
There was a loud and deafening noise in the air!

Both of them were blown out by the air wave!

But shortly afterwards, Lan Ran's figure flashed, and he rushed to Jiang Fan again!

The Zanpodao in his hand is even more powerful, and once again slashes towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan once again held up Zanpodao, and at the same time raised his finger!

A mocking sneer appeared at the corner of Lan Ran's mouth. It was actually the last one, and a white thunder and lightning at his fingertips instantly enveloped Jiang Fan's body!

Break the Road Fourth, Bai Lei!

Jiang Fan trembled all over, as if being paralyzed by lightning!

And Lan Ran's right hand Zhanpei Dao swung again, Jiang Fan would have to use two swords!

It's just that he just raised his hand, only to find a sneer in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Passive attribute: lightning resistance 20℅!

The thunder and lightning paralysis of No. 4 is useless to him at all!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan's left and right shoulders suddenly stretched out his two heads, and an extremely fierce mental shock hit Lan Ran directly!

In the state of three heads and eight arms, Jiang Fan can choose to maintain the normal invisible form after opening, or he can choose to release the complete state of three heads and eight arms at any time!


Under the powerful mental impact, Lan Ran's head suddenly leaned back!

Jiang Fan held up the sword in both hands and slashed down suddenly!

However, Lan Ran was about to be hacked, and a huge golden gas shield appeared in front of Lan Ran in an instant!

Jade collapse skill-single shield!


Although Jiang Fan's sword smashed the air shield into pieces, Lan Ran had already recovered from the mental shock!

The Zanpodao in his right hand suddenly moved upward!

At the same time, he didn't know when his left hand was aimed at Jiang Fan's chest and abdomen, and the light flashed on it!

Break the road thirty-three, fall into the blue fire!

A white flame burst into the sky suddenly, and it was about to hit Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly stretched out two arms under his ribs, and instantly turned into a diamond-like shield!

Limb alienation!

At the same time, Jiang Fan opened his mouth suddenly!

A group of bright blue light suddenly blasted out!

Atomic breath!

Aizen's pupils shrank!

The red line between the eyebrows suddenly opened a gap!

There was a flash of light in the gap, and a black light suddenly burst out, directly blocking the breath of atoms!

next moment!

Canghuo fell and Atomic Breath almost hit the opponent at the same time!


The flames of the explosion carried countless splashes of ion current into the sky!

The sky within a few miles of it seemed to have been bombarded like a nuclear explosion, and the heavens and the earth changed!

In the center of the explosion, Jiang Fan and Lan Ran all flew upside down, being thrown away far away!

Just looking at the state of the two, it is obvious that none of them have suffered any real harm!

The few people who watched the battle from afar were stunned!

The two of them fought faster than lightning just now, no matter who they are, even if they suffer an attack from both sides, they will only turn into fly ash!

But the two of them made so many moves in a row!

Such a rapid response and strain is beyond the limit of imagination!

Lan Ran has Bengyu in hand, so powerful can be explained, but Jiang Fan can reach this level!

too strong!


The two people in mid-air were obviously still being flung away by the blast, but they were still on the way, and both of them disappeared in an instant!

Everyone was taken aback!

And the next moment!


Where the explosion was in his heart, two figures appeared at the same time!

With a flash of light from the sword, the two actually fought together again!


The explosion of swords and swords is almost like Hong Zhong Dalyu's constant ringing!

The ground under the two of them shuddered constantly in the impact of vigor!

And the force that accompanied the two shots was getting stronger and stronger!


On the earth, more than a dozen fierce cracks that looked like an abyss were actually forced out!

"Asshole! Asshole!!!"

Lan Ran became more and more angry, the strength of this Jiang Fan was actually more powerful than he thought!

"Die me!!"

Ai Ran suddenly roared!

The Zhanpakukō suddenly swung down!

Jiang Fan's right-handed fighter suddenly moved up!


Furious energies burst out, and a small hill at the feet of the two of them was suddenly blown to pieces by oppression!

In the dust, Jiang Fan's left hand suddenly waved towards Lan Ran's chest and abdomen!

"Do you want to flash again?"

Lan Ran's face sank, and a disc-shaped purple flame appeared in his left hand for an instant!

Destroy fifty-four, abolish inflammation!

However, before Lan Ran's move was issued, Jiang Fan's left hand was empty, but a long sword surrounded by green light suddenly appeared!


Pure Yin Jian Qi!


As soon as the waste inflammation in Lan Ran's hand erupted, it was completely destroyed by the pure Yin Jian Qi on Mo Xie's sword!

And Mo Xie's sword had already slashed towards Lan dyed waist!

Lan Ran's pupils shrank, and her wings trembled, directly blocking her sides!

According to the strength of Jiang Fan's power, although this sword is abrupt, it will definitely return without success!

But the moment his wings touched the blade!


There was a bang!

Lan Ran's whole person was actually smashed away by Jiang Fan's sword!

After retreating hundreds of meters in a row, Lan Ran stabilized his figure, and he just blocked Mo Xiejian's wings, and was actually broken into pieces!

Lan Ran lowered his head and glanced at the crack in his wing, then looked at Jiang Fan coldly:

"You even hide your strength!"

Jiang Fan smiled:


Ai Ran was very angry and laughed back:

"Okay! Very good! But just like this, you are equally as dead!"

As his voice fell, the broken position on the wing had actually healed intact as before!

At the same time, the red line on his forehead has been completely opened, revealing a jet black eyeball!


In an instant, Lan Ran's breath rose again!

But there was no surprise on Jiang Fan's face, instead, a sneer was sketched out at the corner of his mouth:

"Who told you I only have this? I hide more than so much!"

The corner of Aizen's eyes twitched!

But Jiang Fan's hands suddenly joined together, and he had already smashed Gan Jiang Mo Xie in one place!



A roar!

The two magic soldiers actually rose out of thin air, and the light was brilliant!

With the dazzling light, even Lan Ran subconsciously blocked his eyes!

Until the light dissipated, a domineering long sword that was more than 1.5 meters long appeared in front of everyone!

The handle of this sword is more than thirty centimeters long, and the swallowing mouth is like a dragon's head. The body of the sword is covered with dragon scales, and the tip of the sword is even more like a dragon's teeth!

Just looking at it makes people feel unspeakable heart palpitations!

[Hualong]: Combine the sword with Mo Xie

Grade: Epic

Attack power: indestructible


Purple Qi from the East: You can draw the purple Qi into your body, so your strength soars!

The supreme kindness is like water: The supreme kindness is even softer than water, which can form a blessing sword aura around the host's body!

Tip: The combined sword ability lasts for up to three minutes, and it will draw a large amount of the host's vitality!

Remarks: After six years of breaking through the dust of the Emperor City, the water in the Tianchi will be scaled off in one day!

As soon as Jiang Fan grasped Hualong, the next moment!


His vitality turned out to be like burning, and it started to flow like crazy!

In just an instant, ten years of vitality has disappeared!

And with these vitality being swallowed by the long sword, a force that was terrifying to the extreme, but like a replacement, suddenly rushed into Jiang Fan's body from the hilt!


At this moment, Jiang Fan's body gushed with purple qi, and it seemed to rise more than a meter high like a flame!

"Lan Ran! You are dead!!"

I have a cold and it is a bit heavy. I will make up for what I owe.

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