The ceremony came to an end, and the pope took Jiang Fan back to the bedroom alone.

The remaining three giants glanced at each other, and Gustav suddenly spoke:

"Mostima came out today. I am afraid that the reason behind it should be checked carefully."

Barkley's eyes were gloomy:

"Naturally want to check!"

A smile hung from Clarence's mouth:

"Your Majesty has toiled for a day. It's better for us to discuss this kind of thing in private. Why don't we go and see near the Pantheon?"

The three of them said they wanted to investigate this matter, but everyone knew that they just wanted to find an excuse to leave the holy city and talk about Jiang Fan.

Canonization does not kneel, rides with the pope, enjoys the worship of believers, this kind of thing is unprecedented!

Jiang Fan's grace has completely exceeded the limit that a saint should have!

Even Clarence, who wanted to win over and cooperated with him, only had deep fear in his heart!

Up to now, if you don’t know about temperance, but instead think about using Jiang Fan, then there is a problem with your brain!

The three of them left the holy city almost at the same time.

In the palace, the pope stood in front of the window, seeming to see the whereabouts of the three through numerous obstacles.


The Pope sighed slightly.

He slowly turned around and looked at Jiang Fan behind him:

"I want to introduce a few people to you."

Jiang Fan was slightly startled:


The pope raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Fan's back.

Jiang Fan turned around and realized that there were five more people in the office that was empty when he came in!

These five people all knelt on the ground, looking at the Pope respectfully, and it was Cronus who took the lead!

However, just relying on the breath of a few people, Jiang Fan was surprised to find that among the five people, the weakest was actually Cronus!

Among the five people, from left to right, is a blond man with a weak face.

The pope spoke slowly:

"They are all my immediate family members. You have already met Cronus. For the rest, please introduce yourself to the saints."

The first one from the left is a thin, blond man holding a scripture, his voice is gentle:

"See below, my name is Michael."

The second is a beautiful woman, she is tall, full of explosive power and indifferent tone:

"See below, my name is Gabriel!"

The third one is actually a smiling child, almost the same as the 13th!

It's just that his eyes are as cold as ice. If Gabriel is just a cold temperament, then this little boy has a coldness in his bones, and he speaks softly:

"See below, my name is Raphael!"

The fourth man has a majestic figure with a beard, his body is covered with dense scars, and his voice is full of urns:

"See Mianxia, ​​my name is Wulie!"

The names of these four people were all taken from the blazing angels under the seat of the **** of light!

The pope spoke softly:

"Cronos was originally a member of the guard, but he wanted to help me deal with too many things, so he was removed, but the guard has always been managed by him, and you can mobilize them through Cronus at any time in the future. "

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Although he couldn't see where these four people had reached, he knew with his butt, they were definitely the small group of people at the pinnacle of this world!

Now that the Pope actually gave himself the right to mobilize them?

If he didn't look alike at all, Jiang Fan would even wonder if he was the illegitimate son of the Pope!

This is such a special treatment, it is simply!

"Your Majesty, you still think about it, I..."

Some benefits can be taken, but if the benefits are too great, then you have to weigh yourself, is it worth it?

Jiang Fan was about to refuse, but Cronus had already spoken first:

"I will follow your majesty's oracle, and I will serve the crown as your majesty in the future!"

The four people behind him also spoke in unison:

"I will follow your majesty's oracle, and I will serve the crown as your majesty in the future!"

The Pope’s Guard will never question any pope’s order, no matter how absurd it is!

Jiang Fan couldn't say what he refused.

The Pope waved his hand, and several people disappeared before Jiang Fan out of thin air just like when they came.

Jiang Fan was stunned for a while, and then he looked at the Pope:

"Your Majesty, why are you..."

"Cough cough, cough cough cough..."

Before he finished speaking, the pope coughed violently.

Jiang Fan was about to get him a glass of water, but at this moment, the pope suddenly spewed a mouthful of red blood!

Then he took the wicker chair and gasped violently.

Jiang Fan's expression changed, and finally he just patted his back lightly.

The pope took a few breaths:

"I'm running out of time. I can give it to you. Of course, I will try my best to give it to you... It's okay, I just vomit blood."

Jiang Fan could no longer hold his breath, and while supporting him to sit on a wicker chair, wiping blood stains from the corners of his mouth, he spoke softly:

"I'll help you, I can help you renew your life!"

"Continue life?"

The pope was startled, then patted his head lightly:

"Yes, when you were in Gaul, you did use such a method, I forgot."

"Then you agree?"


The pope smiled and shook his head:

"My lord is calling me, if you continue to procrastinate, he will be unhappy."

Jiang Fan frowned and wanted to persuade him again, but the Pope had already turned his head and looked out the window:

"Look at those green grasses, even if late autumn is coming, you move them into a warm room, but one day, they will still wither. This is the law."

"Everyone is born and destined. It is a definite number for me to become a pope, and a definite number for me to die."

"This world has been working like this from ancient times to the present. Even the sun will go out one day. Can you make me longer than the sun?"

Jiang Fan was silent.

The pope slapped his hand:

"Little guy, I'd rather you come and see me more when you have nothing to do. Every time I see you, I can think of her... the camellia at that time, it was so fragrant..."

As the pope said, slowly closing his eyes, his breathing gradually eased.

The old man muttered to himself and fell asleep.

Jiang Fan stood up slowly, gently put a blanket on the Pope, and then walked out of the room silently.

After leaving the holy city, Jiang Fan did not return to Nicholas Manor, nor did he leave for Huaxia. Instead, he came to the seaside and stared at the sea under the setting sun.

The Pope's open-mindedness and wisdom for life and death have never felt greater for him.

In a sense, Jiang Fan and the Pope are a kind of people, and they are not afraid of life and death.

Jiang Fan is no longer a mortal in the normal sense. If he doesn't want to die, he can hide in a similar world and never come out.

There is neither a strong enemy in the real world, nor does it have to worry about the crisis of job transfer.

But Jiang Fan could never do that kind of thing.

But he and the Pope are not the same kind of person.

The Pope was calmly faced with life and death, and even chose to embrace death fearlessly, but Jiang Fan wanted to use his fist to smash a way out of life in the shadow of death!


He let out a long breath.

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

"System! Let's...Four revolutions!"

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