God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2012: Jingle Bell! Seven days!

Dining with the Pope is definitely not pleasant.

The food is too watery!

It's bread sausage, plus a bowl of soup!

The birds are almost fading out of Jiang Fan's mouth!

But the only difference from the previous one is that Cronus's feeling for Jiang Fan is obviously different.

Before, he was mostly indifferent to himself, but now, there is a little more of friendliness, no, not only friendly, but even a little respectful.

Jiang Fan barely finished the meal, and immediately left.

Cronus, at the direction of the Pope, kept sending him to the door.

"Mr. Jiang, you will be baptized in the morning the day after tomorrow, so you'd better move in early tomorrow night."

"Can't you live?"

Jiang Fan has a thought right now, as far as he can get away from the Pope!

"Ha ha."

Cronus smiled:

"It's okay, as long as it doesn't delay time."

"That's good, what else should I pay attention to?"

"It's nothing, Archbishop Clarence should be with you all the time, and he will remind you what to do."

"Okay, thanks, I have the opportunity to invite you to eat Chinese delicacies."

"You are polite."

When Jiang Fan left the bedroom, he realized that Mike was still waiting at the door.

However, unlike before, at this moment Mike looked at Jiang Fan with a trace of fear.

Being able to dine with the Pope is a privilege that the Big Three have never had!

It is enough to prove how much the Pope attaches great importance to Jiang Fan!

If this situation continues, I am afraid that the Bright Council at that time will be more than just the Big Three!

It is very possible that Jiang Fan will be another big man second only to the Pope!

"Mr. Jiang."

Mike bowed slightly and greeted Jiang Fan with a smile on his face.

"You haven't left yet?"

"I have to send you away, of course I have to wait for you."

"Okay, let's go, go back to Nicholas Manor."


The two left the holy city and just got in the car, but at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Order is coming!

"The story of the story comes from a video tape."

"In the dry well, there is a source of pain hidden."

"She is a real evil spirit, or a tortured puppet..."

"Tingling bell~~"

"Seven days!"

This introduction!

Jiang Fan only felt that his hairs were erect for a moment!

The bell at midnight!

This introduction is definitely the ringing bell at midnight!

But who is the meal for?

"Ding! Please give Sadako a warm beef soup!"

Sadako? !

Send food to Sadako?

But Sadako has obviously been brought out by herself!

How is this going?

Jiang Fan's heart is full of surprise, and the system prompts have continued to sound!

"Ding! The system prompts! This world has important information to complete the spiritual body of Sadako!"

Finish Sadako's spirit body!

From the beginning of bringing Sadako out of that world, Sadako's attributes have the "Missed Body" mark, and the system has also prompted that it can be completed, but Jiang Fan has never been given the opportunity.

Now that the opportunity is here, don't care what's going on, just send it to you!

"Stop, don't send me off!"

While talking, Jiang Fan had already rushed out of the car.

"Mr. Jiang..."

Before Mike could chase him back, Jiang Fan had disappeared on the street.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Fan had already arrived in Chinatown.

Standing on the street, Jiang Fan turned on his super-sensitive sense of smell and sucked hard!

Then his eyes lit up suddenly, and he rushed straight into it.

Soon, a beef soup shop was greeted.

"Boss, a bowl of beef soup and spicy! Come again with white wine!"


Soon the beef soup was packaged, Jiang Fan took the takeaway and went directly to the bathroom!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the ten thousand worlds is on! About to enter-"Midnight Sorrowful Bell"!"

Sure enough, it was the midnight ring!

Jiang Fan still remembered entering this world for the first time and beating Zhenzi.

Later, if it hadn't been for the death avoidance props given by Sadako, I am afraid he would have been shot headshot long ago, let alone today's achievement!

Especially the eye of fear that Sadako gave herself, it was a prop that she turned into by digging out one of her eyes!

Thinking of Sadako's pitiful appearance the second time he entered, Jiang Fan was still heartache.

But how do I complete it?

Is it necessary to give this inexplicable Sadako to... a knife?


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan had already appeared on a dilapidated street.

Obviously it is still daytime, but there is no half-person figure here, except for the calls of insects and birds, there is no human voice at all, it is almost like a ghost!

However, Jiang Fan seemed completely unaware of the weird sights around him, and instead trembled all over!

As soon as he entered this world, he suddenly felt his mind awake for a while, and there was a sound that only he could hear, like a thread being broken!

And the last time this situation appeared, it was when I entered the Journey to the West for the first time and returned to the system space!

Someone has done tricks on themselves?

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and the first person that appeared in his mind was the Pope!

Before, I didn't realize it, but now I think about it, since I entered the Holy City, my thinking has slowed down significantly. Let me put it more bluntly, compared to my previous self, at that time it seemed to have become mentally retarded!

All kinds of responses are extremely slow!

However, Jiang Fan immediately shook his head.

No, the pope doesn't have to do anything to himself. He obviously knows everything he does. If he really wants to be disadvantageous to him, he doesn't even have to do it himself!

What's more, his relationship with his parents is there, but if it's not him, who is it?

Huh? and many more!

What was the idea that suddenly came up just now?

An idea faintly floated in Jiang Fan's mind, but he hadn't waited for him to catch it!


A sound like chewing bones and bones suddenly sounded from a house not far away.

Jiang Fan frowned before he noticed the surrounding scene.

It was obviously daytime, but the entire street was covered with a layer of dark clouds, and a thin mist was floating around.

And in the mist, there seemed to be something moving.

Following this, there were waves of vague and weird whispers.

Jiang Fan turned a blind eye, looking sideways in the direction of the chewing sound.

It is a low two-story building.

The small building seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, and a doll with missing eyes was thrown at the door. The black hole was staring at Jiang Fan silently.

It seems that in the next moment, something will appear inside.

"Pretend to be a fool!"

Jiang Fan sneered, and strode towards the small building.

However, he just moved--

"Hee hee hee……"

A erratic, shrill laughter suddenly sounded from his ears!

The existence that seems to be making a sound is lying on his back!

Jiang Fan glanced sideways at his back, but continued to walk towards the small building casually.

However, just turning his head, he raised his eyebrows.

That doll without eyes, unexpectedly did not know when, had already come under his feet.

At this moment, this weird baby was raising her head, staring at Jiang Fan with her black eye sockets.

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