The silence lasted for half a minute!

Isaac finally spoke in a weird tone:

"You, are you serious?"

"Of course, I ask you, is there a strand of 25th-level remnant soul in the Deep Sea Demon Bottle?"


Joshua's expression was stagnant, but Fiona exclaimed directly!

Obviously, I just learned the news!

Isaac took a deep breath:

"It seems that you have really seen Libra!"

He pondered for a moment, then suddenly spoke:

"You and Libra have reached an agreement privately. You have already betrayed me, and you use your mobile phone to call me. What you said to me, Libra will know clearly, you are not afraid of me or Libra, and get angry. Kill you?"

As soon as Isaac's voice fell, the faces of Joshua and Fiona all changed!

The two looked at Jiang Fan in a panic!

If Isaac really ordered Jiang Fan to be killed, what should they do?

However, Jiang Fan's face was full of smiles:

"Let's not talk about that first. Regarding the information about the Deep Sea Bottle, Libra should not lie to me!"

"Isaac, even if you hold the Demon Bottle, you don't have the technology to open it!"

"In my opinion, it is better to cooperate with Libra!"

"Open the bottle with the technique of the Throne of Thorns, and Libra gets the knowledge in the mind of the remnant soul, and you, get the way to enter the 25th level!"

"Combining benefits both, this is a win-win situation!"

Everyone was stunned!

Joshua and Fiona looked dull!

Libra took a deep breath!

Jiang Fan!

Good for you!

I asked you to steal, but you turned out to be a lobbyist!


This is to build a bridge of friendship between Isaac and I?

How did this idea come up?

The point is, I don’t know why, he is really moved!

Isaac is also dumbfounded!

But in my heart, there is also a commotion that can't be concealed!

The corners of his mouth twitched for a long time before he spoke incredulously:

"Are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Fan's tone is solemn:

"You can sign a contract and get what you need. What a simple thing!"

He even tapped on the microphone:

"Lord Libra, I know you are listening, give me a point?"


The atmosphere is unspeakable embarrassment!

No one speaks!

Jiang Fan said with a smile:

"Okay, since you are not against it, then let's do it! Let's do it, you two hurry up. Three hours later, we will meet in Los Angeles and make the decision directly!"

After speaking, Jiang Fan hung up the phone!

The weight looked at Libra with a dull expression:

"My lord, this, this kid..."

"I know!"

The expression on Libra's face is indescribable:

"It is said that his thinking is unconstrained and eclectic. Today, he has really seen it!"

"But sir, he, who is he from?"

"Which guy?"

Libra's gaze was a little dazed:

"He is afraid that he has never thought of being underdog. This kid, his ambition, is afraid that everyone will be trampled underfoot!"

The weight was stunned:

"This kid is so ambitious?"

Libra's tone is deep:

"If there is no ambition, he would not be Jiang Fan!"

"But if that's the case, my lord, then he is definitely not allowed to stay!"

"No! He's still useful, and whether he betrayed us at all, can you tell me exactly?"


The weight hesitated!

Jiang Fan did not follow what they said, stole the Deep Sea Bottle, and even sold them backhand to Isaac!

But don't worry about what to do, he is indeed fighting for the Deep Sea Bottle for the Throne of Thorns!

But this method...

The weight was tangled for a long time, and then he said:

"My lord, what shall we do next?"

"According to what he said, get ready and go to Los Angeles!"

"Huh? But Isaac..."

"Isaac will definitely go! It's just a pity. I knew Jiang Fan would do it, so I wouldn't waste that precious bait!"

As Libra said, he was already looking to the far northeast.

In a dense forest in Canada that is farther than the end of Libra's sight, Isaac put down his phone, still a little dazed on his face.

It wasn't until a long time later that he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Jiang little fellow, really, really..."

He thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with the right words.

He shook his head:

"Three hours, time is enough!"

And while he was doing all this, there was a man stepping on his feet!

This man is sturdy, wearing a coat of animal skins, his beard and hair are all messed up, he looks like a savage!

However, although a man looks like a savage, the breath of his body is as powerful as an endless ocean, with a breath that is unique to gods!

In fact, he is indeed a true god!

In the Norse mythology system, the illegitimate son of Odin and Linde, the **** of nature, Wali!

He grew up in the wind right after he was born, and was able to fight the enemy the next day!

According to the legend, after the gods at dusk, he and Vader, the **** of the forest, will become the main gods of the new era in the Nordic mythology system!

He is a real high-end god!

But it was such a high **** who was stepped on by Isaac, but he could only struggle in vain, and he couldn't even say a word!

Isaac's feet loosened slightly.

"Mr. Valley, can you tell me now, where are Odin and the others?"

"A delusion!"

Valli roared suddenly!

The whole dense forest with a trembling sound is trembling!

"Human! I will kill you! I want to take your intestines out and eat all your bones!"

"Hehe, God, it really is just another beast!"

Isaac's expression was still soft, but his feet slammed!


The center of the earth trembled suddenly!

After taking him as the center and west, the ground was like a stream of water, unexpectedly there were countless ripples!

The ripples spread far away, as if an earthquake broke out!


There was a sudden bang on Vali's body, and a rib broke in two directly!


Vali suddenly let out a painful roar, and his body shuddered suddenly, and he jumped out from under Isaac's feet!

It's just that he just rushed out, slammed on a giant tree in front of him, and then turned back abruptly, and blasted Isaac with a heavy punch!

The moment when this fist blasted, the clouds all over the sky seemed to be dragged, and they moved with his fist!

Countless fallen leaves and rubble, even wind, are all moving with the fist!

Even the trees in the entire forest followed him, aiming in the direction of Isaac!

At the same time, these plants or gravel all exudes a wisp of breath that is invisible to the naked eye. These breaths seem to be home to a hundred birds, all attached to Vali's fist!

This punch not only contains the strength of Vali's twenty-fourth level, but also gathers the power of the entire forest!

Once blasted out, even a towering mountain will be wiped out!

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