On the wide and tall dome of the temple, a huge painting of the angel led by the **** of light was painted on it, facing the reflection of the surrounding colorful windows, revealing an unspeakable majesty and oppression.

Supporting the dome are twelve large stone pillars painted with gold and embossed with the twelve disciples of the **** of light.

In the temple, the seats used for prayer in the past have been evacuated. Among the countless bright councils, the true elites are all wearing white robes and standing respectfully on both sides.

Moving forward, there are a group of innocent children with holy faces.

After the children, there was an upward staircase, and Barkley and Gustav stood on the sides under the steps with their heads hanging down.

Going up the stairs, you are sitting upright on the throne, the supreme one, the Pope.

At this moment, the pope is looking at Jiang Fan kindly with a kind smile.

As Jiang Fan stepped into the temple, the children immediately sang hymns at the same time.

The hymn sounded, and all the believers outside the temple knelt on the ground respectfully and sang softly.

In an instant, the entire holy city was filled with singing, full of endless sacredness and solemnity.

Even the non-religious reporters couldn't help kneeling on the ground, with a holy light on their faces.

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and slowly took the first step.

On the way forward, whenever Jiang Fan took a step forward, the believers on both sides would flick their fingers once, swaying a bit of magical power.

With Jiang Fan's continuous advancement, the entire temple has become a sea of ​​light and divine power in a short while!

Especially when the sacred light was shining on it, for a while, it almost seemed to be a sanctuary descending on the mortal world!

Jiang Fan finally reached the end and stopped under the stairs.

Opposite him, it was Barkley and Gustav!

The two looked at him with different eyes.

Barkley's eyes were a little sorrowful, while Gustav was full of curiosity.

Jiang Fan did not squint, just smiled and looked at the Pope.

The pope stood up slowly, his thin body seemed to be a little taller, holding the scepter, he moved his steps, and slowly walked down the stairs.

At this moment, the hymn became more and more high-pitched, almost going through the clouds!

The pope stopped at the last step of the ladder, and then he took the scepter in his hand and gave a heavy meal!


A bang, resounding through the holy city!

All believers, including the Big Three, knelt down!

The only one standing besides the Pope is Jiang Fan!

Everyone's eyes have changed!

The Pope himself baptized the canonization, even if he is a saint, he can only kneel down!

But now, Jiang Fan is still standing!

The Pope didn't show any other expressions!

This shows what?

The meaning behind that makes even the faces of the Big Three look ugly!

The pope gave his scepter again, and finally spoke slowly:

"Lord, I enshrine you today that I am going to baptize the people before you. He will honor your teachings, always praise your name, sow your glory, and please bless him."

As soon as the pope's voice fell, a beam of incomparably white holy light suddenly fell from the sky, penetrated the dome, and enveloped Jiang Fan silently!

This holy light did not have any offensive power, but it was pure and without a trace of impurities. After shining on Jiang Fan, there was a hazy hymn!

All the believers showed extremely excited expressions. This is the blessing of the God of Light!

It proves that Jiang Fan's faith is piety, and even got the affirmation of the **** of light!

The pope smiled:

"Jiang Fan, blessed by my lord, praise his name!"

Jiang Fan slowly sang the hymn of the **** of light according to Clarence's prompt, but the pope lightly waved the scepter in his hand.


The holy water below the stage rises out of thin air and turns into a trickle, constantly flowing past Jiang Fan's body.

"Everything has a schedule, and everything in the world has a schedule."

"A time to live, a time to die; a time to plant, a time to pull out what was planted; a time to kill, a time to heal; a time to tear down, a time to build; a time to cry; a time to mourn; a time to dance; a time to throw stones, a time to gather stones; a time to embrace , A time not to embrace; a time to seek, a time to lose; a time to be conservative, a time to abandon..."

Accompanied by the pope's soft recitation, the flowing water has circled the river for a week, and finally all gathered behind him.

The pope suddenly floated slowly, and his right hand lightly pressed on Jiang Fan's forehead:

"I came to the world as light, but anyone who believes in me does not live in darkness, Amen!"


As the last word of the Pope fell, the holy water behind Jiang Fan suddenly exploded into countless crystal lights!

At the same time, he only felt a tremor in his back, and then!


The robes behind Jiang Fan tore, and unexpectedly stretched out two huge wings that were extremely radiant and incomparably white!

This is not the condensed wings of the holy light, but the real holy wings of angels!

"Praise my lord!"

A group of believers trembled all over, and suddenly shouted wildly!

But Barkley's eyes widened, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief!

Holy Wing? !

The holy wings of the holy descending!

How could Jiang Fan have Saint Wings!

Jiang Fan himself was also covered in circles, he could feel that this holy wing did exist, but he couldn't move it at all, it looked more like a decoration.

Is this stuff a ghost of the Pope?

And at this moment, the whole holy city is full of screams of believers!

The voice of "Praise my lord" has penetrated the sky, almost covering the entire city of seven hills!

The pope wore a playful smile that only Jiang Fan could understand:

"Praise my lord! Send miracles! Bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Jiang Fan, you are a saint of our lord, shepherd on behalf of our lord, and sow the glory of our lord!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"Observe the oracle of my lord! Amen!"

As his voice fell, the two wings behind him suddenly turned into countless dazzling lights!

This holy light suddenly rushed out of the temple, spreading far away, and the entire holy city shining brightly!

The light lasted for a quarter of an hour before it slowly dissipated.

Clarence spoke at the right moment:

"Your Majesty, please take your saint's crown and get up and sow glory for the disciples of our lord!"

The following group of council members also followed up:

"Your Majesty and Crown, please spread the glory!"

The pope nodded and walked out of the temple slowly, followed by Jiang Fan.

A carriage had been prepared outside the temple gate, and four horses were all white and there was not a trace of variegated horses standing quietly in front of the carriage.

The pope slowly got into the carriage, and Clarence was about to order the carriage to move forward, but at this moment, the pope suddenly spoke:

"Come on the saints too!"

Clarence's faces changed drastically!

No matter how noble the saints are, the pope is the mortal embodiment of the God of Light!

Jiang Fan followed along in the car, what's the matter?

"His Majesty…"

Clarence was about to speak, but the pope's eyes fell.

Clarence closed his mouth immediately.

Jiang Fan hesitated for a moment, and finally got into the carriage.

The four horses stepped forward and slowly walked out of the holy city. After the carriage, countless believers stood up and respectfully followed behind the carriage.

Seeing that there was no one else around, Jiang Fan finally couldn't help it.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing? Are you unruly?"

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