A terminator, actually has a human brain?

At this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly understood!

No wonder these Terminators have feelings!

He suddenly looked at a group of Terminators:

"Are you humans?"

The faces of a group of Terminators were different, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Fan were not only fearful, but more greedy.

Such a tyrannical body, if coupled with Skynet's high technology, is enough to create a true immortal body for them!

The leading woman spoke first:


She had just spoken, but Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and gave her a little bit!


An infuriating air popped, and the woman directly exploded into fragments of the sky!

Everyone's greed disappeared completely at this moment, and they all knelt on the ground screaming!

"Spare! Be spared!"

"Shut up all to me!"

Jiang Fan cried out:

"what is the problem!"

A man glanced at his companion and spoke tremblingly:

"I, we are indeed humans. Skynet removed our skeletal muscles and put our brains into the designed body..."

"Who are you guys?"

"I, we..."

The man swallowed and foamed, his eyes rolled:

"We, we were all slaves. Skynet forced us..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan sneered:

"Slave? Do you think Skynet will need a slave?"

For mechanical life, weak human beings have no value at all!

It’s okay for this person to say that he is a pet kept by Skynet, slave? How can it be!

The face of the crowd changed drastically, and the man spoke with a guilty conscience:

"I, we really are..."


Before he could finish his words, Jiang Fan had already burst out another infuriating anger, and the man's head suddenly exploded!

All the exciting crowd screamed, and a woman suddenly screamed:

"I'm speaking! I'm telling the truth!"

"We are all the original resistance army!"

"But, but Skynet's power is too strong, we are not their opponents at all!"

"In order to survive, we reached an agreement with Skynet, took the initiative to accept the transformation, and became its followers..."

Jiang Fan was expressionless:

"It's only that simple? That agreement, I'm afraid there is something else?"

The woman trembled all over, her face was gray, her lips trembled, and she hesitated for a long time before she whispered:

"Yes, yes, we told Skynet, where all the rebels are hiding..."

"Where are the rebels?"

"Dead, dead, all executed by Skynet..."

Jiang Fan took a deep breath.

Traitors, no, traitors.

In any era, there is no shortage of warriors who regard death as home, but more, it is the despicable who gave up the nation, the country, and righteousness for their own selfishness.

This group of people is the latter.

In their eyes, interest is everything.

No wonder I walked all the way and found no trace of human beings. There are people like Jackson. I'm afraid that there are no more living people on this continent.

"My lord, we, we have nothing to do."

"You don't know what life we ​​are living, we can't even eat enough!"

"Scared and frightened every day, I can't live as much as a mouse."

"Humanity has no hope. Only by relying on Skynet can we have a chance to survive!"

"And we are not for ourselves, we, although our bodies have become machines, we are still humans in essence!"

"We are continuing the seeds of mankind. As long as we are alive, mankind will not be considered extinct!"

"Yes! We are the heroes of mankind! It is we who kept the fire of mankind!"

A group of people got more and more excited as they talked, but Jiang Fan's eyes never changed at all.

He looked at this group of so-called human fires, and finally smiled suddenly:

"It makes sense..."

The crowd was overjoyed, but the next moment!

"But what does this have to do with me? I just want to kill you!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, he suddenly raised his hand!

"do not want!"


"We were wrong! Let us go!"

"My lord! Forgive me!"

A group of Terminators howl desperately!

It's a pity that there is no half of emotion in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Seeing that he was about to explode in anger, but at this moment!

A feeling of extreme danger suddenly rose from Jiang Fan's heart!



The sky above everyone's head was shining brightly in an instant, and it was as bright as a blazing sun!

Suddenly Jiang Fan raised his head, and saw a huge light curtain with a range of thousands of meters from the sky to the earth, with an indescribable terrifying speed, crashing down!

The moment he saw the light curtain, Jiang Fan's hair had already stood up!

Wind Teleport is suddenly launched!

Several Terminators looked at the light curtain blankly, their faces all over in disbelief.

"Space Railgun..."

"Skynet, why..."

They had no chance to ask any more, the next moment, the light curtain had completely enveloped the world!

The moment the light curtain fell, a group of Terminators burned the skin on the surface of the body first, and then the brain directly boiled, and then the steel skeleton melted. In the end, the entire body was not even a little dust left!

The light curtain was not hindered at all, it gasified the aircraft, and in the end, it hit the ground fiercely!

At this moment, time seemed to stand still for a moment, and then!


The land shrouded by the light curtain was instantly vaporized, and the land at the edge was like an earthquake, suddenly raising a wave of earth thousands of meters high!

Amid the deafening sound, the earth waves erupted wildly. The masonry, buildings, and remaining vegetation along the way were all destroyed and annihilated. In the violent shaking of the earth waves, they were torn on the ground. There were countless cracks with a thickness of several tens of meters!

These cracks are like twisting snakes, which have spread wildly for more than ten kilometers!

And Jiang Fan, although his teleportation was fast, he was still scratched by the light curtain!

The moment his body touched the light curtain!


The sound of water dripping into a boiling pan suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan's left arm, with the flesh and blood of the left half of his chest, was instantly carbonized!

And the powerful impact is as if a whole mountain hit him!


Jiang Fan spouted blood, and the whole person was like a small stone, being shot out from a distance!

The light curtain fell quickly, and disappeared quickly. The whole process lasted only two seconds. However, as the light curtain ended, the landforms within several tens of kilometers in the vicinity had been completely changed.

On the ground at this moment, at the location bombarded by the light curtain, there was a huge hole with a diameter of more than one thousand meters and a bottomless depth!

The huge pit keeps emitting hot steam, and the edges are full of magma flowing freely!

And beyond the huge crater, a few kilometers around has become a basin full of cracks, and outward from the basin is a fiery yellow sand that spreads over a range of dozens of kilometers and rushes into the sky.

In just two seconds of impact, this place has completely become a dead zone where no creature can survive!

The attack of this space railgun is really terrifying to the extreme!

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