God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2093: Seven times the power! Evolution, start!

Everyone was taken aback.

Lan Ran's face sank even more!

But Jiang Fan actually took out the Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

Lan Ran sneered:

"Very well, I have understood the gap, you still have the courage to strike a sword against me!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"you are wrong!"

He actually hit his head with a backhand sword!

"Come on!"

A strand of Jiang Fan's hair was directly chopped off while the sparks were splashing!

Everyone looked dumbfounded!

What is Jiang Fan doing?

But Jiang Fan kept on hand, actually "dangdangdangdang" started to shave his head!

While shaving his head, he smiled and looked at Ai Ran:

"Your abilities are indeed terrible. I am afraid there is no way to change someone else, but me, I have at least three ways to deal with your 卍卍!"

Lan Ran was slightly startled, but then sneered:


Jiang Fan didn't care:

"Do you remember Dongxian asking for it?"

Lan dye frowned:

"What's the meaning?"

"It's very simple. Your Jinghua Shuiyue actually has no effect on one person. That is the blind **** of death. Am I right?"


"And in the same way, your **** is the same!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had completely shaved himself into a bald head!

The forehead shone brightly, facing the sunlight from the sky, like a small sun.

Jiang Fan put away the Shuiyu Zimu Sword, his hands were suddenly facing his temples, and at the same time he smiled and said:

"Your solution is that only what you see can become reality, but what if... you can't see it?"

Ai Ran was startled.

next moment!


A dazzling light that was countless times more dazzling than the nuclear bomb that Jiang Fan detonated before, suddenly burst from Jiang Fan!

In an instant, the entire Void Night Palace was like a scorching sun falling to the ground, and even the entire virtual circle could see this dazzling light!

This trick was surprisingly obtained by Jiang Fan from Dragon Ball World, Sun Fist!

[Sun Fist]: Activating this skill will instantly produce light like the sun, directly causing the enemy to enter a short-term blind state!

Weakness: Sunglasses!

Note: If this skill is used with a bald head, the effect will be doubled!

Among the Dragon Balls, even Frieza was temporarily blinded by this move, not to mention Aizen!


Aizen's eyes are completely dark at this moment!

Swastika ability is already self-defeating!

And Jiang Fan had already pulled out the Universe Bow in an instant!

At the same time, an ice enchanted arrow is attached!

Then an arrow shot!

At the same time, he rushed towards Lan Ran frantically!

Although Lan Ran couldn't see, but just listened to distinguish the position, he suddenly shot, grabbing the arrow with one hand!

And before the ice attribute on the arrow erupted, he had been directly shaken to pieces!

"Jiang Fan! You look down on me too much!"

Lan Ran suddenly roared, and was about to rush towards Jiang Fan!

However, at this moment, he was shocked to find that he was actually frozen!

[Bound Arrow]: This is from the Perfect Continent, the feather clan ability that is good at bow and arrow!

Remarks: When a bow hits an enemy, it will have a restraint effect on the enemy. The stronger the opponent, the shorter the restraint time!

At the moment when the Bound Arrow hits, you can only passively defend, and you can't dodge it at all!

The time for Bound Arrow to hold Lan Ran was almost only a short time, but in that little time, Jiang Fan had already arrived in front of Lan Ran, and the red mist-shrouded fists blasted Lan Ran's chest fiercely!

"Seven times! Accumulated detonation!!!"

Before that, Jiang Fan's highest shot was only six times, but now, it has actually doubled!

At this moment, Ai Ran only felt his scalp numb, and suddenly let out a miserable cry!



A loud noise!

A wave of air that almost resembled a nuclear explosion broke out in an instant!

With Jiang Fan as the center, the ground cracked and the rubble was floating in the air. As soon as these rubbles floated, they were completely destroyed by the burst of energy into powder!

The air wave swept around like a hurricane, first the stone pillars of the main hall shattered one after another, and then the surrounding walls broke and collapsed!

Finally, with a loud noise, the air wave suddenly broke through the shackles of the Xu Ye Palace, and suddenly roared out!

In the past, the Xuye Palace, which pierced into the sky and covered an area of ​​more than two kilometers, was completely shattered and exploded into ruins in the midst of this loud noise!

The surplus of the shock wave continued to destroy nearby annex buildings, and countless boulders fell, causing the entire ground to tremble crazily like an earthquake!

Countless earth and rocks splashed, smoke and dust overflowed, almost rushing to the sky!

Sal Apollo's luck was so good that he was blown out of the Palace of the Void by a hurricane before, and his glasses seemed to have good functions, and he actually restored his eyesight.

Floating far in the air, looking at the scene in front of him, he almost didn't bite his tongue in shock!

so horrible!


The power of Jiang Fan's punch was so exaggerated!


Is he really a human?

At this moment, the violent wind blowing in the center of the explosion suddenly revealed the scene in it!

I saw Jiang Fan standing on the ruins with a face of indifference, and opposite him, Lan Ran's entire upper body was almost wiped out in ashes, leaving only a **** spine, barely connecting the remaining half of his head!

The current Lan Ran is simply miserable to the extreme, and a jade gleaming with blue and black light is suspended in front of him!

This thing, it was the half-life experience of Kisuke Kamahara and Aizen, plus hundreds of deaths, and countless souls, that finally took shape, Bengyu!

Jiang Fan grabbed Bengyu, then threw it back!

"Bailegang! Destroy it!"


In the splash of rubble, Balegang had suddenly drilled out of the ruins, and then grabbed Bengyu!

In his hand, a decayed flame burst out suddenly, enveloping this prop!

"do not……"

Sal Apollo in the distance stretched out his hand with a heartbroken expression!

That's Bengyu!

This is actually going to be ruined!

However, he reacted immediately and closed his mouth tightly!

Here, there is no qualification for him to speak at all!

The reason why he is still alive is that he is still useful to Jiang Fan now!


Accompanied by the burning of the decaying flame, Bengyu exuded a very strong spiritual pressure, constantly fighting against the burning of the decaying flame!

Even gradually, its appearance started to change, and a layer of spiritual power was formed on the surface!

Jiang Fan frowned!

The reason why he wanted to subdue Bairegang is certainly because of his strong combat power, but the main reason is to use his terrible and decayed power to destroy Bengyu!

The collapse of the jade is immortal, even if the blue dye is now turned into fly ash, it is useless!

Although I knew that it would never be so easy to destroy this thing, I would not be reconciled if I didn't try it!

But he didn't expect that the strength of Bengyu was so high that even Balegang's decadent power would be helpless for a while!

Jiang Fan's face sank, and he was about to help Balegang to make a move!

But at this moment!


Lan Ran's remaining eye was already staring at Jiang Fan.

at the same time!


Bengyu, who had been firmly grasped by Bailergang, suddenly escaped and plunged into Aizen's spine!

next moment!


On Lan Ran's broken body, a large mist of spiritual power spurted out in an instant!

In just an instant, Lan Ran turned into a huge aura pupa!

Evolution has finally begun!

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