[Fear Token]: This is a peculiar item that can only be produced when the fear value exceeds the extreme value!

Grade: Special props

Attribute: Holding this token, under the premise of paying a certain causal point, you can summon customers who are dominated by fear as mercenaries!

Current Disposable Client: Megatron!

Note: The initial summoning requires one hundred thousand causal points for spatial positioning, and subsequent causal points will continue to be consumed according to the summoning time.

Tip: In this state, the customer cannot be strengthened, and if a lethal attack is encountered, it will be forced to retain its life and quickly return to the original world!

Megatron can be summoned!

No wonder this product didn't give other rewards, this is equivalent to selling oneself!

Although it can't be strengthened, the ability of this guy to run away is too strong!

After transforming the space plane, he flew to Mars in minutes!

It's perfect to recruit this guy when you need to run away!

More importantly, there are one and two. After a long time, you can definitely bring this product out!

Jiang Fan was satisfied and looked at the other two rewards.

[Dongfeng Express Express Edition]: Dongfeng Express, the mission must be reached!

Remarks: Using this item, with the host as the center, a 50-kilometer radius will enter the Dongfeng Express saturation strike state!

Tips: The express location is accurate and the delivery is accurate, so no matter how terrifying the attack, the host will be unharmed!

Damn it!

This is awesome!

Although it has no grade like that hydrogen bomb, just look at the prompts to know that the power is definitely not small!

[Nuclear Power Plant]: This is a powerful power plant that can drive an aircraft carrier!

Grade: Special equipment

Remarks: This device is embedded in the hull of the ship, which can make any ship possess extremely powerful power!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up, and this thing happened to be used by Jiaolong One!

However, Jiaolong No. 1 is too big, so I can install it when I have a chance to summon it!

After putting away a few props, Jiang Fan left the system space directly.

Returning to the restaurant, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke to Aldrich while eating.

"Help me do something."

"Mr. Jiang, please give me an order!"

"Prepare a plane to Britain and let them stand by."


Aldrich was taken aback:

"Mr. Jiang is going to Britain?"

"Well, in the middle of the night at the latest, those cultivators should be able to arrive. After the deal with you is completed, I will go to Arthur."

The news that the Avalon map was in Jiang Fan's hands, but everyone knew.

The reason why this baby has not been coveted until now, is not Jiang Fan, but how to face the Arthur family after snatching it from Jiang Fan!

What's more, can Avalon be found with this map?

For those top powers, they don't want to do such things that outweigh the gains.

Aldrich quickly understood what Jiang Fan meant and nodded immediately:

"No problem, don't worry, Mr. Jiang."


Jiang Fan nodded, as if thinking of something again:

"Mr. Aldrich, I heard that in your Supernatural Institute, the courtyard Ignaz is rarely in charge?"

Aldrich gave a dry laugh:

"Mr. Jiang, what does this mean?"

"Hehe, I heard that the power struggle between your deputy deans seems to be very fierce?"

Aldrich smiled unchanged:

"Mr. Jiang is really joking. Under the wise leadership of Dean Ignaz, how can we compete for power!"

"Oh, in that case, when I didn't say, alas, I wanted to help you!"

Jiang Fan shrugged, lowered his head to eat, and said nothing.

However, Aldrich couldn't sit still!

Jiang Fan is right. Ignaz usually doesn't care at all, and even because he hates trouble, he has repeatedly stated that he will resign from the position of dean, and at most have the title of honorary dean.

This matter is no longer a secret.

It's just that the following three vice presidents are fighting fiercely, and each has its own strengths. Regarding the candidate for the next president, even Ignaz has a headache.

Among the three, Aldrich has the oldest qualifications and the most extensive contacts. Normally speaking, he is the most promising.

It's a pity that he has always sought stability, and hasn't achieved any results that can be achieved over the years.

Even the matter of Ruins No. 3 last time, because the idiot McKinsey paid out billions in vain, he was sued to Ignaz by the other two deputy directors.

So now hearing Jiang Fan's words, his heart suddenly came alive!

"Mr. Jiang, although those rumors are not credible, they are still idle anyway. Would you like to talk about it?"

Aldrich helped Jiang Fan pry open an oyster and handed it over with a flattering expression.

Jiang Fan took it casually, dripped two drops of lemon juice on it, and inhaled in one mouthful.

After a little aftertaste, Jiang Fan shook his head embarrassedly:

"Don't say it, it will affect your feelings, not good."

Aldrich couldn't stand it anymore. When it comes to the work of cultivating one's anger, the foreign devils are not as good as the Chinese who are well versed in the art of war.

He gritted his teeth:

"Mr. Jiang, let me be honest, what you said is right, there is indeed a discord within us!"

"Ha ha."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Mr. Aldrich, I know you are a little afraid of me, but you don't have to follow my words, I'm very kind, skip this topic!"

Aldrich was anxious:

"I didn't follow your words, it's true! Mr. Jiang, I was wrong. I shouldn't lie just now. If you really have a way, you must help me. I won't forget your kindness!"

Jiang Fan sighed:

"Okay, but let me make it clear in advance, I only show you a way! I will never participate in this matter!"

Aldrich was startled slightly, but he was relieved.

No one knows Jiang Fan's cunningness. He is afraid that he will get into Jiang Fan's suit, but since Jiang Fan doesn't participate, he obviously has no problem!

"Mr. Jiang, please speak."

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment before speaking:

"What is your relationship with Solomon's Key?"

"Solomon's Key?"

Aldrich was taken aback, not knowing how Jiang Fan mentioned them, but he still said:

"The relationship is average. There have been several cooperations. Speaking of which, after we learned of your identity this time, we still wanted to join forces!"

"If the relationship is not close, it will be easier."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Aldrich, you and I are destined, so I can give you this news for free, but remember, you owe me a favor!"

Aldrich's face was solemn, and since Jiang Fan said this, it was obvious that his next news was extremely important!

He nodded solemnly:

"Mr. Jiang, please say!"

Jiang Fan looked around, and then passed the sound transmission:

"My identity has been revealed, and the people of Solomon's Key have also come. In addition to Duke Angus, there is another, a living demon!"


Aldrich stood up suddenly and exclaimed directly!

"Speak down!"

Jiang Fan gave a shout!

Aldrich shook his whole body, and then he reacted and sat down quickly!

However, his heart almost jumped out!

Devil! The living demon!

In almost an instant, he already understood the weight of Jiang Fan's intelligence!

The Supernatural Institute used to spend high prices to buy alien creatures from the Dark Council many times.

The research on these alien creatures has allowed them to develop several powerful potions!

And this is just the research results of some low-level creatures!

If the Supernatural Research Institute can catch a living demon, then the effect it can play for their research is beyond immeasurable!

And to do this, one's own status in the Supernatural Institute can reach the level that no one can shake!

The next dean's position is definitely a certainty!

"Jiang Fan, is the news accurate?"

"Of course, and I can also tell you which demon **** it is!"


"One of the seventy-two pillars of the devil, Grysya Labos!"

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