God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2080: I need you to kill me!

Jiang Fan's expression was full of joy of being appreciated, and he continued to speak:

"But my lord, although there is a trap, as far as I know, the **** of death is just using the space barrier to transfer the real Kuza Town. As long as the barrier pillars are destroyed, the real Kuza Town will reappear. !"

Lan Dian frowned slightly, obviously a little fuzzy:

"What do you mean?"

"My lord, my idea is very simple!"

Jiang Fan looked flattering:

"Now that we are prepared, we can break the enchantment pillars at the moment we enter the trap and hit them by surprise!"

"At that time, the real Kuzacho will appear, so many humans will show up, and the **** of death will inevitably be afraid to make a move. For us, it will be a good thing!"

Everyone is a little bit stunned.

Lan Dian opened her mouth slightly and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

You have such a lot of things, isn't it still the same as Lao Tzu's original plan!

Good guy, you have said so much about feelings before, all special is nonsense!

However, although his heart was unhappy, Jiang Fan unexpectedly returned the incident, and for a while, Lan Ran's murderous intent disappeared!

He nodded slowly:

"That seems to make sense."

"Thank you, my lord, for the absurd praise!"

Jiang Fan looked happy!

But Sal Apollo panicked!

It's not good news that Jiang Fan is appreciated by Ai Dye!

This means that Neutra must have a fight with Jiang Fan. If that guy dies, he will definitely be ruined!

"My king! This Jiang Fan actually let you and us enter the trap, obviously it is unkind! I absolutely cannot agree!"

On the seventieth edge, the tall black Zomari also followed:

"My king, what Sal Apollo said is right, this Jiang Fan's suggestion is not advisable!"

On the twentieth blade, Skeleton Great Balegang looked particularly gloomy:

"I suggest to look for the location of the real Kuzacho directly. Reaper's captain Motoyanagi Yamamoto is powerful, if he is there..."

Lan dye frowned:

"I have my own way of dealing with that old thing."

Jiang Fan nodded repeatedly:

"What the lord said! The current space barrier should still be in the process of being created. Even if it has been completed, when we suddenly appear, we can catch them by surprise!"

"My king! Don't listen to him! We..."

Sal Apollo wanted to continue, but Aizen waved his hand impatiently:

"No need to say it again!"

Sal Apollo was stunned!

What's the special situation!

Lan Ran has always had amazing wisdom, how could he listen to this person and take the initiative to dive into the trap?

He didn't know that this was originally Aizen's plan!

As Aizen spoke, the expressions of Bailergang and others clearly flashed through a haze.

Lan Ran looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes:

"It is imperative to attack Kuzacho, but what I am curious about now is, who are you on earth?"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, using the sound transmission method, slowly said a name—

"You Habach!"

Aizen's pupils shrank suddenly!

He suddenly understood.

Although Jiang Fan had rounded up his words before, it was very in line with his wishes, but after all, he was from the standpoint of Ai Ran!

If Lan Ran puts herself in the position of the real lord of the virtual circle, for example on the former lord of the virtual circle, Bailigan, you will find that Jiang Fan is obviously going to lose both the virtual circle and the **** of death!

And there is only one who hates these two forces at the same time—


And Uhabach is the ancestor of the Quincy!

However, there are very few people who know this name!

With this name alone, Lan Ran has no reason to doubt Jiang Fan's identity!

Jiang Fan lowered his head:

"My lord, the later you leave, the more prepared the **** of death will be!"

Lan Ran took a deep look at Jiang Fan, and didn't hesitate:

"Notify all troops, ready to go!"

Everyone was stunned!

I didn't expect Lan Ran to actually listen to Jiang Fan's words!

There is no doubt!

This strategy, everyone knows, is absolutely stupid to the limit!

Balegang still had to speak, but Lan Ran gave him a deep look.

Balegang squeezed his fist tightly, and finally did not speak.

Jiang Fan spoke again at this moment:

"My lord, the virtual circle can't be guarded by no one, you might as well leave a few more people."

Aizen smiles:

"Who do you think is appropriate to keep?"

"Since both Sal Apollo and Zomali think it is a trap, let them stay."

Sal Apollo's face suddenly changed!

But before he could speak, Ai Ran nodded:


Sal Apollo trembled all over!

There is only one thought in my mind, it's over!

At this moment, Aizen spoke again:

"Bailegang, you stay too!"

Balegang was taken aback.

Jiang Fan's expression also changed:

"My lord, the first forty blades have to follow you to fight the **** of death, stay here..."

Lan dye looks down on Jiang Fan:

"do you have any opinion?"


Jiang Fan's expression was ugly to the extreme, but in the end he just forced a smiling face:

"no comment."

Ai Ran looked at Balegang:

"Once things here are completed, rush to the world to join us as soon as possible!"

"Complete", the tone he said is particularly strong!

Balegun's eyes lit up suddenly, and he bowed slightly:


Lan Ran gave Jiang Fan a mocking look, and finally stood up slowly!

And while he stood up, in the void behind the throne, a huge space door had been opened!

Blue dyed head slightly sideways:

"Neutra, accept the challenge!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had already walked into the space door first!

Ichimaru Gin glanced at Jiang Fan with a weird look, and then asked Dongxian to join him, followed closely behind.

The remaining ten blades also followed in one after another.

At the same time, in the Xuye Palace, various subordinate officials' positions and space gates have also appeared one after another, and the most elite troops in the virtual circle have all stepped into the world!

With the closing of the space door, in this huge hall, apart from Jiang Fan and his party, only Saar Apollo, Zomali, Neutra, and Balkan are left!

Neutra sneered coldly, and finally stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

At this moment, Nilu in Jiang Fan's arms also turned her head. When she saw Neutra, she suddenly showed a look of fear, and her hands firmly grasped Jiang Fan's collar.

"Brother Jiang Fan..."

Jiang Fan patted her head:

"Don't be afraid, it's just a trash fish."

"Miscellaneous fish?"

Neutra's face was gloomy:

"Boy, you have to pay 10,000 times the price for your arrogance!"

He shook his right hand, and a huge sickle had suddenly appeared!

However, at this moment, Balegang suddenly took a step forward and directly stood in front of him!

Neutra was taken aback:

"Bailegang! What are you doing? Are you trying to prevent me from killing him?"

Before Balegang could speak, Jiang Fan smiled:

"You are wrong, he is not trying to prevent you from killing me, he is trying to kill me!"

At this moment, there is not even a bit of the ugly look on his face before!

Balegang felt vaguely wrong:

"You knew I wanted to kill you?"

"No, no, no!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"You were all wrong at the beginning, Byregon, my cutest skeleton emperor, it's not that you want to kill me, but that I need you to kill me!"

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