God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2107: Crazy transfer rewards!

As the prompt sounded, the experience slot of the True God's Blood draw value suddenly jumped!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly:

"Really compressed a lot..."

If it is a normal change, at least these rewards will have to be changed to a legendary lottery, and there may be more than one!

However, when converted into the value of the True God's Blood Draw, it has only reached the gold level.

But this is also expected, after all, the acquisition of the blood of the true **** is too difficult.

Then Jiang Fan looked at the rest of the rewards that the system hadn't issued yet.

It is estimated that it has something to do with being smashed by Jiang Fan. Most of these rewards are the ability to solve or return to the edge. Jiang Fan clicked on a few of them, and the remaining ones gritted their teeth and closed their eyes, and they all fell into the True God again. Among the blood draw value!

There was only one chance to inject the lottery value, and I took it all out!

It must not be wasted!

With the injection of the rest of the rewards, the draw value jumped again and finally entered the legendary stage!

And as long as you upgrade twice, it is the moment to witness the artifact!

Jiang Fan is looking forward to it, and the rest of the rewards are officially released!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining Nilu's affection—Xu Xian Duo!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the sixtieth blade Grimjoo and successfully obtaining the bandit against the membrane!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Shigekuni Yamamoto, the captain of the 13th team of the Guardian, for successfully obtaining-Flame Immunity (Advanced)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Kurosaki Ichigo, and +1 for the Reaper Transformation Phase!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Kisuke Kamahara and successfully obtaining the black cloak!"

"Ding! Because the host's completion of this mission has exceeded the extreme value, the system will award a Legendary exclusive lucky draw!"

Exclusive draw?

Jiang Fan looked at the explanation, and immediately became excited!

Normal lottery draws can only be randomly drawn from items such as props and equipment.

Even if Jiang Fan had bargained with the system before, he only randomly selected a certain item of props or equipment.

But this exclusive lottery is different. For example, Jiang Fan can first select the item of props, and then make a request, the system will automatically generate something similar to Jiang Fan's selection.

If you are lucky, it is almost as tailor-made!

The gold content of this lottery can be imagined!

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands, not in a hurry to draw a lottery, but looked at the rewards first.

He just picked these final rewards randomly after seeing the name before, but he didn't know the specific attributes.

[Xu Shan Duo]: I am a cutie who likes hide-and-seek!

Attribute: Learning this skill can absorb an enemy energy attack and return it doubled!

Note: This ability can definitely hit the opponent, but it cannot be used continuously!

Damn it!

Amazing skill!

This first reward directly made Jiang Fan grin.

Don't say anything, just learn!

Followed by the next one!

[The Bandit Against Film]: It was invented by the great scientist Airan, and used to punish his subordinates with ten blades.

Remarks: Use this item to exile your opponent to another dimension in an instant!

Another good thing!

[Fire Immunity (Advanced)]: The blade is like a fire...Oh!

Note: From now on, all flames of Legendary level and below will not be able to harm you!

This is almost as expected. With Tianhe Yuyi, Jiang Fan is now immune to fire and water!

[Black Hidden Cloak]: Another great scientist Kisuke Kamahara's triumphant invention!

Type: auxiliary equipment

Grade: Legendary

Attribute: Put on this cloak, any existence of Legendary level and below will not be able to feel your breath!

Remarks: Zhennai is a good helper for spying on intelligence, killing people, and traveling at home!

It is worthy of the optional props, one is more powerful than one!

Jiang Fan couldn't close his smiling mouth.

And with the appearance of the death transformation stage +1 that Kurosaki Ichigo burst out, Jiang Fan's death transformation skills also changed.

【Death of Death】: Powerful attack technique!

Grade: Gold-Legendary (+)

Type: Three-stage transformation

Attributes: In this state, the psychic type will not be able to get the physical damage save, and the damage to the psychic creature will be doubled!

Initial Solution: Mandate of Heaven (Half-Completed State)

Swastika:? ? ? (Call your real name to release)

Blur:? ? ? (Further liberation after swastika)

Tip: The mystery of 卍jie is hidden in a line of poetry.

Note: This is a rare segmental transformation skill, and there seems to be a further possibility.

The previous description was only a technique, but now it has become a power attack technique!

And this type is purely aggressive. In the third stage, it is definitely more powerful than the auxiliary transformation of the elementary lotus phase!

Also, no wonder the Destiny Beginning Solution has no ability to appear, it turns out to be only in a semi-completed state!

And if you count the abilities, the plasticity of this technique is too strong!

Jiang Fan had never taken death seriously before, and now it seems that he has to think about it.

Next, is the legendary exclusive lottery.

Regarding this reward, Jiang Fan has actually never thought about what to choose, so he just saved it directly.

And at this moment!

"Ding! The fourth transfer reward screening is completed, now officially issued!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

No matter how good the previous reward is, it can only be regarded as an addition!

And what is coming now is the real highlight!

"Ding! Please select four items as rewards from the following list!"

"A: The current total attributes have increased five times!"

"B: One million causal points!"

"C: General ability point +1!"

"D: Zanpaku knife-Jinghua Shuiyue!"

"E: Scarlet central axis!"

"F: The soul-calling bell!"

"G: Legendary suit components!"

"H: Ghost Road 1~~100!"

"I: Bengyu!"

"J: Demi-artifact fragments!"

Looking at this long list, Jiang Fan almost fainted without happiness!

They are all good things!

The first option is a critical strike!

All attributes increased five times!

Three turns is still three times, and four turns actually becomes five times!

What is it so cool?

And Jinghua Shuiyue!

Ai Dye's mirror flower water moon!

The key is that the I option turned out to be Bengyu!

Bengyu was exploded!

But the last one is even more exaggerated!

Demi-artifact fragments!

Don't worry about the "half" in the front of this thing, the next two words are genuine "artifacts"!

Jiang Fan clutched his head and took a few breaths, then stabilized his mind and looked at it the same way.

Needless to say the two terms of AB.

[Universal Point +1]: Choose this reward to raise any abilities, bloodlines, techniques... by one level!


Jiang Fan's eyes widened!

This...this thing, if you use it against an ability, then your own wind system's ability will definitely produce an unimaginable qualitative change!

And if it is used against the bloodline of the ancestor tyrant, then this bloodline can directly become an epic!

too exaggerated!

Forced to stabilize his mind, he looked at the next one again.

[Zhan Po Knife-Mirror Flower Shuiyue]: Choose this reward, you can have a double Zan Po Sword system, and have all the functions of Mirror Flower Shuiyue at the same time!


Jiang Fan's heart is pumping again!

Double Zhanpaku Knife System!

The key is one of them, or Jinghuashuiyue's ability to guard against the sky!

One flashed in Jiang Fan's mind, carrying a pair of knives, cutting all the way from Causeway Bay to Tsim Sha Tsui!

It's worthy of a transfer reward, it's crazy!

With such extreme excitement, Jiang Fan finally looked towards the fifth item.

In the next moment, he seemed to be poured with a bucket of ice water, and his excitement was completely dissipated!

Staring at this thing, Jiang Fan almost gritted his teeth:

"Fuck...you want to lie to me!"

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