God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1986: Give me back my fist!

Accompanied by the sound, a Jiading screamed like a frightened Teddy and rushed over!

Behind him was a group of maidservants from the house, especially an ugly, fresh and refined maidservant who was the most exaggerated!

The lipstick on her mouth is too heavy, it looks like it is bigger than Venom's mouth!

The two blushes on his face are just like the paper figures in the horror movie of Uncle Nine!

As soon as she saw her, the four heroes shuddered together!


"Sister Pomegranate!"

"Little adulterer! I'll leave it to you!"

Without saying anything, a few people pushed Tang Bohu out!

As soon as she saw Tang Bohu, Sister Pomegranate suddenly brightened her eyes and rushed towards Tang Bohu!

"Hua'an! Great! You are here!"

"Help me this delicate flower!"

"Just save me, tonight, I will let you destroy it!"

While shouting, Sister Pomegranate had already rushed to Tang Bohu's eyes!

Tang Bohu shuddered and kicked out subconsciously!



Sister Pomegranate spouted a big mouthful of water, and the whole person flew upside down, falling far into the arms of a family!

Tang Bohu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and grabbed a family member!

"What's the matter? What happened?"

That Ding looked panicked:

"That's not good! The deadly scholar has come to the door, and the **** that the wife was beaten is about to come out!"

"This~~What an exaggeration? Where is Qiuxiang?"

"They are still in the lobby, saying they want to coexist and die with Washington!"

"Then why don't you stay?"

"Damn, I give you two thousand yuan a month, will you sell your life for me?"

Jia Ding said, and ran away.

"Hey! Damn, it's so loyal!"

Tang Bohu cursed and looked at the four great prostitutes:

"Four people, the time has come for you to clean up your crimes. Now, just go to the hall with me and kill the deadly scholars. By that time, you will not only be prostitutes, but you can also become heroes!"

What he is good at is marksmanship, without the Overlord Spear in his hand, he can't beat the deadly scholar at all!

Can only find foreign aid!

However, the four heroes took a step back together:

"Brother Tang, fame is like dung to me! It's enough to have you!"

The deadly scholar's deadly sword is powerless, they don't want to die so young!

Tang Bohu was dumbfounded, and finally looked at Jiang Fan pleadingly:

"Brother Jiang, you have saved your little brother's life just now. I should never beg you for such a dangerous thing as a life-threatening scholar, but it is about my most beloved woman. Please also ask Brother Jiang to take action and help me. !"

"no problem!"

Contrary to Tang Bohu's expectation, what Jiang Fan promised was extremely happy!

Tang Bohu looked overjoyed!

The eyes of the four heroes lit up:

"Ha! Since Brother Jiang is willing to take action, of course the four of our brothers can't fall behind!"

With Jiang Fan, a strong man, they just have to wave the flag and shout!

Of course, this kind of bargain hunting must be done!

If you say it badly, when Washington is happy, it will reward them all those beautiful maids!

"Okay, then together!"

Jiang Fan raised his hand, and a storm rose from the ground, directly rolling up a few people and rushing to the hall!

Several people were shocked!

This method is simply unheard of!

However, before they could reflect, Jiang Fan had already passed through several courtyards and arrived at the entrance of the main house hall!

Just at this moment, a few sword qi suddenly burst out, blasting the entire hall in half, directly revealing the scene inside!

I saw a man dressed as a scholar holding a long sword in the hall, fighting with a woman inextricably!

These two people are the deadly scholar and Mrs. Hua!

The life-threatening scholar had a long sword and swift and swift, and Mrs. Hua was covered in blood, retreating steadily.

And in the corner of the hall, there were a few maids lying on their stomachs.


Tang Bohu exclaimed and rushed directly at the maids.

The eyes of the four heroes lit up, and they rushed over with excitement!

Now this time the hero saves the beauty, and it is difficult to say that these beautiful maidservants will take the initiative to give up and hug them.

The faces of several people were wretched, and the speed was actually faster than Tang Bohu, and they rushed to the side of the maids almost instantly!

Xi Jian even picked up one of them, and said with a smile on his face:

"Little lady—fuck! Sister Pomegranate?!"

I saw that woman had a bruise face and a swollen mouth that was even more exaggerated than Ouyang Feng, who was in the middle of the night.

The other three picked up a few handmaidens and screamed like a ghost!

I saw that these maids were actually uglier one by one!

"What are the four beautiful maids we have been thinking about?"

"How abnormal is the aesthetics to think they are beautiful women?"

"Nima! Rumors are killing people!"

"Brothers, respect first!"

"I withdrew, you are free!"

The faces of several people were horrified, and they were about to run away.

But at this moment, Tang Bohu hugged the maid in yellow!

The four harlots were stunned!

"It's a little adulterer! This can be done!"

"You know what a fart! They are the most insidious martial arts in the world-beyond recognition!"

Tang Bohu shouted angrily!

These people were hit by this trick two days ago, but I didn't think they were hit again this time!

"Brother Tang, is there a solution to this trick?"


Tang Bohu looked at Jiang Fan:

"Brother Jiang, let the little brother show off!"

Jiang Fan's brain was hot, he broke out in Form Two, and waved his big hand:

"Brother Tang, please!"


Tang Bohu took a deep breath, aimed at Qiu Xiang, and blasted him with a punch!

"Return my fist! I'll fight!"


Qiuxiang's whole person who had been beaten leaned back!

But Tang Bohu's hands were like bee wings, frantically moving!

"I da da da da da da da !!!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

The four harlots were stunned!

However, as Tang Bohu kept punching, the maid's face was recovering quickly!

In less than ten seconds, she has completely turned into a beautiful beauty!

It looks like Qiuxiang!

"Brother Tang is a god!"


"If it were to open a plastic surgery hospital, it would definitely make more money than selling paintings!"

The four heroes applauded, and Qiu Xiang has slowly woke up!

When she saw Tang Bohu, her face was suddenly shocked:


"it's me!"

Tang Bohu looked excited, stretched out his mouth, ready to kiss!

But at this moment!

"Huh? Who is this gentleman from Yushu Linfeng?"

Qiu Xiang directly looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

What am I?

Tang Bohu cursed in his heart, but he still introduced:

"This is Jiang Fan, Brother Jiang! Thanks to him, I was saved!"

"It turns out that you saved Bohu. The little girl has nothing to do with her, only—"

Qiuxiang didn't finish her words!


A scream suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Hua was already like a brick, and she smashed it towards this side!

It turned out that she was completely burnt out just now and was kicked by the fatal scholar!


Qiuxiang exclaimed!

And Mrs. Hua had already smashed to the ground fiercely.


Mrs. Hua spit out a mouthful of blood, but suddenly saw Tang Bohu. For a while, she was overjoyed!

"Tang Bohu, hurry up! As long as I save Washington, I will mate Qiuxiang to you!"

Tang Bohu smiled:

"Aren't you the same when you die?"

"Am I special--"

Mrs. Hua was stunned!

Qiuxiang is anxious:


Tang Bohu looked helpless:

"I don't have a gun, I can't beat him!"

The life-threatening scholar had already touched his beard and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha! Today, the old lady wants you to stay in Washington! Don't keep the dogs! Take it to death!"

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