Apart from other things, the history of meteorites enveloping bone jade is almost as long as one billion years, and even if there is a fall, it may have been smashed hundreds of millions of years ago.

Hundreds of millions of years of geological changes, if you want to find another piece, it is no different than reaching the sky!

Jiang Fan nodded:

"It's also a clue, thank you very much."

"You are polite, but if you really want to look for it, you can start in the Sahara Desert. According to our calculations, if there are really the same meteorites, the chance of appearing there should be the highest."

"okay, I get it."

The next two chatted for a while.

Frank deliberately to please, he actually told some secrets that few people know.

It was a little dark until he left.

Dylan came to Jiang Fan:

"My lord, according to your personality, how could you let it go so easily? Don't knock more?"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Freemasonry and Solomon's Key are not the same organizations. Those who play politics are much dirtier than us, so we should try to get as little as possible with them."

"Yes, I see."

"Get ready, after dinner, I have to see the Pope."


After dinner was over, Jiang Fan had just walked out of the villa's door and found that Mike had already been waiting here.

Jiang Fan got on the car, the car left Nicholas Manor and immediately went straight to the holy city.

The Mike in the car reported in detail the situation of taking over those industries in the afternoon, but Jiang Fan seemed a little absent-minded.

Jiang Fan didn't react until the car came to the gate of the holy city.

However, as Jiang Fan stepped into the holy city one step at a time, Jiang Fan was unexpectedly unreasonable, and a murderous intent appeared again!

Jiang Fan frowned, what's the matter?

This was the case before, this killing intent was unprovoked, it was really strange to the extreme.

Is there anything else in the holy city?

He suppressed the killing intent and followed Mike all the way to the pope's palace.

As for the location of the gate, Cronus had been waiting here for a long time.


Cronus first saluted Jiang Fan respectfully before introducing him into the bedroom.

But the way forward is not the office, but the dormitory of the pope.

As Jiang Fan pushed open the door of the bedroom, the scene inside suddenly came into view.

The Pope’s bedroom was as large and empty as the office.

In the southeast corner of the room, there is a huge old carved wooden bed with a thick velvet mattress, while the pope is covered with a quilt, leaning on the head of the bed, closing his eyes and resting.

Compared with yesterday, the Pope's expression turned older and older, even if Jiang Fan came in, he didn't even open his eyes.

Jiang Fan's heart trembled, walked slowly to the head of the bed, and spoke softly:

"His Majesty?"

The Pope slowly opened his eyes, and his turbid eyes looked at Jiang Fan for a long time before he showed a smile:

"So you are here, sit down."

Jiang Fan's heart trembled again, and the pope's eyesight seemed to be bad.

He sat down on the stool next to the bed, and the pope slowly stretched out his thin palm and grabbed Jiang Fan's big hand.

"Child, are you leaving here?"


Jiang Fan barely smiled.

The pope laughed heartily:

"Haha, good going, good going, it won't take long here, I'm afraid it should be messed up."

"Your Majesty, you are still here, it won't be messy."

"When I was alive, those little guys were not honest, let alone I am about to die? But you, since you are leaving, don't come back in a short time."

Jiang Fan held the pope's dry hand with his backhand:

"I only walk for a few days, and after these few days, I will come back to see you."

"No, you don't want to go back..."

Jiang Fan's eyes were firm:

"Relax! No matter what you are, no one can hurt me."

The pope stared at Jiang Fan for a while, and finally nodded:

"Let Michael and the others accompany you."

"No, just do something small."

Jiang Fan rubbed the pope's dry palm, and suddenly spoke again:

"Your Majesty, let me help you—"

The Pope shook his head slightly. Although he didn't speak, Jiang Fan couldn't help but stop.

After a long time, he sighed:

"wait for me."

"Hehe, go ahead."

The Pope patted Jiang Fan's hand lightly:

"Help me cover the quilt tighter, I'm going to go to sleep."

Leaving the bedroom, Jiang Fan's heart was heavy and unspeakable.

Pope, the lamp has run out.

The fire of his life will be extinguished at some point.

Is this generation of legends about to end like this?

Jiang Fan walked hard, walking out of the holy city step by step.

However, just walking out of the door, a blond young man suddenly greeted him:

"The saint is crowned! Please stay."

Jiang Fan glanced at him:

"What's up?"

"Captain Gustav would like to invite you to dinner."

"Tell him, I have eaten."

Jiang Fan kept walking.

However, the young man sneered, his face full of confidence:

"My lord, the commander of the legion has said that it is a matter of your majesty's safety, you'd better think about it."

Jiang Fan suddenly stopped, turning his head and staring at the young man!

The young man felt that he was being watched by a giant dragon for a moment, and he sat on the ground in a cold sweat!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth:

"This last sentence, did Gustav say, or did you add it yourself?"

"Yes Yes…"

The young man trembled all over.

Jiang Fan said with a cold voice:

"Disrespect to your majesty, you should kill!"

The voice just fell!


A figure suddenly flashed behind the young man!

In the next moment, his entire body had ignited a pure white flame from the inside out, and in just half a second, the young man completely turned into a piece of fly ash!

In a place like the Holy City, there are too many manpower available for Jiang Fan, a saint to drive!

These fanatics don't care who the young people are. As long as Jiang Fan gives an order, they will certainly be relentless!

Jiang Fan kept walking and walked straight ahead.

After walking more than a hundred meters, a middle-aged man with a smile on his face appeared.

While wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, he looked at Jiang Fan flatly:

"Under Mian, the idiot just now can't speak, don't be surprised."

"Are you from Gustav too?"

"Yes, the legion commander just wants to do it for Mian, and he doesn't mean anything else. Please look at the face that the legion commander is his Majesty, and give a good look."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Do you think you guys are cheap? Wouldn't it be good if you could talk like this? You have to take the life of a fool!"

"Yes, yes, the lesson is! What do you think?"

"Lead the way."


The middle-aged beckoned, and a car drove up from a distance.

Forty minutes later, the car stopped steadily on the edge of a villa on a cliff by the sea.

Jiang Fan got out of the car, but frowned.

In the villa, in addition to Gustav's breath, there are actually two familiar breaths.

Buckley! Clarence!

The Big Three of the Bright Council are all here!

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