God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2117: Exclusive world function!

Jiang Fan's face changed.

Jiang Fan has given full authority to the Zhou family's affairs to Uncle Zhong. According to Uncle Zhong's character, he would never make such an unwise move against Chen Yu's family!

But now, there is such a situation!

If there is a problem in only one place, it can be explained as an accident, but the simultaneous occurrence of such a situation in Yezhou and Peicheng can only prove one thing——

There is a big force behind it!

The wealthy families in the capital have seen their own methods, and also know the meaning of Jiang, Chen, and Yu's joint representation, absolutely not daring to pick the fruit!

However, the hermit family style and the fish family are now facing the threat of heaven and are overwhelmed!

But if these forces are removed, who else would dare to do something?

God asks?

This is impossible. Although I don't know what Tianwen is going to do, with their strength, if they have ideas about property, I am afraid that the wealthy family would have been wiped out by them!

Who else?

Could it be that there are other forces in China that you don't know?

Inexplicably, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Jiang Fan squinted his eyes slightly:

"Do you know where the other party came from?"

Chen Qingxuan shook his head:

"I was afraid of misunderstanding before, so I didn't check it."

"Check! Be sure to check it out! Patriarch Chen, Yezhou and Peicheng are adjacent. If the other party can take over the industries of the two at the same time, it must be very powerful. Now the situation has just stabilized, and we must not let people come out and add more variables!"

"Okay, but since the other party dared to do this, he must have a great deal of support. The capital has just happened, and the master of the Chen family needs to sit in the capital..."

"I understand that I will let the masters of the Jiang family accompany me during the investigation. Please don't worry about the Chen family master!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

"House Master Chen is polite!"

"Oh, one more thing..."

Chen Qingxuan's tone suddenly became a little weird.

Jiang Fan didn't think so much:

"Clan Master Chen, please speak."

"That, Chen Ling..."

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and he suddenly laughed twice:

"Haha, Patriarch Chen, I'll be back to the capital in a few days, why don't we have a face-to-face meeting?"


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan suddenly got upset.

Even if he did Aizen again, he didn't want to face these emotional things.

Shaking his head vigorously, Jiang Fan walked directly into the restaurant.

After a meal, he immediately entered the system space.

There are two more prizes waiting for yourself!

The space of the system after maintenance is broader, and there are dots of stars above the void, as if there is an extra layer of stars.

Below, the Zen garden is full of life, and further away there are piles of messy things such as the Altar of Solomon's Key collected by Jiang Fan, the coffin of the God of Darkness, and so on.

And everything is looming in the strong heaven and earth vitality sprayed by Xiao Jianmu.

Jiang Fan looked at its root system, only to realize that seven or eight out of ten fragments of the star core had been absorbed, leaving only a small piece of it.

"It's really edible."

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

And the voice of the system suddenly sounded!

"Ding! The exclusive world function has been opened! Please make your own inquiry for the host!"

"Ding! The host has an exclusive legendary lottery that hasn't been activated. Do you want to draw now?"

"Ding! The host has an epic lottery that hasn't been activated. Do you want to draw now?"

Jiang Fan laughed:

"Save the exclusive draw for now, and start the epic draw!"


As Jiang Fan spoke, a roulette wheel emitting a rich orange light suddenly appeared!

Compared to the legendary level, there are more options for the epic level lottery!

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands with excitement. This is the first time he has performed an epic lottery draw!

Stabilizing his mind, Jiang Fan suddenly turned against the roulette!

As the roulette turns slower and slower, it finally stops in the item column!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Secret Treasure-the secondary world treasure map!"

With the sound of the decent reminder, Jiang Fan had an old sheepskin scroll directly out of his hand!

The parchment scroll seems to depict the route, but a layer of light makes the picture extremely blurred, and it is difficult to see what is drawn on it.

Jiang Fan is a little confused, the treasure map?

This thing is not clear at all, how to use it?

He looked towards the detailed introduction.

[Secondary World Treasure Map]: This treasure map contains the most precious treasures in a secondary world!

Item grade: epic!

Instructions: Using this item, the host will randomly enter a certain sub-world, follow the instructions of the treasure map, and obtain amazing treasures!

Tip: Finding treasures may be easy or difficult, so you'd better lead a team to act together.

Team size: twenty people.

Remarks: The reward value must be higher than the value of the treasure map. Opportunities and risks coexist. Please use it with caution.

Jiang Fan was silent for a long time before he slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

All his thoughts fell on the remarks-

The reward value must be higher than the treasure map value!

In other words, the grade of the treasure is at least Epic+!

The greater possibility is a semi-artifact!

Even an artifact!

Jiang Fan treasured this treasure map with great care.

According to system rules, the greater the reward, the greater the risk!

Although this thing is good, it is not time to use it yet.

Rubbing his hands, Jiang Fan looked at the exclusive world function again.

[Exclusive world function]: Use a world as your home field, you can carry out any behavior such as development and transformation, and you can enter and leave at will, and you have the permission to bring out the world's output!

Damn it!

Upon seeing this explanation, Jiang Fan was stunned!

If the previous secondary world treasure map, the treasure behind it is likely to be a semi-artifact, then the value of this exclusive world function itself is equivalent to the artifact!

It's so awesome!

This is simply treating the whole world as one's own back garden!

This kind of benefit is beyond words!

However, continuing to watch, Jiang Fan froze directly!

Opening instructions: Five million causal points are required to open for the first time!

five million? !

Now I have a lot of money on my body, only four million one hundred thousand!

And they haven't upgraded Lu Bu yet!

Lu Bu and the others now only have eighteenth level, and to upgrade from eighteenth level to nineteenth, they need a full 300,000!

Nineteen to twenty is a full 500,000!

A person rises to twentieth level is 800,000!

And Lu Bu and the five of them, plus compound and coral, a total of seven together, that is a full five million six hundred thousand!

It's not really counted as Sadako No. 2 yet!

Sadako 2 is now the same as when she brought out Sadako for the first time, only level 1!

The cost of rising to level 20 in one breath, I can't even think about it!

More importantly, if you want to improve the strength of the backbone of the selection, you must continue to do the portals of the trial. The golden portals, one is 30,000, and you have to recharge it!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and scratched his head in pain!

Money, money!

Especially when it's not enough!

Must make money as soon as possible!

Forcibly suppressing the trouble of lack of money, Jiang Fan continued to watch.

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