God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2088: I have a hostage in my hand!

After Airan finished the ten-blade chafing, he also used the power of Bengyu to make the only modified chasing!

That is Wanda Wise!

This amazingly powerful Daxu was deprived of language, consciousness, knowledge and reason, but it was exchanged for a unique ability-flame absorption!

His name is the prince of the fire extinguisher!

And the reason why Aizen created him is to deal with the fierce fire of Yamamoto Motoyanagi!

It's just that the existence of Wanda Wise has always been a secret. Except for Sal Apollo, who helped Aizen make the transformation, even the entire virtual circle knew of his existence!

But Jiang Fan actually knew!

Sal Apollo was all over cold, how much does Jiang Fan know?


Sal Apollo suddenly remembered that when everyone was watching the scene before, Jiang Fan seemed to disappear for a while. Could it be that at that time, he was visiting the Palace of the Night and then found Wanda Wise?

But now is not the time to consider this question!

Sal Apollo agreed and immediately crushed what looked like a snail shell in his hand.

The function of this thing is to wake up Wanda Wise!

He was about to open the space door over there, but Jiang Fan spoke again:

"Also, don't forget Fowler! That's the most important thing!"

Fowler, it was in the original work that appeared with WonderWise, WandaWise's pet, that one-eyed faceless behemoth that can spit out a lot of Kylian!

Jiang Fan actually even knew him!

Sal Apollo trembled and immediately activated a certain setting on the glasses.

In fact, Ai Ran had already made the arrangement. Even without Jiang Fan's order, Ai Ran had a way to wake up Wanda Wise and Fowler and bring them to the world. Jiang Fan just advanced this matter!

At the same time, on the screen in front of everyone.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi trapped Aizen with one move, and then rushed in the direction of Ten Blades!

But at this moment!


Above the sky, a crack suddenly opened!

Immediately afterwards, a young man who looked like Da Xu, with a one-eyed monster as huge as a mountain, suddenly rushed out of it!

These two big emptiness are Wanda Wise and Fowler!

The two had just appeared, and the huge Fowler had already spit out a hurricane against the flames enveloping the blue dye!


The moment the hurricane blows, the flames of Motoyanagi Yamamoto’s burning city have disappeared completely!

A few people in Lan Ran have already escaped!

Yamamoto Motoyanagi's complexion changed suddenly!

Ai Ran who broke out of the envelope also frowned, and Wanda Wise's appearance was obviously much earlier than expected.

Is it that Sal Apollo found himself trapped and made his own claim?

In this case, the virtual circle is fairly stable, but why didn't Balegang appear with it?

He was still wondering, but Wanda Wise suddenly let out a harsh roar!

All the death gods are covering their ears!

At the same time, Fowler suddenly opened his mouth, spitting out countless Kylian Daxu!

All the faces of the gods of death have changed!

Although these Kylian Daxu are not as powerful as Shattered Faces, they are such an exaggerated number that once they burst out and flash together, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

Yamamoto Motoyanagi's face sank. Now that Airan has gotten away, it's obviously not the time to kill the miscellaneous fish, but to deal with him first!

With a movement, Yamamoto Motoyanagi has already rushed towards Aizen!

As for the sudden appearance of Wang Daweisi and Fowler, as well as those big emptiness, he has no longer cared about it!

But at this moment!

There was a flash of light on the screen, and then, several people dressed up as avant-garde, old and young, suddenly appeared on the side of the **** of death!

The leading man, with long blond hair and a beret, was actually the captain of the fifth division team, but he was calculated by Aizen and escaped to the present Hirako Mako!

The Rapture Legion has actually arrived!

These people had just appeared, and they had already rushed towards the Kylian Daxu that Feller spat out!

The battle between the two sides was once again balanced!

Kuchiki Byakuya looked at Jiang Fan with a gloomy expression:

"Are you planning to let us pass?"

Jiang Fan's expression remained unchanged:

"Wait, it's almost."

Everyone frowned, wondering what Jiang Fan was waiting for.

And at this moment, the situation in the picture changed again!

Yamamoto Motoyanagi actually used his body as a bait, and took Aizen's knife. Then he grasped Aizen's arm and started to use his horrible abilities!

For a time, within a few miles around the two, there were all terrifying flame tornadoes!

However, at this moment, Wang Daweisi suddenly launched the sword, and then took a big mouth, actually swallowing all the flames of Yamamoto Motoyanagi!

Immediately afterwards, he continued to attack Yamamoto Motoyanagi with heavy punches!

The faces of Kuchiki Byakuya who watched the screen changed drastically!

"Jiang Fan! Open the space door immediately!"

This time there is no need for Jiang Fan to threaten, they can't help but rush into the battlefield!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"hold on."

"What are you waiting for!"

Geng Mu Jian Ba ​​Zhan Po Dao pointed at Jiang Fan:

"Open the space door now!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"What's the use of you threatening me? I have hostages in my hands. Be obedient, wait a minute."


Several people clenched their fists.

And at this moment, the situation changed again!

Yamamoto Motoyanagi unexpectedly performed physical skills, and Wanda Wise was given a second in two strokes!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, Wanda Wise's body suddenly swelled up!

Even the positions of the eyes, ears, mouth and nose burst out with amazing flames!

He had absorbed all the flames on the Zanpo Sword by Yuan Liuye before, but now that he is dead, these flames will inevitably erupt!

And the flame power of Yamamoto Genryuye is so amazing, once it bursts, the entire enchantment is bound to be destroyed!

Even the real Kuraza Town will be affected and turned into a scorched earth!

The old man couldn't care about the others anymore, and suddenly rushed towards the body of Wang Daweisi!

next moment!


On the screen, a raging flame soared into the sky, covering a full range of one kilometer in diameter!

This is because Yamamoto Genryusai used his body to block ninety-nine percent of the explosive power, otherwise it would only be this explosion, not to mention the entire enchantment space, even the real Kuzacho would have to be destroyed!

However, after suffering such a terrible impact, Yamamoto Motoyanagi was also completely severely injured, and his whole body was scorched, and he could only look at Airan unwillingly.

In the original book, he could have issued Ninety-Six Podos, but now, he doesn't even have that strength anymore.

And Ai Ran slowly pulled out his Zanpaku Knife with the smile of the winner.

Kuchiki Byakuya and others were all stunned!

Looking at the picture in front of him incredulously.

At the same time, Fowler, who was as huge as a mountain, was blasted through his head by the Masked Legion, and the huge corpse fell directly to the ground!

And seeing that Moto Ryuye Yamamoto was about to bury Lanran's subordinates, at this moment!

When the light and shadow flickered, there were a few more people in front of Yamamoto Motoyanagi!

These people are surprisingly Kisuke Kamahara, Yoichi Shikaedinin, and Ichigo Kurosaki's father, Kurosaki Isshin!

"It's finally here!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and abruptly stood up from the throne:

"Sal Apollo, open the space door!"


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