God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2102: What's the situation with this Nima?

Just feeling Lan Ran's breath at the moment, Jiang Fan only felt bitter.

too strong.

Even if the gene riot is started again, it will definitely not be Aizen's opponent.

This time, I'm afraid...

A light flashed in Jiang Fan's hand, and an item had already appeared.

This is the reward drawn for the first transfer task. According to the system prompts, the chance of it appearing in the transfer award is only 1%.

[System Disciplinary Exemption Card]: Due to the perfect performance of the host in this mission, the system will reward this item! If the host fails to complete the task, he will be exempt from punishment!

As long as this item is used, Jiang Fan will be able to avoid this job transfer mission without any loss, wait for the three worlds, and start all over again!

For a long time, this prop has been the source of his confidence in the job transfer task, and it is a real trump card!

But... do you want to use it?

They have already reached this last step. Seeing that the success fails, it is really, not reconciled!

At this moment, Lan Ran in the sky was slowly looking at his hands, as if he hadn't noticed Jiang Fan at all.

Or in other words, Jiang Fan at this moment is no longer worthy of his attention.

After a long time, Lan Ran suddenly raised his hand and tapped it towards the distance!

A bright purple light suddenly erupted from his fingers, spanning a range of dozens of miles, and suddenly fell onto a barren mountain!

next moment!


A dazzling purple light suddenly sprayed out from the barren mountain, and immediately before Jiang Fan's eyes, the space where the barren mountain was located suddenly exploded, and everything near the barren mountain was swallowed up by the broken void in an instant!

Lan Ran's casual blow actually surpassed Jiang Fan's nine times the power!

Jiang Fan looked bitter and couldn't fight anymore.

As soon as he moved his hand, he would use the system punishment exemption card, but at this moment, Lan Ran's sight suddenly fell on Jiang Fan.

At this moment, he looked at Jiang Fan as if he looked at an ant that could be crushed to death at any time!

"Human, kneel down to avoid death!"

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, his eyes gloomy.

"You want me to kneel?"

The blue dyed face has no expression:

"Are you a human being, shouldn't you just worship the gods?"

Jiang Fan's eyes gradually became indifferent:

"Do you think you are a god?"

Lan Ran overlooked Jiang Fan, his eyes high, just like a real god:

"I have completely surpassed the **** of death, surpassed Daxu, surpassed everything in the world, I am not a god, what am I?"

"Human, I can smell the smell of fear emanating from your body."

"You know very well that I can destroy you at any time!"

"Kneel down! Repent to me! Make atonement for me!"

Jiang Fan was silent.

Fingers are constantly rubbing the disciplinary exemption card.

After a long time.

He suddenly smiled:

"Remember, I said, I still have three hole cards."

Lan Ran, who had almost lost his emotions, suddenly had a heartbeat for no reason.

The system punishment exemption card in Jiang Fan's hand has disappeared, and it is replaced by a tube of blood glowing with a mysterious luster!

Heavenly Protoss bloodline!

[Heaven Protoss Blood]: Gold level!

Explanation: Inject this bloodline, the host can use any forbidden move belonging to the heavenly gods except for the serpent!

Additional status: God blood runaway!

God blood runaway: The host can enter a state of madness by burning blood, and in the state of madness, the strength will be explosively improved!

Remarks: Kill the serpent to get a higher level of the blood of the heavenly gods!

"Originally, I didn't plan to use these three hole cards, because even if I failed this time, with these three things, next time, I still have a 90% chance of passing the level!"

"It's a pity, you have to say that you are a **** before me."

Jiang Fan held this tube of blood and slowly pointed it at his neck.

At the same time, a crazy smile suddenly appeared in his eyes, staring at Ai Ran firmly:

"Lan Ran, you may not know one thing yet, what I like to do most in my life... is to slaughter the gods!!"

Lan dye's face suddenly changed!

next moment!


The blood of the gods of the kingdom of heaven is suddenly injected!

At the same moment, Jiang Fan’s ancestor tyrant's lineage, originally stated that he had a combination of lineages, had another attribute—

Bloodline burns!

[Bloodline Burning]: You can use the ancestor tyrant virus to burn out any bloodline, exploding the energy in it at once!

This move is exactly the last skill of the tyrant bloodline that Jiang Fan activated when his opponent was simulating!

At the same time, Jiang Fan did not hesitate to start the gene riot again!


Almost for an instant, Jiang Fan's skin healed had cracked again!

Aizen's heart beats hard!

Jiang Fan's genetic riot brought him too strong a shadow in his heart that he could no longer control it, and suddenly raised his hand!


A bright purple light suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

Even with bloodline burning and genetic riots, Jiang Fan will definitely not be able to withstand his attack head-on!

Just as the purple light burst out, a giant tank over three meters high suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Metal Slug SV-001!

Special attributes: the moment the chariot is summoned, the chariot cannot be destroyed!


With the golden light flashing on the chariot, it suddenly blocked Aizen's attack!

At the same time, a shining staff appeared in Jiang Fan's hand!

This thing is exactly the new legendary item, the Staff of Light!

Lan Ran panicked!

Although he didn't know what it was, he absolutely couldn't let Jiang Fan use it!


Lan Ran couldn't take care of the others anymore, her figure flashed, and she suddenly arrived in front of Jiang Fan!

However, he hasn't waited for him to do it!


Between the two of them, there suddenly appeared a hideous monster two meters high, with flared fangs, and blood flowing on the four hooves!

Demonize Nightmare!

Even Aizen, seeing this item suddenly appeared, couldn't help but be shocked!

The point is that in the eyes of this monster, there is still a bit of helplessness, a bit of grief and anger, vaguely, and there is actually a bit wronged.

Ai Ran was startled again, but he reacted immediately!

Cut it with a hand knife!


The moment the hand knife struck the monster, Lan Ran was shocked to find that there was a kind of relief in this guy's eyes!

What's the situation with this Nima?

And the next moment!


The demonized nightmare beast has suddenly exploded into a handful of black smoke!

The unlucky knife-stop beast turned into a road-blocking beast, but the fate was exactly the same.

However, at the moment the nightmare beast exploded, Jiang Fan had already plunged the light staff into the ground abruptly!

Lan Ran's pupils shrank, and a finger was placed on Jiang Fan's forehead!


The dazzling purple awn broke out!

The space seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and then, countless earth wave air currents madly scattered!

Go straight to the sky!

At this moment, the position of the two of them is like detonating a star!

However, with the collapse of the void, this endless earth wave airflow was swallowed up in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, an amazing picture suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

Ai Ran still maintained the posture of tapping his fingers, but his eyes at the moment were full of disbelief!

Just because he was opposite him, Jiang Fan was still standing there!

The corner of his mouth is full of ridicule!

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