God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2058: Belly silk belly silk!

Jiang Fan didn't even look at the officer, just stared at the compass.

The officer was stunned, furious!

He waved his hand:

"So arrogant, it looks like the resistance army! Get him up for me!"

"Yes, sir!"

A group of soldiers replied, and they all rushed towards Jiang Fan.

At this moment, Jiang Fan took the compass back and suddenly floated.


"Fly, fly up?!"

A group of soldiers were all dumbfounded!

The officer was the first to react, with a greedy look in his eyes suddenly:

"This kid must be equipped with the latest research and development of the Resistance Army, a single-soldier aircraft!"

"He must be a spy for the Resistance!"

"Catch him! No! Shoot him down!"

While he was talking, he had directly picked up a big spear, and suddenly aimed at Jiang Fan!

"court death!"

Jiang Fan frowned and waved his fingers!


The officer's head was directly exploded into a rotten watermelon!

at the same time!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the rebel captain officer and successfully gaining 5 karma points!"

There are unexpected gains in this particular!

Jiang Fan, who originally disliked trouble, had a direct look in his eyes!

And the next group of soldiers panicked when Jiang Fan flicked his fingers and killed the officer.

"Is this kid transforming people?"


"This kind of guy is not something we can kill!"

"It seems that he doesn't want to cause trouble, let him go!"

"Yes! We report to the peak and let them find a way!"

Both the rebel army and the resistance army have projects to transform people. The kind of guys are so powerful that they are far beyond ordinary people in terms of speed and response. Normal tanks and firearms are useless for them!

This is the first time they have seen this kind of modified person who can fly, and it must be stronger!

A group of rebels exchanged quickly, and an officer with the rank of lieutenant picked up his horn and said:

"That kid, listen carefully, go back and tell you sir, you killed Captain Stark, this is endless! We will never let you go!"

The lieutenant breathed a sigh of relief when he finished speaking.

However, when he raised his head, his eyes widened suddenly. Jiang Fan not only didn't leave, but he looked at them gloomily. His eyes didn't seem to be looking at a living person, but as if he was looking at a treasure!

The officer and a group of soldiers panicked:

"You, what are you going to do!"

"I, I tell you, our army has a good style and never kills the lonely resistance army!"

"Yes! Letting you go is our atmosphere, don't know what is good or bad!"


Jiang Fan smiled.

"Request support! Request support!"

"Fak! What kind of monster is this guy!"

"Don't kill me! I haven't bought insurance yet!"

"This is my limited edition Mikami Yua photo album! Let me go!"


The rebels' begging for mercy quickly disappeared, and when Jiang Fan flew high in the sky again, there were only ashes left in the sky!

The refugees on both sides of the street stared at this scene blankly, couldn't believe their eyes!

The hundreds of rebels disappeared in a few seconds!

That man, he, who is he?

And under a broken bridge more than thirty miles away, the two men were looking desperately at the army that was gradually surrounding them.

Both men are extremely strong, one of them has blond hair, a long and pointed chin, and a white hair band tied to his forehead.

The other has a brown mid-range model and wears a vest.

These two people are Mark and Tamar!

It's just that, at this moment, the two of them are covered in gunpowder and dust, and their broken clothes are full of blood. Even through the clothes, you can see some gunshot wounds and valgus flesh!

The two hid under the bridge, with empty magazines scattered around them.

And a kilometer away from them, the rebels with live ammunition are pressing hard!

The number of these rebels is staggering, I am afraid that there are no fewer than a thousand people. Among them, not only are tanks and planes, there are actually a few mechas, and all of them are well-made multi-type assault rifles.

"Mark, what should I do?"

Tamar looked desperate.

"have no idea…"

Mark also looked desperate.

In accordance with the command of the command, they went deep into the enemy area in order to obtain the drawings and finished products of the "metal warhead", and destroy them when necessary, so as not to let these things fall into the hands of the rebels.

Everything went well before. The two successfully blended into the enemy's hinterland through disguise, but they did not expect to be monitored by the rebels when they contacted the command headquarters, which caused the rebels to pursue and kill them.

The two were powerful and kept fighting the rebels all the way. However, after all, they were weak and they were finally trapped here.

Now they are almost out of ammunition and food, and if the enemy does not want their complete corpses and get the data on their transformation, I am afraid that a round of plane bombing could kill two people!

"It seems that today is desperate."

Tamar looked unwilling.


Mark sighed:

"It's a pity, I didn't eat a full meal before I died."

"I want something irritating!"

"Yes, it's best if it's oily and spicy!"

"There is meat!"

"What's the point of eating only meat? The offal is the best, especially the belly silk, which is fragrant and tender!"

"It's better to have some fans and so on!"

"Damn! So greedy!"

"Me too, I really want to eat!"

The two of them talked droolingly, and the rebels were getting closer!



The two looked at each other in despair, and finally installed the last full magazine on the universal gun!

"for freedom!"

"For glory!"

"For Xiaomi!"

"For OPPO!"

The two screamed in a mess, screamed and rushed out, ready to be heroic!

It's a pity that the enemy was prepared for a long time, and seeing the two rush out, they all hid behind the tank!

When the two of them emptied their magazines, they also killed a few unlucky ones, and the rebels have been surrounding them more and more quickly!

Being so close, the two could even see clearly the grim smile on the head of the bald colonel.

"Mark! Tamar!"

"You have no chance!"

"Hehehe, this time with you two, our transformation project will definitely be able to go further!"

"You Resistance Army, it's over!"

"Go! Leave the whole body!"

The Bald Colonel laughed.

"It's over!"

The two looked at each other, and both closed their eyes helplessly.

They were all wounded, they could no longer fight melee, their magazines were empty again, and there was only a dead end!

"Really, I really want to eat a full meal..."


The two were muttering, and the enemy had already rushed up!

Especially the reformed rebels of several rebels, rushing out with a grinning face, the ion dagger in their hands is about to pierce their bodies!

But at this moment!


A scream suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, the heads of those remodeled people suddenly rose into the sky!

The big bouquet of blood sprinkled, not only waking up the two of Mark, but also shocking a group of rebels!


"He is in the sky!"

"It's him! The Resistance spy mentioned by Stark!"

With the panic sound of the rebels, Mark and Tamar looked towards the sky subconsciously!

And the next moment, they were stunned!

Above the sky at this moment, a man is slowly falling, and the setting sun is setting, the brilliant light shining on the man, making him look like a **** descending!


The man opened his mouth with a smile.

"You, who are you?"

The two asked blankly.

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to you."

Jiang Fan smiled brilliantly!

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