"Everyone be quiet!"

Jiang Fan, finally spoke!

"I promise you!"

The crowd suddenly quieted down!

"Idol, actually, really promised us?"

"But, Zhang Wentao and Su Lingyu, he didn't agree with the invitation!"

"This is for us?"

"Idol, you are so kind to us!"

"I'm so touched! Takeaway star! I want to follow you forever!"

The fans rushed forward and threw Jiang Fan high!

In the distance, in a car!

"Miss! You are amazing! How did you know that the takeaway star would promise him these fans?"

Yu Rui looked at Su Lingyu incredible!

Su Lingyu's eyes were dull, and she looked at Jiang Fan stupidly!

"I just guessed!"

"Don't talk nonsense, miss! Which time did you do something without winning?"

"No, what I said is true, I just want to try it!"


Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan obsessively and muttered to himself!

"Takeaway star, you are really different. I have never seen such a special star..."



At this moment, although only Jiang Fan, Zhang Wentao and Ding Xuan are in the private room!

However, this table of banquets is absolutely top-notch!

Above, they are all precious dishes such as puffer fish, bubo tongue, king salmon and so on. Even the fruit plate is actually Yubari King Melon! This thing, the most expensive one of the year, sold more than 20,000 knives!

This meal requires at least six figures!

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction. Price does not represent relationship, but it definitely represents sincerity!

"Mr. Jiang, thank you!"

Zhang Wentao, grateful!

"Brother Jiang, I didn't expect that you actually agreed!"

Ding Xuan also looked incredible!

Jiang Fan just smiled!

Soon after a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere gradually became lively!

At this moment, Zhang Wentao actually smiled!

"Mr. Jiang, do you have a girlfriend?"


Zhang Wentao's eyes lit up immediately, showing a smirk!

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, you know that I am a director, how about it? Would you like me to introduce two to you?"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Fan and Ding Xuan suddenly showed a smile that a man knew!

Anyway, when I was the second generation of the rich, I was not a good bird. At this time, I don’t have to wear a big tail wolf!

However, smiling back and forth, Jiang Fan still said, "If it was okay before, now I am a teacher. It is very important to be a good example of others!"

Ding Xuan and Zhang Wentao were stunned at the same time!

"Mr. Jiang, there is no one else. Don't worry, I will never..."

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan looked straight!

"I am one after all, teacher!"

Ding Xuan and Zhang Wentao were shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan, I felt ashamed for no reason!

Myself, it's so LOW!

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang!"

Zhang Wentao, look solemn!

"It's okay, by the way, where is the script?"

Since he has decided to participate in the show, Jiang Fan will never rush away!

"The script is in the hotel. By the way, many scenes need to be run in in advance, Mr. Jiang, why don't you just go back to the hotel directly with me in a while?"

"Good too!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

Soon, when the banquet was over, Ding Xuan sent a driver directly to Jiang Fan and sent them to the hotel!

"Mr. Jiang, this is your room. I have sent someone to put the script in. Next to you is Miss Su. The role of the two of you is very important. It is not too late. If you are interested, you can go and play against her. !"


As the two of them were talking, the door next door suddenly opened!

Su Lingyu, wearing a long skirt, actually walked out!

At the first sight of Jiang Fan, the two of them were stunned at the same time!

Zhang Wentao looked at Jiang Fan, then at Su Lingyu, his eyes fluttered like an engine!


Zhang Wentao suddenly covered his stomach!

"It seems, I just had a stomach trouble eating seafood! Mr. Shui, I'll go to the bathroom first, then, Miss Su! You guys are all right!"

Zhang Wentao ran away after speaking!

Jiang Fan and Su Lingyu looked at each other, the atmosphere, for a moment, was a bit embarrassing!

In particular, I told Su Lingyu that I would never participate in the show before, this time it is really a slap in the face!

"Mr. Water! See you again!"

Su Lingyu suddenly grinned at Jiang Fan!

What a nice view!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and immediately smiled!

"Miss Su, I lost!"

Su Lingyu was taken aback, admiring Jiang Fan even more!

So calm, this kind of mind is by no means comparable to ordinary people!

"Mr. Water, don't tease! It is Lingyu's blessing to be able to play with you!"

Jiang Fan was also startled!

Also an exquisite Su Lingyu!

"By the way, Mr. Shui, you haven't read the script yet? The filming will officially start tomorrow. Would you like to come to my room for the right scene?"

Su Lingyu, take the initiative to send out an invitation!

"Good too!"

Jiang Fan nodded, and went directly into Su Lingyu's room!

"Huh? Yu Rui is not there?"

"Today is the last night to relax. I asked her to go out to play with the crew!"

Su Lingyu said, handing Jiang Fan a script!

Jiang Fan took it, flipping through the pages almost continuously, and put down the script in less than a minute!

"Mr. Water, you should take a closer look!"

Su Lingyu frowned slightly, and Jiang Fan couldn't even understand Jiang Fan's wandering like this!

"No need, I already remember it!"


Su Lingyu was stunned!

"Probably, it means the invasion of a foreign race. The heroine general Hongling was ordered to be in danger and defeated the foreign race in Qinhuai. However, the other party has three masters sitting in town. There is no one in the Kuching dynasty! The other side is going down, and the Kuching dynasty is in danger!"

"At that time, the imperial dynasty talked around in secret to inquire about the masters who could check and balance the masters of foreign races. In the end, even though they were found, they found that the identity of the other party was actually exhausted by the descendants of the loyal ministers who died of injustice!"

"The Kuching Dynasty sent people to ask Changjin to come out of the mountain over and over again, but they were all slaughtered by him! Hearing about this, Hongling took the initiative to ask Ying, and went to invite Changjin to come out of the mountain!"

"The two entangled a lot, and Chang Jin was finally persuaded to kill three foreign grandmasters outside the imperial city! It's a pity that he has already run out!

"The emperor of the Kuching Dynasty hinted that Hongling would assassinate Changjin at this time! Hongling had long been secretly attached to Changjin, but the king's fate was hard to break, and at this time, Changjin was unable to get out!"

"Hongling made a heartfelt appeal to Chang. They parted and kissed and slept together for a night! The next day, Hongling walked out of the camp alone and disappeared since then!"

"Eighteen years later, a young man turned out to be born and nailed the Kuching emperor to death on a dragon chair with a long sword!"

Jiang Fan smiled when he finished speaking!

"The story is probably like this. Although the script is simple, but the lines are obviously refined after several rounds of thoughts, and they can be regarded as fine works!"

Su Lingyu was stunned!

Fake, fake?

That script, full of hundreds of thousands of words!

Unexpectedly, just flip through it and remember everything?

"By the way, the twenty-seventh game, the long third line, is too imposing! If you change'Er and other foreign races, in my opinion, they are all native chickens and dogs, you can't stand a blow' to'Er and other foreign races. In my opinion, they are all ants. The effect will be better!"

This guy, actually, really, remembered everything!

Su Lingyu's eyes widened and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"I, I, Mr. Water, I'll go to the bathroom!"

Su Lingyu's heart was beating, using this excuse, he ran to the bathroom to relieve his emotions!

Jiang Fan just smiled easily!


At this moment, Su Lingyu's exclamation suddenly sounded in the bathroom!

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