Lu Qinghua!

These three words were heard, Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

The ten strongest people in China are indeed Tianding Ten Extremes!

However, in addition to these ten people, there are still a group of strong people whose strength or status is only below these people!

For example, the former Uncle Xuan, for example, this Lu Qinghua!

Strictly speaking, Lu Qinghua is not good at strength. Although he also has the strength of the Celestial and Human Realm, he is best at stargazing and arithmetic!

Known as a fortune teller!

And here is the problem!

If it's someone else, Jiang Fan can be 100% sure that the other person must be someone from God!

But Lu Qinghua... is he the person asked by God, or is he just calculated?

Lin Buhui was also unsure, and Jiang Fan was the first to contact.

The two were silent for a moment, before Jiang Fan spoke:

"How did you find out about this?"

Lin Buhui clearly understood Jiang Fan's meaning, and he pondered for a moment before saying:

"I have many friends, and it's easy to trace the roots."

"According to the time you told me before, when you had an accident, the head of a small family happened to beg Lu Qinghua to help him perform fortune-telling."

"At that time, Lu Qinghua seemed to be touched by something, and suddenly said a word without thinking."

Jiang Fan's eyes moved:

"What did he say?"

Lin Bugui said:

"Zhonggong is out of position, Jidu and Luohu are facing each other, fire and earth are missing, retrograde in the sky! Seven kills, breaking the army, and three stars in the same house of greedy wolves, the smashing wolf will be completed, the disaster will fall in the move, and the crape myrtle star will fall!"

Jiang Fan has Maoshan's secret method, and his face suddenly changed when he heard Lin Buhui's words:


"Yes! That means you!"

Lin Buhui's voice is gloomy:

"The head of the small family asked him who he was. Although Lu Qinghua didn't mention your name, he said that he was the first person to disturb the situation. In today's world, the entire China, apart from you, is no one!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were long, and after a long time, he said slowly:

"Check the head of that little family, I will let Curtis go to help..."

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Buhui:

"It's a pity that the head of that small family is dead!"

Jiang Fan was taken aback:


"Yes! Dead!"

"Where is his entourage?"

"There was a car accident last night and they were all dead!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and then he smirked:

"Okay, okay! What a **** thing to do!"

Lin Buhui's voice became more and more gloomy:

"The imaginary is the real, the real is the imaginary. These people are dead. It is possible that Lu Qinghua killed people and cut off the clues. It is more likely that the people of Tianwen wanted to plant this matter on Lu Qinghua's head. I was because I'm not sure what it is, so I contacted you. Jiang Fan, intuitively, do you think Lu Qinghua is the one asked by heaven?"

Jiang Fan frowned.

He only thought that Tianwen was just terrifying in strength, but he didn't expect to play with such a powerful method!

He shook his head:

"This matter cannot be judged by intuition... Are you sure, the news that I was killed is the only source?"

"So far, there is only this one! By the way, there is one more thing about him, maybe it can provide some ideas."


"You destroyed the Zhou family that day. The reason why we arrived at about the same time was because someone spread a letter saying that the capital was likely to become a killing field, and it was Lu Qinghua who came out of this news! And that day, he was also there. on site!"

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

Suddenly a large amount of information flashed through my mind!

The five heavenly tripods gathered in the capital, and it happened that the Huo family was destroyed. If it could be said to be a coincidence before, but now, it has been completely confirmed that someone deliberately led away these five people!

Is that person really Lu Qinghua?

If he was really a man who asked him, would he make things so obvious?

Or is he also being used by others?

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly said:

"Senior Lin, thank you very much, I will take care of the next thing myself."

"Just rely on you? The heaven and the human are not reached, what do you use to fight them?"

Lin Buhui sneered:

"Okay, since your kid told me what God asked me, I have no reason to withdraw!"

Jiang Fan was slightly moved, but he still spoke:

"Senior Lin, in fact, the other party's goal is me. As long as you don't interfere, even a force like God will never offend you easily, let alone embarrass the Lin family. Really, forget it."

Lin Buhui's tone was impatient:

"You kid don't talk nonsense! If this **** really exists, after you kill you, Tianding Shiji will definitely be his biggest stumbling block! I still understand the truth of this. You should have a way? Say it!"

Jiang Fan sighed:


"Don't! It's too bad to hear your kid say something nice!"


Jiang Fan smiled and pondered for a while, he finally spoke:

"Well, let me ask you a question first. It shouldn't be difficult for you to win Lu Qinghua?"

"It's easy! But even though he is only Level Twenty-two, he has a special status. He has a good relationship with several people in Tianding Tenji. There is no real evidence. Even if it is me, I can't do it!"

Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"I didn't let you do it, just let you go to see him, and help us divination by the way."

"Are you asking me to tell him fortune-telling?"

Lin Buhui was taken aback.

"Yes, since he is so capable, let him count, who is Tianzun!"


Lin Buhui suddenly exclaimed!

What a trick to startle the snake!

Jiang Fan is so slippery!

As soon as this question came up, if Lu Qinghua hadn't been asked by heaven, everything would be business as usual, but if it was, there would be flaws!

This kid is really amazing!

Jiang Fan's tone was slightly solemn at this time:

"But this incident is likely to put you in a dangerous situation. If Lu Qinghua is really Tianwen's person, you will definitely become Tianwen's next target, and even the Lin family may be in danger! Senior Lin, you..."

Jiang Fan didn't finish speaking, but the meaning in it was already obvious.

But Lin Buhui "cut" his tone, with a bit of playfulness in his tone:

"Boy, you too underestimated me! I Lin Buhui never saw any big storms in my life? I dared to smash with Tianding Shiji, and now I am not afraid of that god! If he really dares to come to the door, It may not be me who died!"

Jiang Fan was slightly surprised. To tell the truth, he now has no clear concept of the strength of Tianding Shiji. Lin Buhui is so confident that he is the only Tianding Shiji he trusts now. It seems that he can only take this The matter was handed over to him.

"Then please, please remember, even if there is something wrong with him, never act without authorization, everything is waiting for me to go back!"

"Do you dare to come back? It's okay, then you will be honest with me!"

"That's not enough. I'm doing another thing now. If this thing is done, Tianwen will definitely not dare to shoot me a second time in a short time!"

Lin Bugui was startled:

"What are you doing?"

Jiang Fan slowly spit out two words:


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