God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2139: Is there anything better than a prostitute?

Jiang Fan looked down.

What appears in the picture is an exquisitely crafted gold key. The key handle is engraved with a monster with green faces and fangs, and two small rubies are inlaid in the monster's eyes.

Even if he saw this key across the screen, Jiang Fan felt a sense of evil for no reason.

Li Xiuyan spoke slowly:

"Although this key looks extremely new, its age is very old after carbon 13 determination."

"In addition, the pattern on the key handle, I asked an expert, it seems to be some kind of asura image."

"In ancient Tianzhu, the Asuras have always been enemies of the gods, so there is a high probability that the ancient relics we have unearthed were created by the worshipers of the Asuras."

Jiang Fan retracted his gaze and opened lazily:

"So? This key proves at best that there are antiques under the monument, but it has nothing to do with the gods."

"No! If it was just like this, of course I would not take the liberty to bother. In fact, the last staff member said a word before he died."

"What did you say?"

Li Xiuyan took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"He's still alive."

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows.

In Korean, he is pronounced differently from her. The staff member used him before he died.

Is he still alive?

It's kind of interesting.

Jiang Fan asked:

"and after?"

"After the branch report, I sent two level 12 masters to enter, but unfortunately, none of them were able to come out. After that, I blocked the news. So far, only I know about this matter! "

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment:

"not enough!"

Li Xiuyan smiled.

Since Jiang Fan can say these two words, it proves that the talks can be continued, and as long as they are willing to talk, it means that it is only a question of money, and for her, the question of money is precisely the best problem to solve.

"Mr. Jiang has any more requirements, you might as well just say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

Jiang Fan lowered his body:

"The mobile phones of the March chaebols are not very good in China, but their sales in the world have always been good, right?"

Li Xiuyan was startled, but nodded subconsciously:

"It's okay indeed."

Jiang Fan showed a slight smile:

"Correspondingly, your data collection should not be bad, right?"

Li Xiuyan's heart jumped:

"Mr. Jiang's meaning..."

Jiang Fan picked up another wine glass on the table and handed it to Li Xiuyan:

"In the future, if someone happens to use your cell phone, and I really want to know what the other person said during the call, it must be easy for Miss Li, right?"

Li Xiuyan twitched her eyes and stood up suddenly:

"It's impossible! In case someone knows that we collect data, then--"

"It doesn't matter if you disagree, someone will agree."

Jiang Fan's eyes were peaceful, and the wine glass in his hand was about to be put down.

Li Xiuyan's hands trembled!

She gritted her teeth suddenly:

"It must not be related to politics or business!"

"Of course."

Jiang Fan smiled and passed the wine glass to Li Xiuyan again.

Li Xiuyan stared at Jiang Fan for a long time, and finally took the wine glass.

She took a deep breath:

"Also, if the other party is outside our communication network, or has other anti-monitoring methods, I do not guarantee that the eavesdropping will be successful."

"It's okay, just work hard."

Jiang Fan raised the wine glass.

Li Xiuyan hesitated for a while, and finally clinked glasses with Jiang Fan.

Both sides drank in one fell swoop.

Jiang Fan put down the cup:

"Now tell me about the immortal god, you must know him better than Li Zailie, right?"

Li Xiuyan stroked her hair lightly, and then she spoke:

"I don't know much about the immortal gods. Immortalism was formed decades ago. All communication with the immortal gods is carried out by their high priest."

"Later the high priest was killed and he predicted his return in twenty years. As a result, he was resurrected just a few years ago."

"And during this time, he has been planning a method to summon the immortal **** to this world."

"However, the spies we have installed generally cannot live long. During this time, the Immortal Sect is constantly cleaning up the interior, arresting a large number of homeless people and beggars, and even buying a lot of illegal immigrants from Southeast Asia through snakeheads. "

"According to my judgment, they did this because the Eternal God is about to come."

"It's even possible that it has come to this world."

"As for more, I really don't know, currently only the address of their headquarters."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Very well, in addition, Tianzhu will continue to inquire about it. With so much money in the Li family, it shouldn't be difficult to hire a few mercenaries to explore."

"I will."

"Well, it's not early, Miss Li, please come back."

Li Xiuyan's face moved, and she suddenly smiled coquettishly:

"Mr. Jiang doesn't want me to accompany you more?"

While she was talking, she stroked her neck.

Jiang Fan laughed and said:

"Sorry, my kidneys are not very good, and I like killing people most when sleepwalking at night. For Miss Li's safety, you should go back to sleep."

Li Xiuyan's face became stiff, she put down her cup bitterly, turned around and left.

Seeing Li Xiuyan leaving, Dylan immediately looked at Jiang Fan with hatred for iron and steel:

"My lord, is there anything better than white prostitution?"

Jiang Fan rolled his eyes:

"You know what a shit! I have a special physique right now, and I am too active. As long as I have a relationship with a woman, even if I have measures, I will definitely win the bid! I don't want her to become my **** child!"

Dylan looked shocked:

"So fierce? No wonder you never provoke a woman, my lord."

"Nonsense, do you think I'm really Liu Xiahui?"

Jiang Fan looked out the window in a daze:

"The question now is who wins the bid... Well, life, stranger, is it really him! Sleep!"

The next day Jiang Fan just woke up when Uncle Zhong called.

After hearing a few words, Jiang Fan immediately hung up the phone.

Yesterday, he sent a message to Uncle Zhong to check the news of Huaxia, and now it seems that there should be no problem. You can go back after killing the immortal god.

After washing and eating breakfast, Jiang Fan was about to go to the headquarters of the Immortal Church, but he didn't expect that Li Zailie would come over on his own initiative.

Compared to Jiang Fan, Li Zailie's desire to kill the Immortal God is actually stronger.

After all, what if his father Li Chengquan reached an agreement with the God of Eternal Life, whether he will live forever, whether he or his sister Li Xiuyeon of the Princess of Korea, don’t want to be in charge!

It's a pity that this guy didn't know that Jiang Fan had reached an agreement with Li Xiuyan long ago, and he was destined to miss the future leader.

Li Zailie personally drove Jiang Fan and Dylan to a church in Guangjin District, Hancheng.

This church is located at the foot of a low mountain, and the surrounding traffic is extremely convenient. A residential area is not far away.

The church itself is more than 20 meters high and covers an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters. The pure white walls and the cross decoration on the top are full of holiness.

But no one can think of it. Under this holy appearance, there is dirt and grime. For so many years, I don't know how many wronged souls have been buried in this church.

Here, outside is the church of the Illuminati Council, but in fact, it is the headquarters of the Immortal Church.

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