that Jiang Fan tilted Erlang's legs, raised his neck, and looked at himself arrogantly!


Zhang Wentao has a headache!

"Mr. Jiang, the master, it must be a superior, yet tolerant temperament, not like a cockfight. Would you like not to try again?"



"Cut! Try it? I think I should forget it!"

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