With this alone, Bengyu is already worthy of epic quality!

This attribute is simply tyrannical to the extreme!

Jiang Fan forcibly suppressed his excitement and continued to look down.

2. Overspeed regeneration: As long as one cell survives, Bengyu can make the host regenerate overspeed!

Tip: This ability can only be used once per level!

This is one more life for every level up!

3. Energy Squeezing: Completely extract all the evolutionary energy of Bengyu at one time, and upgrade to three levels in a row! (Unable to break through the epic level)

Note: During the energy squeeze, the speeding rebirth will continue to take effect!

Tip: Use this ability to collapse the jade will completely disappear, and during the transfer task, this ability will be suppressed!

Note: This is a plug-in!

Upgrade to three levels in a row!

In other words, as long as Jiang Fan reaches the twenty-first level, and then uses this ability, he can reach the twenty-fourth level in an instant!

Twenty-four real level!

Jiang Fan gently stroked this piece of equipment, and after a long time, finally burst into a wild laugh of extreme excitement!

Too tough!

This is definitely the most powerful equipment I have obtained since I got the system!

That big idiot Lan Ran, such a good thing, was actually regarded as a one-time-use item by him!

Without a word, Jiang Fan directly pressed Bengyu to his heart!

next moment!

This piece of equipment has been completely integrated into Jiang Fan's body. At this moment, Jiang Fan has an extra eye in his heart!

"Reaper World, this is just a job change, so if there is another order next time..."

Jiang Fan was greedy.

Slightly stabilize the mood.

Next is the general point!

Common points can be added to the exercises, or to the abilities, aspects, or bloodlines.

Choosing one of the three is another tangled problem!

Although the three-point return to vitality is strong, but the grade is only Gold+ after all, the wind power is further, and it seems that there is not much meaning, the law...

Being a godson, there is always a chance for improvement.

From this point of view, it is more cost-effective to add to the pedigree.

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate, and directly added this general point to the lineage of the ancestor tyrant!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan's already extremely tyrannical body suddenly skyrocketed again!

And the attributes of the new ancestor tyrant's lineage are also greeted!

[Ancestor Tyrant Bloodline]: It is the beginning and the end.

[Grade]: Epic+


[Cell Control]: The host will master the power of the cell, and can quickly recover from any injuries including limbs, or make it reorganized according to the host's intentions!

[Tyrant Will]: The ancestor tyrant virus will multiply and burn wildly, releasing amazing combat power!

[Gene Riot]: The host can use the virus to disintegrate the gene lock and gain combat power that breaks the limit!

Solemn reminder: This ability is extremely risky and must be maintained within three minutes!

[Bloodline Combination]: The evolved tyrant's bloodline can perfectly fit any bloodline and make it further optimized!

[Bloodline improvement]: The host can use the ancestor tyrant virus to optimize and improve any bloodline that does not exceed the epic level +, and has a certain chance to improve its essence!

[Bloodline Burning]: You can use the ancestor tyrant virus to burn out any bloodline, exploding the energy in it at once!

[Remarks]: Will you become a superman or a monster? This is the famous tyrant virus! Its beauty can only be known by personal experience!

The overall bloodline seems to have not changed much, but the duration of the gene riot has reached three minutes!

The bloodline burning has also become more perfect.

The reason why this skill was developed by Jiang Fan was entirely because of the battle against Hu Yulu in the second round.

At that time, Jiang Fan chose to inject the Spider-Man bloodline, but after the First World War, the Spider-Man bloodline was actually burned by the T virus!

So when the opponent was simulating, Jiang Fan tried to burn his blood with the ability of genetic riots, and it turned out!

And after the blood line burns, the blood line combination no longer only requires low quality to be injected!

In other words, even if you are of a higher bloodline, you can continue to inject yourself!

For example...Super Saiyan blood! Even Frieza's lineage of the Universe! Even the monkey bloodline of the mythical world!


Does the monkey have blood?

Stone monkey blood?

Forget it is not important, in short, the possibility of the future is too great!

The key is that an extra skill, bloodline improvement!

I still have a few lines of blood in my hand, but those **** of Curtis have been with him for too long, one is better than the other, they are waiting for a good product, and no one wants to inject!

But with the improvement of pedigree, you can optimize it yourself, even if this group of **** don't want it, you can give it to the backbone of the selection!

The most important thing is that with this skill, everyone in the future will be able to acquire the right pedigree!

This ability is simply a weapon to build the team!

Jiang Fan was almost lacking oxygen with a smile at this moment.

This time the loss of the job transfer was huge, but the gains were even greater than imagined!

Put away all the rewards, and then, it's the real time for improvement!

Jiang Fan looked at the backpack, and the current causal points totaled more than 5.8 million.

"Should be enough..."

Mumbling, Jiang Fan first began to improve his qi!

"System! Improve your vitality by three points!"

"Ding! It takes 524,520 causal points to upgrade this technique to the fourth level. Does it increase?"

More than half a million!

Although Zhenqi is the most powerful thing, it simply burns money!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth:


"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Three points return to the current level of vitality-the fourth level!"


In an instant, the meridians in Jiang Fan's body desperately expanded, and his true energy skyrocketed wildly!

If the previous level of infuriating energy was a vast ocean, now it has become a starry sky!

And with the success of the upgrade, Jiang Fan's already viscous zhenqi in his body was completely transformed into water in an instant!

Real gas is liquefied!

A cultivator who enters the fifteenth-level golden pill stage will also have a liquefied and condensed pill of true essence, but although the difference between true essence and true qi is only one word, they are two completely different energy bodies!

The liquefied true energy only represents one thing, the passive generation of water, the realm of heaven and man!

At this moment, Jiang Fan headed Baihui, stepped a spring, and the acupuncture path opened by itself, suddenly and automatically swallowed the vitality emanating from Jianmu, and with this heaven and earth vitality, Jiang Fan floated up for no reason, as if to ride the wind. Go!

Jiang Fan laughed, actively closed the acupoint, and then looked at the supernatural power!

"Ding! The current level of the ability is 19, and it costs 300,000 karma points to upgrade to the next level! Do you want to continue?"

Three hundred thousand!

Eighteen to nineteen is only 90,000, but now it actually costs 300,000!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host! The ability reaches level 20!"

For a moment!

Jiang Fan's whole body suddenly turned into a breeze!

If he could only feel the wind before, now he is the wind!

at the same time!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's ability to reach level 20! Successfully comprehend-the realm of wind!"


The realm of the Western energy system!

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